First of all, even if you get through the peripheral meridian and let Inner Breath run in it, it will not be significantly enhanced due to the weakness of the peripheral meridian itself.

If you have the spare time, it is better to let Inner Breath run a cycle in other meridians.

Secondly, even if you are so idle, you even want to get through the peripheral meridians, but the number of peripheral meridians in a normal human body is as high as several millions. Horrible workload that can't be completed until death.

With neither enough revenue, but almost infinite horror time, no Martial Artist would go to waste.

All the Inner Breath cultivation techniques that Chu Nan knows are actually the same as the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, choose an Inner Breath running track that can affect the whole body, and then get through what is needed for this Inner Breath running track Each main meridian and secondary meridian, so as to achieve the desired tempering fleshy body, enhance the intensity of the Inner Breath effect.

According to the different Inner Breath cultivation technique, each Martial Artist's own meridian situation is different, the cultivation effect has nothing common with each other.

But no matter what, there is no Inner Breath cultivation technique that will try to get through all the primary and secondary meridians, and no Martial Artist will do it, because it's totally thankless.

And getting through the end meridian is something you don't even have to think about unless the Martial Artist is crazy.

Chu Nan is certainly not crazy.

The biggest problem encountered by other Martial Artists is that it takes a lot of time and cultivation to get through the meridian and tempering. Therefore, you must choose the Inner Breath cultivation technique and cultivation method that is most suitable for you and can improve yourself. The fastest speed to improve yourself.

But Chu Nan's current situation makes it impossible for him to improve himself according to the normal way, otherwise it will be too late to complete the Tyrant Body tempering before the body is completely shaped, and the breakthrough of the universe will become almost impossible in the future. impossible.

And more importantly, Chu Nan has the general powerful data ability of lightbrain. With this ability, he now gets through a meridian and does tempering in far less time than a normal Martial Artist.

Even with his powerful data capabilities, he can perform multi-threaded operations at the same time, and get through dozens of meridians in one go.

So after getting through the remaining primary meridian and secondary meridian, Chu Nan without the slightest hesitation turned the target to the distal meridian.

However, he made a miscalculation.

Chu Nan originally thought that the distal meridian is countless times smaller than the primary meridian and the secondary meridian, so the intensity of the Inner Breath required to get through them must be much lower, so I simply put a sliver of it in one breath. Inner Breath is divided into a hundred strands, and at the same time pours into a hundred different peripheral meridians in the body, intending to open them all at once.

But didn't expect, he still overestimated these end meridians.

When he was divided into a hundred, the Inner Breath, which was obviously weak and almost outrageous, poured into these peripheral meridians, and almost completely overwhelmed these peripheral meridians in an instant, so that his whole body oozes blood, In a blink of an eye, he turned into a blood man.

Fortunately, the effect of the peripheral meridian on the body is too weak, and for the sake of safety, the peripheral meridian he chose is distributed in different parts of the body, and there will be no chain effect, except that the whole body feels like acupuncture Other than the normal pain, there is nothing serious.

Chu Nan didn't even bother to clean up the bloodshots on his body. He thought for a while, and there was an unusually weak Inner Breath from everywhere in the dantian, and then cautiously, he found a terminal meridian that was connected to the secondary meridian. forward.

This time, he first controlled the weak Inner Breath and tested it at the entrance of the meridian at the tip.

A tingling pain rose again, making Chu Nan sure that the Inner Breath was still too strong for this distal meridian.

Then he brings up a much weaker Inner Breath from the dantian.

After more than ten times of trial and error, Chu Nan adjusted the Inner Breath to a strength that was at least ten times weaker than the original, and finally managed to rush into the meridian at the end without causing any abnormality. Only felt a very faint swollen sensation from the meridian.

This feeling is the feeling that the meridian is being unblocked, and Chu Nan is already very familiar with it.

Cautiously controlling this incomparably weak Inner Breath after passing through this distal meridian, Chu Nan sighed in relief.

It turns out that the distal meridian, like the main meridian and the secondary meridian, can also get through, but because it is too weak and fragile, it needs to be more careful.

Next, Chu Nan tested several other peripheral meridians, and successfully tested the difference between the peripheral meridians is actually quite big, the Inner Breath suitable for getting through them is the largest and even the difference can be nearly tens of tens. times as much.

The discovery made Chu Nan a little tricky.

There are millions of terrifying meridians in the body. If you test them one by one, it will be impossible for him to get all of them when he grows old and dies.

"So in the final analysis, I still can't use the normal method."

Chu Nan sighed, then calmed down, concentrated all the energy, and a wisp of Inner Breath was transferred from the dantian, It was instantly divided into two hundred extremely weak Inner Breaths, which flowed into two hundred different peripheral meridians.

Because of the previous test experience, the only thirteen triflings of the peripheral meridian that cannot be tolerated at this time, the rest all let Inner Breath pass smoothly, and even some peripheral meridians are more powerful, Inner Breath After the flow, it didn't cause any reaction at all.

Chu Nan concentrated again, and another strand of Inner Breath was called out from the dantian, and was instantly divided into four hundred more exaggerated Inner Breaths.

Two hundred Inner Breaths flowed into the two hundred peripheral meridians tested before, and thirteen Inner Breaths were adjusted to a high-frequency vibration state and began to repair the damaged peripheral meridian. In addition, the strength of each of the 187 internal rules is different, and they enter the corresponding 187 peripheral meridians, which just makes the 187 peripheral meridians slightly damaged but not too much. .

According to the data collected before to determine the precise data of the intensity of Inner Breath needed to get through the meridian, and then adjusting the right Inner Breath to impact the meridian, this is Chu Nan's standard practice for getting through the meridian now.

As for the other 200 Inner Breaths, they rushed into the other 200 distal meridians, and the process just now was repeated in the 200 distal meridians.

So while doing data testing, repairing and dredging, but at the same time, the peripheral meridian opened up before the constant tempering, at the back, Chu Nan actually separated and maintained the foot in the body at the same time. A thousand Inner Breath kept flowing, and at the same time a thousand end meridians were opened, destroyed and repaired.

There are so many Inner Breaths with different intensities and even different vibration frequencies flowing in the meridian at the same time, it is impossible for any Martial Artist to control it, but Chu Nan can control it precisely They can also act on thousands of distal meridians with equal precision.

This is the same BUG general ability that lightbrain's data ability brings to Chu Nan.

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