"Is it hard?" Chu Nan shrugged. "I don't know what the cultivation technique and movement method you used, but judging from the situation just now, it is probably a special method to interfere with my vision, so that my eyes can't catch your silhouette at all."

Blax was silent for a moment, nodding gracefully.

"Since you can't see me, how do you know my location?"

"Because I don't have only eyes."

Chu Nan pointed to his ears, paused, and then pointed to his nose and the exposed skin on his body.

"You just interfered with my vision, but my ears were not affected. Based on the sounds I heard, the smells I smelled, and the changes in the surrounding airflow, I could easily tell It's not that difficult."

The surrounding audience were all shocked and couldn't help but talk to each other.

"It doesn't matter if you hear the sound, but also the smell and the change in the perceived airflow? This guy isn't bragging right?"

"It shouldn' t be... did you hear Brax's voice when he used that movement method?"



Compared to the shock of the surrounding audience, Brax's body was shocked, and the shock in his heart was far beyond.

Others don't understand the Phantom Ghost movement method, of course he knows it very well.

The reason why the Phantom Ghost movement method can be rated as A-Rank cultivation technique is because its cultivation is so powerful that it can interfere with the enemy's vision, hearing and smell with the cooperation of the Inner Breath cultivation technique , touch and other perceptions of the outside world, so that the opponent can't capture their own situation at all, thus occupying an absolute advantage in the battle.

According to what the father said when he taught himself this cultivation technique, when the ancestors of the family cultivated the magic cultivator to the strongest, once the movement method is unfolded, it can completely cover all the breath of the individual. For humans, it can be almost completely invisible, unperceived by anyone, and even the most advanced and high-end detection equipment produced by the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham cannot be detected, which is enough to be called a legendary ghost.

Of course, Brax himself is far from this realm.

He was only informed by his father that he was qualified for the movement method of cultivation when he broke through to Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist six years ago. The extent to which it affects the enemy's vision is far from interfering with the opponent's five senses.

But even so, once he used this movement method in the past battles, he was always at a disadvantage. It was only today that he suffered a loss when he met Chu Nan.

Chu Nan's performance in the battle just now can even be called a complete cracking of the Phantom Ghost movement method!

Blax just couldn't understand why Chu Nan did it. Now that he heard Chu Nan's answer, he understood that he understood, but the shock in his heart was much stronger than when he fought just now.

This guy is clearly only eighteen years old, and he looks like he just broke through to become a beginner Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist. How can he be able to use his five senses to sense the enemy in battle at the same time?

This is a trait usually reserved for veteran Martial Artists with unparalleled combat experience!

Of course, Chu Nan's answer also made Brax fully understand that he did not even have the last chance of defeating Chu Nan.

This contest, he has already lost.

Just thinking about the bet he made before starting the competition with Chu Nan, Brax couldn't say anything to voluntarily admit defeat.

He stared at Chu Nan for a while, then suddenly snorted heavily, kicked his feet vigorously, raised his body high, flew directly over the heads of the audience, and landed next to the Martial Practice Stage One of the surrounding walls, and jumped again, has disappeared in the dark shadow of Liuyun dojo.

Seeing that Brax actually ran away like this, the onlookers were all stunned.

After a while, a low scolding sounded from the crowd.

"Damn, this guy just ran away like this?"

"It's too shameless! He obviously lost, but he didn't admit defeat and ran away!"

"That's right, he also made a bet with Chu Nan whoever loses will quit the assessment. Seeing this, it must be renege on a debt!"

"Damn it, This kind of coward is not worthy of being our Ziyunxing Martial Artist! If he gets a spot and represents our Ziyunxing to participate in the Nebula Academy's assessment, it would be a shame for all of us Ziyunxing people! "

"Yes, if he dares to appear in the afternoon, I promise to scold him to death!"

"Yes! He must not be allowed to participate in the assessment again. If he dares to come, we will Call him back!"

"That...in fact, he may not lose, right? He is also a fourth rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, it's not that easy to lose..."

"You're still talking for him? You're with him? You want to be as shameless as him? You can deny the bet if you lose?"



Seeing that several accomplices who appeared with Brax before were scolded by other young martial artists around and had to leave in despair, Chu Nan couldn't bear it. Live laughed.

The federal government has been working hard to eliminate the regional differences between the various planets of the federation, but now it seems that it has little effect. At least the martial artists on Ziyunxing will mention this point from time to time.

The battle between Chu Nan and Brax itself was not long, but it took more than half an hour to add up.

When Brax escaped, Chu Nan and other test takers were surprised to find that there was less than ten minutes before the official examination started at 1:00 pm.

After receiving the message reminder sent by Liuyun Taoist Hall to each examinee in advance, the crowd of onlookers did not have time to approach Chu Nan, and went to the examination room together with Chu Nan.

In fact, more than half of the candidates have been eliminated in the morning's preliminary assessment, so in the afternoon, only about an hour and a half of preliminary assessments were conducted, and all the registered candidates have been assessed once, and the final decision has been made. pass list.

Being able to complete the preliminary assessment of thousands of candidates in less than a day, I have to say that the efficiency of Liuyun Gym is extremely high, but at this time, no one has time to praise this, Everyone's attention was focused on the things that mattered most at this time.

According to the figures released by Liuyun Taoist after the preliminary examination of all candidates, the total number of candidates who passed the preliminary examination is 287, which means that a re-examination must be conducted to eliminate at least 187 candidates Just do it.

The number of candidates who must be eliminated even exceeds the quota set by Nebula Academy, which is enough to prove that the average level of young Martial Artists on Ziyun Star is very good. in the forefront.

But this is not important to the individual candidates participating in the assessment. What they care about is the specific content of the review assessment.

Liuyun Gym, what kind of method is going to be used to eliminate selection?

The question that Chu Nan is concerned about is one more than the other candidates who passed the preliminary examination.

Xue Changhao and Xue Zhengming, the father and son, are full of hostility towards themselves, so during the review and assessment of Liuyun Gym, will they secretly do something to them?

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