
On the outskirts of an unremarkable town in the former Russian Federation in north-central Asia, a manor was dyed with a layer of golden yellow due to the twilight of the setting sun.

Watching the huge virtual screen in front of him sink into darkness, Marshal Chemekov turned his head and glanced at the bright red sunset outside the window. After watching for a while, he closed his eyes, raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows.

Not because of exhaustion.

As a very powerful Star Level Martial Artist, he doesn't feel tired just because he only has a two-hour meeting. You know, he once set a record of working five days and five nights without any rest. 's excellent work record.

Simply because every joint meeting of the Federal Army will always be accompanied by endless arguments and even quarrels, so that he, the commander-in-chief as the highest leader of the Federal Army, has to balance all aspects of the relationship and It's just annoying to think about the balance of interests.

If possible, he is actually very reluctant to be the commander-in-chief of the federal army.

For Marshal Chemekov, who loves to reflect his own value on the battlefield, sitting in the rear and playing with those goddamn and shameful tricks is what he hates the most.

In comparison, he would rather go to the front line to be a general in command of the front line, even if it is a small soldier who is charging in the front line is much better.

But not.

He is the only Star Level Martial Artist in the Federal Army, and the only Star Level Martial Artist who is willing to stay in the army for a long time.

In the Federal Army, which most admires martial power and merit, no one is more qualified to serve as the commander of the Federal Army than him.

For the sake of the overall situation and the glory of the entire Federal Army, no matter how unwilling he is, he can only be forced to sit in this position, and then everyday all waste time on these meaningless meetings.

Of course, in all fairness, the previous two-hour meeting was not a complete waste of time. The main topics discussed at the meeting were important matters that may determine the development of the Federal Army in the next few decades. Half way off.

Since the promotion of the "Basic Martial Skills Promotion Act", there has been an upsurge in martial arts practice all over the Commonwealth. Many children and youngsters who had no interest in the martial arts before have joined the ranks of Martial Artists.

This craze certainly affected the Federal Army as well.

According to the estimates of the staff of the Conference Hall, the policy planning of the Federal Army, in the next few years, among the youngsters who join the Federal Army, the proportion of Martial Artist will be higher and higher, and the higher the level will be. Come higher.

This will obviously have a huge impact on the overall battle strength of the Federal Army, so the military must make corresponding changes in countermeasures.

The suggestion given by the Conference Hall of the policy planning meeting is to greatly popularize one or a few fixed Cultivation Art and Martial Skills in the Federal Army, in line with the overall tactical literacy of the federal soldiers, and play synchronously in the battle. Out of a more powerful battle strength.

This proposal itself is good, but in the specific operation process, it will shake the control of the soldiers under the current Great Sect in the Federal Army, which naturally caused countless backlashes, attracting people from various ministries at the joint meeting just now. The delegates quarreled for two hours without a final decision.

Marshal Chemekov was very tired of this situation.

In his opinion, as long as it can enhance the battle strength of the Federal Army, it is good.

Those federal army worms who only care about their own interests should all be driven out!

But...he couldn't.

Even though he has been the commander-in-chief of the Federal Army for nearly ten years, he has been a Star Level Martial Artist for more than fifteen years. In the eyes of everyone, he is the super great character of the Earth Federation stand by one's word , but there are some things he still can't do.

Just as he would take care of the former Russian military officers of the federal army, the generals and officers of other factions in the army will obviously strive for more benefits for their subordinates. is a normal thing.

In the final analysis, although the Earth Federation joined the big family of the galaxy after being discovered by the Declan Empire civilian fleet 760 years ago, and then faced strong external pressure, it was unified in a short period of time. An Earth Federation, but the contradictions between the various factions from within are far from smoothed out.

"It's really troublesome..."

Marshal Chemekov took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

He has been sitting in this position for nearly ten years and has not been able to get used to this kind of intrigue and power struggle, which proves that he is indeed not the right material for this position.

Almost instinctively, he hates guys who like to play tricks.

The same goes for Mu Yutong.

It is precisely because he knew that Mu Yutong used those little tricks on Chu Nan and took advantage of him that Marshal Chimekov sympathized with this little fellow and was willing to help him.

Of course, Xiu Meng is willing to pull down his old face and recommend Chu Nan to come over and ask him to help with this is also one of the main reasons.

Thinking of Humon's show of weakness to him before, Marshal Chemekov's serious face couldn't help showing a smile.

"It's not easy for Huumont, the Old Guy, to make him bow his head to me once."

In his opinion, the happiest days were when he was in the barracks with Huumont before. Those days when we fought together.

Although every day all faces the danger of dying on the battlefield, the days are extraordinarily fulfilling, and the comrades in arms get along very well, which is far better than facing those annoying guys every day now many.

Thinking of life in the barracks, Marshal Chemekov thought of his days in the barracks in order to survive, cultivating and improving himself.

Then a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, that little fellow wants me to help him break through Zhou Yutianguan? But can he bear the pain I've endured?"


Chu Nan's body trembled violently, and all the exposed skin oozes blood at the same time. In just a split second, the whole person turned into a bloody man.

"Shit, I overestimate them."

The "they" in Chu Nan's mouth is not something strange, but refers to the meridians in his body.

After spending three hours to get through the remaining twenty-one main meridians and ninety-three secondary meridians, Chu Nan's next move is to plan all the extremities. Meridian also got through.

This is a crazy move.

Compared to the stout primary meridian, which affects the main movement of the human body, and the slightly weaker, secondary meridian, which has all the detailed movements of the human body of the Sovereign, the much smaller distal meridian if the flesh is cut open* It is almost difficult to see clearly with naked eyes.

If a major meridian is broken and cannot be treated in time, normal people may even die directly.

If a secondary meridian is cut off, the physical activity of the corresponding part of the human body will be greatly restricted and hindered.

But if you short-tune a terminal meridian, in fact, most of the time, in addition to making people feel some pain, at most, it will only make a very small part of your body feel abnormal, right The overall impact of the body is so minimal that it can be almost ignored.

And for Martial Artist, being able to get through enough primary meridian and secondary meridian is enough to let the Inner Breath affect every part of the body through the flow in these meridians, and then use this to affect the fleshy. The body undergoes a complete tempering upgrade to achieve the ultimate perfect Tyrant Body, with which to impact more powerful levels.

So in comparison, the distal meridian is almost something that is completely ignored by all Martial Artists.

Running to get through the end meridian?

Are you crazy?

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