A huge muffled sound came from the place where the two fists intersected, and the air shock wave visible in the naked eye came out along with the sound, causing a huge wave of air, sending the Martial Practice Stage The dust was blowing up, covering both of them.

When the dust dissipated, the onlookers found that Brax was still standing in the center of the venue with a more cautious expression, while Chu Nan retreated to the corner of the Martial Practice Stage and was looking down at himself The right hand, a thoughtful look.

The audience looked left and right, and their faces showed complete shock that could not be concealed.

When Brax claimed that he had the strength of fourth rank Inner Breath Grade, many people still didn't believe it.

Because although Brax looks a lot older than Chu Nan, no matter how you look at it, he is only in his early 20s, and he is at worst a few years old.

At his age, he has the strength of the fourth rank Inner Breath Grade, but it is very rare, and not many can be found on the entire Purple Cloud Star.

However, just from his punch just now, it was fully revealed that he has the ability to fully release the Inner Breath, and he has definitely reached the level of a high-level Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist. It is really possible that he is already a fourth rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, far exceeding the overwhelming majority of young Martial Artists who signed up for the assessment.

But this "overwhelming majority" does not include Chu Nan.

Although Chu Nan has proven his strength in the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist competition, no one thought that he would be able to face the fourth rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist of Brax. Shaking a punch, it seems that it is only a slight disadvantage, and it does not seem to suffer very much.

This Chu Nan, really has grown so exaggeratedly in such a short period of time, from facing the third rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist of Maluk, he could only be beaten all over, to now it is enough Going head-to-head with fourth rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist?

If this is true, it would be incredible!

Chu Nan ignored the thoughts of the people around him. He looked at his right hand and thought silently.

The First Fist who attacked just now didn't really pay much attention, he just threw a punch casually, except that he didn't want to hear Brax continue to talk about it and use this fist to trigger the fight, it was also intentional This does not use any martial skill to deliver such a punch.

This punched out instantly made him feel that he and the past had indeed undergone very obvious changes.

Such a random punch has nothing to do with Hong Clan Everlasting Fist, and the posture can't be called perfect, but he can easily mobilize the Inner Breath to attach it to this fist The force on the top is as high as 1277.716127 kilograms.

This has greatly surpassed the strength he used to use the special boxing technique of Hong Clan Everlasting Fist, and then combined with the powerful data ability, the most perfect posture can be used to mobilize the strength of the Inner Breath.

Obviously, after opening the whole body meridian, the Inner Breath can flow through the whole body according to the mind, the biggest impact on him is that he no longer needs to be fixed in certain moves and postures as before to play. Maximum formidable power.

Now, he can easily mobilize the most powerful Inner Breath between every move and every move, which is much stronger than before.

However, this also made Chu Nan discover his own problem again.

He currently has too few external martial skills. Although Hong Clan Everlasting Fist is extremely miraculous, it can help him mobilize Inner Breath assistants before he becomes an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist. The boxing itself lacks changes, and it can't be said to be subtle at all. It's okay to use it to fight people, but if you want to use your moves to gain an advantage, it's almost impossible.

Prior to this, the reason why Chu Nan was able to gain an advantage over every enemy in terms of external skills was because of his incomparably powerful data ability, he could instantly judge every detail of the opponent's body data. , so as to respond.

But this kind of response is undoubtedly too passive. When Chu Nan wants to actively rely on his moves to gain an advantage, it is extremely difficult.

Like just now, Chu Nan deliberately didn't use the Hong Clan Everlasting Fist, just wanted to test the experience he had learned from Xue Zhengming before to see if he could get a major breakthrough in the external martial skill.

However, with a punch, he immediately knew that this fist was a big problem, and it didn't work out.

Fortunately, Chu Nan learned from Xue Zhengming last time that "the force is inexhaustible and the force is not enough". , changed the move in an instant, and blocked it with a jab.

If it weren't for the fact that his Inner Breath had melted into his entire body, he could easily mobilize it at will. This move just now was completely unprepared, so it would have been too late to mobilize the Inner Breath, then the force of Brax would even exceed an astonishing two tons. In a boxing, even if you don't vomit blood and die on the spot, you will lose your hands and feet and lose your battle strength directly.

Fourth rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist and third rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist are really not the same concept.

Although Chu Nan was completely passively beaten in the face of Maruk, at least he still had some resistance.

But if Chu Nan at that time met the current Brax, it was guaranteed that he would have no resistance at all and would be instantly killed.

This Brax is significantly stronger than the previous man who also claimed to have the strength of the fourth rank Inner Breath Grade!

"Fortunately, I haven't been idle these days. Otherwise, I'll be beaten home unreasonably by this guy before I pass the preliminary examination. Then I really have nowhere to cry."

Chu Nan laughed, took a deep breath, stopped thinking, strode forward, and punched again.

Seeing Chu Nan this fist, Brax and the crowd frowned.

Chu Nan this fist is a lot stronger than the First Fist just now. It has become more or less similar, but it still looks extremely rough, not much stronger than the entry-level Martial Artist.

The onlookers couldn't help but wonder.

This guy Chu Nan used a fairly good punch in the Martial Artist competition before, and the punch he changed just now is also amazing and full of formidable power. He is so arrogant, why when he is actively attacking now, he has to use this rough boxing technique that is almost no different from a layman?

Bracks was also puzzled, but after all, he proved to be playing against Chu Nan on the court, and he didn't have time to think so much. He was just coldly snorted, and threw a backhand punch back unceremoniously.

Seeing that his fist was pointing directly at the huge gap left by the weak spot of Chu Nan's boxing, he was about to hit Chu Nan, but Chu Nan changed his move in time, and once again hit the punch from Brax. Fist, and he shook it hard again.


A much bigger explosion-like muffled sound spread throughout the entire Martial Practice Stage, making the audience’s ears buzz, and the strength of Weak, low-end martial artists such as Chu Xiaoxi couldn't help reaching out and covering their ears.

Then everyone was surprised to find that this time Chu Nan only took a step back, then stabilized his body, and then punched Brax again.

this fist, but it looks a little more decent than the two fists just now, but it still doesn't work out.

Blax kicked back with a backhand punch, but Chu Nan changed his move again and blocked this fist without showing weakness.

“Boom boom boom boom—”

The sound of an explosion resounded in the fists of the two of them, which fully showed the relationship between Chu Nan and Brax. How fierce the battle was.

However, the onlookers became more and more puzzled, and the doubts in their hearts became deeper and deeper.

What the hell is this guy Chu Nan doing?

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