“He’s practicing boxing.”

At the center of the huge Liuyun Gym, there is an area that is forbidden to outsiders, belonging to the Liuyun Gym the core area.

In this core area, there is a wide data monitoring center, where hundreds of virtual screens are showing real-time what is happening all over the gym.

On one of the virtual screens, Chu Nan and Brax are fighting.

Xue Changhao stared at the virtual screen and first threw a punch, as messy as a layman, followed closely by Chu Nan, who punched rigorously and had almost no weak spots, with an expression on his face. Extremely weird.

"Practicing boxing?" Xue Zhengming next to him astonished a glance at Xue Changhao, then immediately turned his head and looked towards the picture of the two fighting on the virtual screen. "Dad, you mean... This guy Chu Nan is using Brax to practice his new boxing?"

"No, I'm afraid it's not a new boxing, but..." Xue Changhao slightly frowned, After thinking for a while, he asked Xue Zhengming, "Remember how I told you when I first communicated with you?"

Xue Zhengming was stunned, didn't expect father I mentioned this at this time, and after thinking about it for a while, I wasn't quite sure: "What words are you referring to?"

"I once told you that I want to truly grasp the palm of the cloud. , the most important thing is to grasp the artistic conception in it. If you can let the palm of your hand drift like a floating cloud, so that the enemy can't grasp your palm, and have no way to deal with it, you have truly mastered this palm technique."

"What does that have to do with Chu Nan?" Xue Zhengming was even more puzzled.

Xue Changhao turned to look at Xue Zhengming and couldn't help sighed.

My only son is so poor in martial arts innate talent that he may not be able to become a true expert in the future. If he wants to rely on him to inherit Liuyun dojo, I am afraid there is no hope.

I just hope that he can quickly stop playing and get married and have children obediently and honestly. If the innate talent of his grandson is high enough in the future, then there is still some hope.

Feeling Xue Changhao's strange gaze, Xue Zhengming felt uncomfortable all over.

"Dad, why are you looking at me like that? You're saying, what does what you just said have anything to do with Chu Nan? He uses boxing, not palm."

"Idiot!" Xue Changhao couldn't help but let out a low voice, and pointed at Chu Nan on the virtual screen. "I've already made it clear to you that the most important thing in Liu Yun Wu Ding Zhang is the artistic conception of Liu Yun Wu Ding, not the palm technique itself! Open your eyes and see clearly! This Chu Nan is now using it. Although the boxing seems to be chaotic and disorderly, it has already revealed a somewhat uncertain mood!"


Xue Zhengming was shocked Looking at Chu Nan who was throwing a punch on the virtual screen, he saw that his fist was still loose. Although it was significantly improved compared to the previous punches, what kind of cloudy mood was there?

Seeing Xue Zhengming's puzzled expression, Xue Changhao couldn't help but sighed deeply, turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan on the virtual screen, slightly frowned, and pondered.

It is no wonder that this Chu Nan was valued by Mu Yutong Venerable before, saying that his martial arts innate talent is extremely high. Now it seems that this praise is not exaggerated at all.

It's just that he had a brief fight with Xue Zhengming at the McDonnell Douglas Group's banquet more than a month ago, and he actually realized the core "Liu Yun Wu Ding" artistic conception of Liu Yun Wu Ding Zhang. , and can also integrate it into his own boxing.

Although from the current situation, Chu Nan's mastery is still very unfamiliar, and he can't be called even in boxing, but in the short battle with Brax, he is clearly in the Grows at a speed that can be struck by naked eyes.

At the beginning, Xue Changhao didn't see what Chu Nan was doing, but after going out and paying more attention, it became more and more obvious.

Until now, Chu Nan's punches that seem disordered and in a mess on the virtual screen have gradually been linked together, and every punch reveals an obvious "flowing cloud" mood comes.

Seeing Chu Nan throws a punch again, the fist is erratic, and even the body keeps shaking slightly, it seems that he can hit this fist from any angle at any time, forcing Brax's body He had to take a pause and be cautious, Xue Changhao took a long and deep breath and made a decision in his heart.

"Zhengming, go and tell Pengju and the others that I will cancel all your small actions against Chu Nan in private."

"Huh?" Xue Zhengming turned his head in surprise looked towards Xue Changhao with a cramped expression. "Dad, what are you...what are you talking about?"

Xue Changhao coldly snorted: "Do you think you can hide your little tricks from me? Stop talking nonsense and go!"

Being exposed by Xue Changhao, Xue Zhengming didn't mean the slightest bit of embarrassment, laughed, and asked strangely: "Dad, don't you always look at Chu Nan and don't like it, we just want to do this to make you happy, why? "..."

"I find him pleasing to the eye again now." Xue Changhao said expressionlessly.

"Ah?" Xue Zhengming stared blankly at Xue Changhao, completely confused about what he meant.

"What are you in a daze? Why don't you hurry up!" Xue Changhao shouted sharply.


Xue Zhengming could only quickly complied and left in a hurry with his stomach full of doubts.

Looking at the back of Xue Zhengming leaving in a hurry, Xue Changhao sighed again, turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan who was fighting with Brax on the virtual screen.

Because of the vigorous promotion of the "Basic Martial Skill Promotion Act", Xue Family was forced to come up with a valuable B-Rank martial skill under the pressure of the Ziyunxing federal government secretly.

The Xue Family has no way to take the federal government, and Xue Changhao can only take out Chu Nan, the key person who promoted the promotion of the "Basic Martial Skill Promotion Act", so he is full of hostility to him.

But now, after seeing Chu Nan's amazing performance, he immediately changed his mind.

With the strong innate talent shown by Chu Nan, as long as he has the opportunity to break through the Eternal Universe in the future, then Xue Changhao can be sure that he will definitely become an extremely powerful real expert in the future.

In this case, why should he be hostile to Chu Nan because of some things that have nothing to do with Chu Nan at all?

Everyone is a Martial Artist on Ziyun Star, and it is much easier to befriend Chu Nan than to be his enemy.

If you can make a good relationship now, Chu Nan will become a real expert in the future, it will only be good for Xue Family and not bad.

As for whether Chu Nan can overturn the judgment of the two Star Level Martial Artists, break through the Eternal Universe, and become a truly powerful expert in the future?

Xue Changhao used to think it was impossible, but now he has witnessed Chu Nan's amazing performance and felt his innate talent that is so good that it is terrifying, but he thinks it's not completely impossible.

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