According to the Nine Revolutions Core Technique left by Su Xuansheng back then, theoretically speaking, even if it is only the cultivation First Layer Nine Revolutions Core Technique, the realm of Inner Breath nine revolutions can be achieved.

But after countless trials, Chu Nan has determined one thing, no matter how many times your Inner Breath turns, it will eventually be limited by the upper limit of Inner Breath that the meridian can withstand.

Chu Nan is now cultivating to Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer. With his meridian strength after re-tempering many times, he can only endure all Inner Breath five revolutions, which helps his Inner Breath explode. It's powerful enough to mention on equal terms with fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

As for the Inner Breath 6th turn, Chu Nan tried it before, but immediately found that the meridian wasn't strong enough to support it and had to give it up.

However, he has experienced various things during this time, and his physical strength has been significantly improved in all aspects. Meridian has also made a qualitative leap after introducing space energy. It is inferred from the data that he can withstand six Switching to Inner Breath shouldn't be a problem.

Now that he has nothing to do on the spaceship, Chu Nan began to try again.

He thought move, Inner Breath was called out from the dantian, flowed quickly, and quickly completed the fifth turn of Inner Breath.

Then he didn't stop, and continued to activate Inner Breath, and began to enter the six-turn state.

But as soon as the Inner Breath was activated, Chu Nan immediately frowned.

There is no need to remind me of severe pain like tearing from the meridian, just from the data that meridian feels, it can be clearly felt that his meridian still can't bear the too powerful six. Turn Inner Breath.

Chu Nan is a little weird.

Whether from his own feeling or from the accurate data, his meridian strength and toughness have been significantly improved during this period, why is he still unable to withstand the 6th Inner Breath?

Isn't it enough?

Chu Nan thought about it for a while, but continued to push the Inner Breath without stopping.

Obviously much stronger than the fifth-turn Inner Breath, the sixth-turn Inner Breath completely flowed through the first meridian, but at the same time it almost completely destroyed this meridian, making Chu Nan unable to bear his body. With a flash, his cheeks bulged, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Chu Nan looked left and right, then quickly lowered his head and spit the blood from his throat on his hands, wiped the corners of his mouth with a piece of paper, and sat down again as if nothing was wrong.

After re-running the Inner Breath and checking it, Chu Nan confirmed that the meridian was indeed almost completely useless.

But this is not a big problem for him. He mobilized the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath and cooperated with the flame of life to circle around the meridian for a few times, and soon the meridian was restored to its original state.

But when the meridian recovered, Chu Nan was surprised to find that although this meridian has obviously improved in strength and toughness compared to just now, the improvement was minimal, even with his powerful data. The ability can only detect extremely small changes, and it can even be equivalent to no.

Compared to the improvement in meridian's damage and repairs when he forcibly broke through Inner Breath for 3rd, 4th, and 5th turns before, this improvement can be regarded as non-existent now.

Such a slight improvement is certainly not enough to make this meridian strong enough to withstand six turns of Inner Breath.

Chu Nan thought for a while, activated Inner Breath again, reached rank five, and then continued to activate, this time with a meridian experiment.

He swayed again and spat out a mouthful of blood again.

He then went on to repair the meridian with the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath and the flame of life, only to find that the meridian's improvement was also minimal.

Chu Nan reluctantly tried several meridians again, and finally found that the improvement in repair of other meridians after being damaged is still extremely small, far from being comparable to what he used to do.

The rest of the meridian don't need to try again. Chu Nan can confirm that the meridian in his body has been repaired after he has been injured many times, and has almost reached its limit after tempering with space energy, which is completely impossible. What a significant improvement.

In other words, his meridian has almost reached the limit of the human body in terms of strength and toughness, and it is impossible to tap too much potential in this regard.

So how did the 6th Inner Breath come about?

Chu Nan is deeply frowned.

Su Xuansheng cultivated Nine Revolutions Core Technique to Seventh Layer back then, and successfully achieved the complete Inner Breath nine revolutions. After him, although no one cultivated Nine Revolutions Core Technique to Seventh Layer, he did not. There are still people who have cultivated to Sixth Layer, which means that at least Nine Revolutions Core Technique Sixth Layer can still be cultivated successfully by others.

So how did they do it?

After thinking for a while, Chu Nan opened his personal terminal and began to carefully watch the Nine Revolutions Core Technique that he had kept in his personal terminal.

