Two days later, Chu Nan reappeared at the gates of the Old Master's private estate in Humon.

As soon as he came to the front door and was recognized by the access control system, Hume's voice came from inside.

"Hey, Chu Nan, you brat is here. Huh? Did you bring your girlfriend with you this time?"

Chu Nan laughed dumbly and glanced at the person beside him. Chu Xiaoxi shook his head.

"No, she's not my girlfriend, she's my younger sister."

"Your younger sister?" Hugh Meng's voice was paused. "Oh, I remembered. It's the girl you helped her get a lot of celebrity autographs and group photos at the last banquet? It turned out to be your younger sister."

"Yes, it's her." Chu Nan laughed, motioning for Chu Xiaoxi to come up and show his face.

Chu Xiaoxi nervously glanced at the spacious and gorgeous manor behind the gate, cautiously leaned over, and spoke timidly.

"Huumont...Hello Huumont grandfather."

"grandfather?" Huumont raised his voice sharply. "Hey, boy, did you teach her to call me that? I'm not that old!"

Chu Nan couldn't help but laugh.

"Old Master, Trina calls me big brother, so it's okay for my younger sister to call you grandfather."

"hmph! , come in quickly, Trina is waiting for you."

The door opened slowly, Chu Nan grabbed Chu Xiaoxi, who was still glanced around, and walked straight in.

It was the pink automatic robot who came out to greet the two of them last time. It was the first time that Chu Xiaoxi saw such an automatic robot with a special style and full of fairy tale colors. Circling around the automatic robot left and right.

When the two of them arrived at the door of the hall last time, Trina immediately jumped out from the inside and rushed out.

"Chu Nan big brother, you are finally here!"

Chu Xiaoxi suddenly forgot to continue teasing the pink automatic robot, and looked at Trina who was rushing over with great interest. Then, with a shocked look on his face, he approached Chu Nan's ear.

"Brother, so you are a perverted lolicon..."

"pu ——"

Chu Nan almost spat out a mouthful of blood, He turned his head and looked at Chu Xiaoxi fiercely.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Because you kept telling me that Hughes grandfather has a very beautiful granddaughter, I thought you liked her, didn 't expect she's pretty, she's pretty, but she's so young... it's too early for you to like her?"

"When did I say..."

Chu Nan also He wanted to refute, but found that Trina had already run over, so he glared at Chu Xiaoxi, then put on a smile and turned his head to look towards Trina.

"Hey, Trina, did your grandpa say you're leaving here with mother tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Trina answered complied crisply, then looked curiously towards Chu Xiaoxi standing beside Chu Nan.

"Oh, this is my younger sister Chu Xiaoxi."

"Hello, Xiaoxi elder sister." Trina immediately gave Chu Xiaoxi a salute and called out sweetly. one sound.

A little girl like Trina, who is beautiful and cute, and very polite, is naturally liked by everyone.

Chu Xiaoxi was called "elder sister" sweetly by her, and she immediately smiled and answered with a sweet voice. She took out a delicate box from the bag she was carrying and handed it to Trina.

"Hey, Trina, this is a gift for you, I made it myself, can you open it and see if you like it?"

"Well, thank you elder sister Konishi ."

Trina didn't have the slightest bit of cowardice, she said thank you with a smile, took the box, and opened it in front of the two of them.

The box contains a row of chest ornaments made from the rhizomes of various flowers, green leaves and tender grasses, each with a different style.

"I made all the flowers and plants I collected by myself, and then used the preservation technology to cure it. It can keep fresh for up to one year in the airtight box, and it can also be guaranteed to be fresh within a day after taking it out. Keeping the original vegetation completely fresh, it should be good to wear on the chest."

Chu Xiaoxi explained to Trina, and there was still some anxiety in her expression.

"I just don't know... Trina, do you like this gift?"

Trina immediately raised her face and showed Chu Xiaoxi an extremely sunny smile.

"I like it very much! This is the first time I have received such a fresh and beautiful gift. Thank you, Xiaoxi elder sister!"

Chu Xiaoxi was sighed in relief, said with a smile: "It's very good if you like it. I'm also worried that you must have seen all kinds of strange gifts, so you won't despise such a simple gift. But I don't have the money to buy such a good gift for you. ..."

"No way." Trina looked at the head seriously. "Elder sister Konishi, I have indeed received a lot of valuable gifts, but those gifts are just things that people bought with money, and they have no meaning at all except that they are more expensive. Compared with those gifts, I like them more. Elder Sister Konishi You made this gift yourself, because it represents your heart, elder sister Konishi, doesn't it? Besides, these corsages are so beautiful and chic, if I wear them to school, my classmates will be very envious !"

With that, Trina picked out a corsage from the box.

"Elder sister Xiaoxi, can I put one on now?"

"Of course I can, I'll help you!" Chu Xiaoxi happily took it from her hand The corsage, cautiously helped her to wear it on her chest.

Seeing their happy appearance, Chu Nan looked strange.

No matter how many times he has been in contact with Trina, he is amazed at how mature Trina has shown to be far beyond his years.

Although Chu Xiaoxi is five years older than Trina, she is probably far behind Trina in this respect.

That's the big difference between the two people's birth family environment, just like the big difference between Chu Nan and those young martial artists who were born in the martial arts Aristocratic Family with full martial skill inheritance.

"Okay, don't stand foolishly outside, Trina, bring the two of them in."

The voice of the Old Master Hume suddenly came from the room .

"Okay, Grandpa."

Trina complied crisply, making an inviting gesture.

"Chu Nan big brother, Xiaoxi's elder sister, please come in."

Chu Nan has been here several times recently, naturally he is familiar with the road, but Chu Xiaoxi is the first Next time, there is some restraint.

The two entered the room, and Madonna, the daughter of the Old Master of Humen, who was also Trina's mother, greeted them first, with smiles all over their faces, and warmly invited them to take their seats.

After Chu Xiaoxi greeted Xiu Meng and Madonna, Xiu Meng bluntly spoke.

“Chu Nan, I heard that you brat has passed the preliminary assessment of Nebula Academy, have you decided when to go to Earth?”

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