Chu Nan suffocated.

He was so excited just now that he said many details of the Obliteration Core Technique that Pamela mastered.

And these details can never be learned through simple hands-on, only Pamela told him personally.

In this way, wouldn't it be tantamount to admitting in front of Greymane Your Majesty that he stole the Obliteration Core Technique from Pamela?

"Don't be nervous." Seeing the change in the expression on Chu Nan's face, Greymane Your Majesty smiled and waved his hand. "I said that this matter has passed, and I will not hold you accountable. But about Pamela, you must give me an explanation."

"What explanation?" Chu Nan was stunned .

"For about marrying her?"


Chu Nan's shock was no small matter.

You just got the good news from Greymane Your Majesty that she hopes to break off her engagement peacefully with the Imperial Princess of Vianne Nell, and now let him marry Pamela?

If that's the case, wouldn't he have been tossing around so many things these days?

Seeing the shocked look on Chu Nan's face, Greymane Your Majesty laughed: "I was just joking. But to be honest, I really hope the joke comes true. Look, Sally Moore. Pamela is the only girl left in the descendant of the prince. If it wasn't for your help, she would probably not have survived this garden hunting party. Now, with your help, her own problems have been solved, and she has reached a for A long time wish, if you let her marry you, she will be very willing, and you can get all the inheritance left by the Prince of Sallymore. You know, the Prince of Sallymore even put it in the entire Declan Imperial Family He is also a very outstanding figure in the history of his family, and his family legacy is huge, far more rich than you can imagine."

Chu Nan's face darkened: "Your Majesty, this joke. But it's not funny at all. If I turn around and marry Pamela Imperial Princess, what will Vianne Imperial Princess think?"

"So this is really youngster's greed, instead Any adult would never make the same choice as you." Greymane Your Majesty shook his head. "Although you don't have to marry Pamela, you have to take responsibility for her."

"Responsible? What?" Chu Nan is somewhat of an unfathomable mystery.

"You just said that Pamela's cultivation technique problem has not been completely solved, and you are the person who knows these problems best. Since you helped her get through the first difficulty, Then it is your responsibility to continue to help her solve the next problems. Otherwise, she will continue the cultivation technique, and the problem will occur again in a few years. Isn't your previous efforts in vain? And this scene revolves around you and The trial she conducted, and the things that have happened these days have become even more jokes, do you want things to end like this?"

"So that's what happened." Chu Nan With a relaxed expression, he spread his hands and said calmly with a smile: "Your Majesty, in fact, my original plan was to keep following the cultivation technique problems encountered by Pamela Imperial Princess, but because of this incident, I was very worried about my future. There is no way to continue to have any contact with her, and it is more impossible to discuss the Obliteration Core Technique with her. I can't believe that you are saying this now, then..."

"Your contact with her is your personal friendship, no one There will be restrictions." Greymane Your Majesty waved his hand and answered Chu Nan's question with a relaxed expression. "And after this trial, no one will question Pamela for revealing the Obliteration Core Technique to you, understand what I mean?"

Chu Nan immediately let out a long sigh of relief.

Although I don't know what happened, since Greymane Your Majesty said this, it proves that this matter has finally been resolved, and the Declan Imperial Family will no longer decide to steal his studies for him. The crime of Obliteration Core Technique, he can even continue to discuss with Pamela to improve her Obliteration Core Technique, and the marriage contract with Viannele Imperial Princess seems to have a proper solution, what could be more Perfection than this result? ?

He didn't expect, this interview with Greymane Your Majesty will get such a result that is even better than the best result he imagined, which makes him look towards Greymane Myne Your Majesty's gaze was filled with gratitude.

The great emperor Your Majesty obviously knew very well how everything was going on, but he chose to do it this way, should it be said that he had a special preference for Chu Nan?

Perhaps aware of the meaning in Chu Nan's eyes, Greymane Your Majesty laughed: "You don't need to be grateful to me, but to be grateful to you, you are always able to exceed my expectations. I To tell you the truth, I have other intentions for these arrangements, not just for you."

Chu Nan said resolutely: "No matter what your other intentions, Your Majesty, this result is what I expected. Yes, I'm still grateful to you."

"If you really appreciate me, then help Pamela well, and if it solves her problem, it's helping our entire Declan Imperial Family. Busy, these things are nothing compared to the credit." Greymane Your Majesty also said resolutely.

"Yes, I will spare no effort." Chu Nan responded loudly.

"Very well, I've finished my words, you can go, don't delay me building a house."

"Build a house?"

Chu Nan was stunned Startled for a while, I found that Greymane Your Majesty was walking towards the boulder pile on the side again, gave a soft drink, and lifted a boulder with fleshly body strength again, and immediately understood what he meant.

Thinking of Greymane Your Majesty's previous actions, Chu Nan glanced around strangely, and then looked at the various strange buildings in the Declan Imperial Palace on this glacier peak, remembering the The rumor about the Declan Empire Imperial Palace heard in the media reports couldn't help but corner of mouth twitching.

Well, as Your Majesty, the most honorable emperor of the first Great Empire in the Milky Way, you actually want to build a house by yourself...

Chu Nan deeply congratulates Greymane Your Majesty gave a salute, quietly withdrew, and the two maids who brought him in followed him and took him to a small house outside the Imperial Palace to settle down.

"Wait here, the Elder Council will come to pick you up later."

After an older maid explained to Chu Nan, the two were actually They left together, leaving Chu Nan alone in the empty room.

Chu Nan is a little strange, is there no one to take care of him, so he is not afraid of him running around?

But on second thought, this is the Declan Empire Imperial Palace, and the guards must be extremely strict, and according to media reports, the Imperial Palace of the Declan Empire is actually just a place whose symbolic meaning is far greater than its actual meaning. The Imperial Palace There is no valuable item in it at all, and he basically can't be who. Even if Chu Nan runs around, he can't come up with any tricks. Naturally, there is no need to be too guarded against him.

But this unguarded gesture reminded Chu Nan of what he was going to do.

next moment, Chu Nan's Metal Gear Solid culture technique is launched, and the silhouette disappears out of thin air.

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