First of all, after taking a close look at the first 5th layer core technique and comparing it with his own situation, Chu Nan confirmed that his previous cultivation should not deviate from the Nine Revolutions Core Technique left by Su Xuansheng, and then this Just started watching Nine Revolutions Core Technique Sixth Layer seriously.

Compared with the first 5th layer core technique, the introduction of the Sixth Layer core technique is much simpler.

The first 5th layer core technique will tell you in detail the trajectory of Inner Breath flowing in the meridian, but in the Sixth Layer core technique, it simply shows that the Martial Artist who needs cultivation to the Sixth Layer pays attention to the combination of inside and outside, Let the Inner Breath merge with the physical body, the physical body with the universe, without much explicit instruction.

"In other words, I got the order wrong? You have to break through Zhouyutianguan before you can break through Nine Revolutions Core Technique Sixth Layer?" Chu Nan frowned in confusion, and immediately shook his head to deny the idea.

Breaking through to Nine Revolutions Core Technique Sixth Layer, it is certain to be able to break through Zhouyu Tianguan, but the Nine Revolutions Core Technique left by Su Xuansheng clearly stated that the number of Nine Revolutions Core Technique and Martial Artist The grade is not directly related, if a Martial Artist is talented enough, he can even comprehend the Nine Revolutions Core Technique Ninth Layer when he is an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

Of course, he himself did not successfully break through to Seventh Layer until he became a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

As for the 8th layer, Ninth Layer? He failed to break through until he became a Star Level Martial Artist and died.

"So this is just a realm comprehension, and it has nothing to do with its own strength. So how to achieve the sixth realm of Inner Breath six turns? This is the breakthrough of the human body's limit."

Chu Nan frowned in thought.

After a while, his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes fell on the words "internal and external integration".

There are limits to the body, but Heaven and Earth outside the body have no limits.

Since the limit of the meridian of the fleshly body can no longer withstand the six-turn Inner Breath, then don't let the Inner Breath complete the six-turn in the meridian?

Chu Nan thought this idea was too whimsical at first, but after reading the introduction of Nine Revolutions Core Technique Sixth Layer twice, and thinking about some of Su Xuansheng's deeds that he had checked before, combined with his own insights, She felt that the idea was becoming more and more feasible.

Just do it.

Chu Nan immediately mobilized the Inner Breath, quickly completed the five turns of the Inner Breath, and then revealed it out of the body, controlling the six turns outside the body.

However, as soon as I started doing this, the Inner Breath had already lost control and disappeared directly from the body.

Chu Nan tried several times, but all failed, which means his idea was obviously wrong.

“So what does it mean to combine inside and outside?”

Chu Nan pondered this question while urging the Inner Breath to circulate outside the body.

Because every time the Inner Breath was controlled to flow outside the body, it was to attract space energy, so he unconsciously adjusted the Inner Breath to a high-frequency vibration state again.

Feeling the energy of space coming from all directions, Chu Nan suddenly moved.

"Perhaps this is possible?"

He controlled the Inner Breath to continue to maintain a high-frequency vibration state, so that it attracted the space energy into the meridian, and the Inner Breath fuses together.

Under normal circumstances, these space energies pass through his body for a while, and nothing will be left behind.

But this time Chu Nan deliberately manipulated the Inner Breath, guiding these space energy to run round after round in the meridian, following the trajectory of the Nine Revolutions Core Technique to drive the Inner Breath's high rotation, cooperate with the Inner Breath flows together.

Soon, the Inner Breath completed the fifth turn, and Chu Nan was pleasantly surprised to find that the space energy actually followed the Inner Breath to complete the fifth turn, and like the Inner Breath, it became obviously much stronger.

Chu Nan hesitated for a while, urging Inner Breath to continue running, and began to try to circulate again.

The Inner Breath containing the huge space energy circulated in the meridian again.

However, at this time, Chu Nan found that the meridian was not under any pressure and completed a cycle of operation in the meridian extremely smoothly.

Inner Breath six turns!

Experienced the power of Inner Breath after 6 turns, Chu Nan was overjoyed, but he did not stop, but moved in his heart and continued to urge Inner Breath, he actually started to try Inner Breath 7 turns!

The Inner Breath is once again combined with the powerful space energy and continues to flow.

Chu Nan was pleasantly surprised to find that his meridian still did not suffer much pressure, and he completed the Inner Breath 7th turn extremely smoothly.

Then run a cycle again to complete the eighth round of Inner Breath.

This is followed by another cycle.

Inner Breath nine turns reached!

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