One hundred and seventy-two light-years away on Earth, it is early morning in northeastern North America.

Elvie drank the last mouthful of fresh milk, put down the knife and fork gently, smoothed the table by the way, stood up gently, and said with a slight to the middle-aged man and woman sitting opposite. smile: "Uncle Boval, Aunt Mengli, I'm done eating."

The middle-aged man smiled at Elvie, gently nodded, and the middle-aged woman just glanced indifferently Elvie glanced at her and said nothing.

Elvie had long been accustomed to this situation, bowed slightly to the two of them, and exited the restaurant.

Before the door of the restaurant behind her was closed, Elvie heard a lively conversation coming from inside, which was completely opposite to the deadly silent atmosphere she had just had during breakfast.

Elvie looked back at Uncle Bolval and Aunt Mengli who were chatting and laughing in the restaurant, her delicate eyebrows frowned slightly and then slowed down.

She has lived at her aunt's house for nearly three months, and her aunt's family's attitude towards her has not changed.

Can she really use the time she lived here to improve the rigid relationship between her aunt's family and her own family, as the father expected?

When she first arrived here, Elvie also made some efforts, such as trying to get close to her aunt, taking the initiative to say hello to her uncle, and occasionally buying some small gifts to please them...

But all her actions had no effect. Uncle still treated her like an ordinary guest, while aunt kept indifferent, as if she didn't have her own niece in her eyes.

After a long time, seeing that her efforts had not achieved any results, Elvie didn't want to bother any more.

She came to Earth to prepare for entering the Nebula Academy, not to improve the relationship between the two.

Although the father hopes so, the reason why the relationship between the two families has become rigid is because of more profound reasons, far from being improved by her little girl.

It would be nice to ignore these problems and just treat this place as an ordinary residence.

Although the aunt's family has a cold and even indifferent attitude towards Elvie, they have not treated her badly in the slightest in life. Everything prepared for her is the best and will almost satisfy her. Any request - of course, Elvie basically won't make a request.

So it's not too difficult for Elvie to continue living here after putting aside those wasted efforts.

It would be better if I could kick this annoying guy out again...

"Hey, dear cousin Elvie, good morning. Did you just finish breakfast? Are you free today? How about hanging out with me? I'll take you to a fun place."

One is just a little taller than Elvie, with a thin body, gaps in her face, and eyebrows A boy who looked like seventeen or eighteen years old, who was similar to Aunt Mengli, appeared from the corner, and when he saw Elvie, he immediately greeted Elvie with a warm smile. .

Elvie glanced at him blankly, and looked the head.

"Sorry, Roddick, I have to review my homework today, so I don't have time to go out to play."

This teenager named Roddick is the son of Uncle Bolvar's big brother, and also It's his nephew.

Like Elvie, he also came to Earth in order to enter the Nebula Academy and lived here.

strictly speaking, he doesn't actually have any blood relationship with Elvie, but after meeting Elvie for the first time, he took the initiative to get close, and even started to call Elvie very enthusiastically for cousin.

It should be said that he is currently the only person in the family who shows enthusiasm for Elvie.

But Elvie didn't like it at all.

This guy looks like a glib tongue, and walks on the road with a loose morality, which makes Elvie dislike it very much.

You must know that at home, she is used to seeing the masculine temperament of her father and big brother and the people around her who belong to the military. Naturally, she is very disliked by such a condescending guy as Roddick.

"Don't have time to go out to play?" Roddick rolled his eyes, paying no attention to Elvie's indifference and refusal, and continued to lean over and said with a smile: "Then it's ok if you don't go out. I'll go earlier. An item ordered by the sky just arrived today, I think you will be interested, cousin Elvie, do you want to go to my room?"

Elvie glanced at him sullenly, heartbroken. I think this guy is really thick-skinned.

She doesn't know how many times she has explicitly refused these days, yet he can still be so stubborn, and now he dares to invite himself to his room!

What the hell is going on in this guy's head?

This time Elvie didn't even have the mood to perfunctory him, and walked straight past him.

"Hey, Cousin Elvie, you haven't heard what I said!" Roddick shouted loudly behind him. "Tell you, it's the game access terminal of "Martial Spirit"! This game is very fun, you will love it!"

Elvie stepped one stopped, turned her head in surprise and looked towards Roddick.

"What did you say? You bought an access terminal for "Martial Spirit"?"

Seeing that Elvie actually stopped and turned around, Roddick was immediately excited, Quickly nodded and replied: "Yes, yes, it has been put in my room now. Come on, dear cousin Elvie, come and play in my room, I promise you will like it."

Elvie directly ignored his other words and asked again: "You have already been put in the room? Didn't Uncle Bolval and Aunt Mengli scold you?"

Roddick Shrugged, with a look of indifference.

"Why are they scolding me? I didn't do anything bad, I just played games."

Elvie froze for a while, and then her eyes suddenly lit up, looking at her. Roddick smiled.

"Roddick, thank you for reminding me, goodbye."

After saying that, Elvie waved at Roddick and turned around, but did not walk into the room , but changed the direction and walked straight out of the house.

"Oh, my God, she actually smiled at me!"

Roddick was fascinated by Elvie's charming smile for a while, until she saw Elvie's charming smile. Erwei unexpectedly left the house and couldn't help but be stunned.

"Didn't she just say she was going to go back to study her homework."

I immediately reacted, hurriedly chasing after her, only to see that Elvie had already got into Bolvar In a private suspension shuttle with a full-time driver specially equipped for her, it rushed into the sky under Roddick's gaze a moment later, and disappeared in the sky in an instant.

Twenty minutes later, Elvie appeared in the largest terminal entity store in New York City, 50 kilometers away from Bolvar's private estate, pointing to one of the "Martial Spirit" game access terminal.

"Send it to Zi Luo Lan Manor outside the city."

"Miss, when would you like it to be delivered?"

"Now ."

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