
Seeing Chu Nan's confused expression, Greymane Your Majesty laughed.

"What? Am I thinking wrong? In fact, you and Vianne Neil are really in love with each other. Do you really want to marry her? If so, then I I will reconsider."

"no no no no..." Chu Nan waved his hands again and again. "I don't want to marry Vianne Imperial Princess, nor am I in love with her, of course I am not saying I don't like her, it's just that I have someone I like, I don't want Vianne Imperial Princess to be hurt because of me, I think..."

Shocked by the opportunity that Greymane Your Majesty said, Chu Nan was incoherent for a while.

Grimmane Your Majesty looked at him with a smile, and after waiting for Chu Nan to talk nonsense, he stopped and asked, "Then tell me, do you really want this opportunity?"

"Think." Chu Nan was calm now and agreed immediately without the slightest hesitation. "My engagement with Vianne's Imperial Princess was a mistake, and I didn't want to hurt her."

"That's why you're doing this?" Greymane Your Majesty asked again.

Chu Nan was silent for a moment, gently nodding.


He didn't say much, but he believed Greymane Your Majesty clearly knew what was going on.

"It's youngster's greed." Your Majesty sighed with a smile. "But since you have shown enough ability, I will allow you to be greedy once. I promise you, I will give you a chance to have a smooth engagement with Vianne, but whether you can seize this opportunity depends on you. How to satisfy Rockamp, see what I mean?"

Chu Nan doesn't quite understand what "satisfies Rockamp", but since Greymane Your Majesty said so, he Of course, nodded agrees first.

It stands to reason that as Greymane Your Majesty, you shouldn't specifically call him just to play with him.

"Okay, let's put this aside for now. I came to you for another matter that I value more." Greymane Your Majesty turned his head and looked at it with a scrutiny. After a while, he continued: "What do you think of Pamela?"

"en?" Chu Nan startled. "Is Pamela the Imperial Princess? She...I met her in an accident, so it's...a friend."

"Just a friend?" Greymane Your Majesty's expression is a little strange . "Then tell me, what do you think of the Obliteration Core Technique she used? You helped her improve her cultivation technique and even changed her whole body, didn't you?"

"This… ..." Chu Nan hesitated.

If this question is answered in detail, wouldn't it reveal the fact that he learned about the Obliteration Core Technique through Pamela?

"No one will think you stole the Obliteration Core Technique from Pamela, so don't worry."

Your Majesty's words reassure Chu Nan temporarily When he came down, he thought about it and replied: "The Obliteration Core Technique used by Pamela Imperial Princess is not the same as the Obliteration Core Technique I have seen in the hands of other Declan Imperial Family younger generation. Relatively speaking, Pamela Imperial Princess used the Obliteration Core Technique. The Obliteration Core Technique has very high requirements for fleshy body strength, and she is obviously too anxious, forcibly cultivating when the fleshy body has not yet reached the requirements, so she has always been flawed, I helped her change the flaws of the fleshy body, in addition Some problems between her cultivation technique and the fit of her fleshy body have been slightly changed, which helped her out of danger temporarily. But there are still some problems with her cultivation technique, and I can't guarantee that she will continue to be fine in the future. "

"This is a problem that Prince Sallymore left behind. You can find the key to it in such a short period of time, it is already very good." Greymane Your Majesty nominate. "But boy, you didn't tell the truth."

"Huh?" Chu Nan was stunned again.

"Don't worry I'll come to you for the matter between Pamela and you, it's over." Greymane Your Majesty waved his hand. "I just wanted to hear your opinion, from the test that day, I saw that you clearly have your own understanding of the Obliteration Core Technique, and you have the ability to help Pamela, so your opinion is important. Say it, say it Come up with your real thoughts."

Chu Nan hesitated for a moment, then asked: "That...Your Majesty, for your Declan Imperial Family, what kind of cultivation technique is the Obliteration Core Technique? ?"

"Which aspect are you referring to?"

"That's... You are all like the Imperial Family outside the campus that day, thinking that this cultivation technique aloof and remote, inviolable?"

Your Majesty laughed.

"It looks like those idiots gave you a very bad impression that day. Well, I must admit, there are many Imperial Family children who think so. In their hearts, the Obliteration Core Technique is not only Just a cultivation technique, but a belief, it is the undisputed first cultivation technique in the galaxy, and no other cultivation technique can compare with it."

"So what do you think?" Chu Nan asked.

“Me?” Greymane Your Majesty shook the head. "For me, any cultivation technique is just a tool for the Martial Artist, and treating a cultivation technique as a taboo that is not allowed to be violated is a mistake in itself, and will only make the Martial Artist bound by this cultivation technique. , lost the possibility of continuing to grow."

Here, he gave Chu Nan a deep look and added.

"Obliteration Core Technique is no exception."

Chu Nan sighed in relief.

"Since Your Majesty thinks so, then it's easy to handle. To be honest, Your Majesty, Obliteration Core Technique is indeed the most powerful cultivation technique I've ever seen, and it's the only one directly opposite. The cultivation technique in which the underlying structure of space energy works, I used to be very curious about the characteristics of this cultivation technique, but after playing with the noble senior named Quinn a few days ago, I discovered that the characteristics and fields of the Obliteration Core Technique are actually It's a bit close, and the Obliteration Core Technique used by Pamela Imperial Princess is even more in-depth at this point..."

Speaking of the problem of cultivation technique, Chu Nan does not have the slightest concern about Gremai En, Your Majesty should be nervous and cramped in front of him. The more he talks, the more eloquent he is. It took him half an hour to describe his understanding of the Obliteration Core Technique in detail.

In this one, Greymane Your Majesty interrupted him from time to time to discuss some details, but most of the time it was Chu Nan.

"...So I think that Prince Sallymore's idea of improving this cultivation technique is right, but he has ignored a very important issue, that is, the effect of the Obliteration Core Technique modified by him on fleshy The requirements of the body are too high, even to the point where he can't bear the cultivation technique after he has exhausted it, so he will fail continuously, and the same cultivation technique has never been successful in the cultivation of the descendants of the pro-Wang Family of Sallymore. The Obliteration Core Technique modified by him is simply a cultivation technique that can only qualify Star Level Martial Artists for cultivation."

"pa pa pa pa..."

Listen After Chu Nan's conclusion, Greymane Your Majesty raised both hands and applauded.

"Very good. Chu Nan, your innate talent is indeed the best among all the young Martial Artists I have ever met. In such a short time, you are able to understand the Obliteration Core Technique. To the point of being so deep. So... don't you admit that you learned the Obliteration Core Technique from Pamela?"

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