Chu Nan put out a breath for a long time, opened his eyes, and showed an uncontrollable happy smile on his face.

He originally just wanted to try to complete the Inner Breath six turns, and then try to break through the Nine Revolutions Core Technique Sixth Layer, but didn't expect to find a way to fuse the Inner Breath and the space energy together. The method not only completed the circulation of Inner Breath, but even completed the nine rotations of Inner Breath all the way like a hot knife through butter!

After the successful ninth-turn Inner Breath just now, Chu Nan could clearly feel that the intensity of the nine-turn Inner Breath combined with space energy was several times stronger than the five-turn Inner Breath he had mastered before!

If the five-turn Inner Breath is enough to make him compete with the fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, then the nine-turn Inner Breath will definitely allow him to easily crush the fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist !

"It turns out that the combination of inside and outside of the Nine Revolutions Core Technique Sixth Layer is what it says." Chu Nan continued to push the Inner Breath and completed the nine revolutions of the Inner Breath smoothly again.

Feeling the Inner Breath fused with space energy surging in the meridian without causing too much pressure on the meridian, Chu Nan gave birth to a clear comprehension in his heart.

The reason why his meridian is suddenly able to endure the six-turn Inner Breath, and even the nine-turn Inner Breath, is probably because the Inner Breath that incorporates space energy has actually communicated with the outside world, and is no longer just a By the physical meridian to bear the huge pressure brought by the Inner Breath, the natural meridian will not be damaged.

So inferring this, doesn't it mean that Chu Nan's Inner Breath continues to improve, and he can even fuse space energy directly from the second turn of Inner Breath, so that his Inner Breath will never be meridian again. limit, can it be improved without limit?

And the stronger the Inner Breath, the stronger the space energy that can be mobilized and integrated.

Inner Breath can be raised without limit, doesn't it mean that the space energy that Chu Nan will control in the future can also be raised without limit?

Thinking of this prospect, Chu Nan couldn't help but get excited.

No wonder Su Xuansheng called the Nine Revolutions Core Technique a peerless cultivation technique that can definitely mention on equal terms with the Obliteration Core Technique of Declan Empire Imperial Family.

This alone is enough to reflect the extraordinary Nine Revolutions Core Technique.

Of course, this is still far from Chu Nan.

Although he has basically mastered the method of using Inner Breath to mobilize and fuse space energy, and has also completed Inner Breath six or even nine turns, but in fact he has not achieved breakthrough Nine in the true sense. Revolutions Core Technique Sixth Layer.

Because of the requirements of the Nine Revolutions Core Technique Sixth Layer, the Martial Artist actually completely fuses the Inner Breath and the fleshly body together, and then the fleshly body perfectly integrates into the external space energy.

If this can actually be achieved, it means that the Martial Artist can control the space energy very freely, and it can be regarded as a breakthrough in the universe and become a qualified Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist.

So although Su Xuansheng said that a Martial Artist is talented enough, in theory, he can comprehend the Nine Revolutions Core Technique Ninth Layer when he is an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, but in fact it has no specific meaning.

There is no Martial Artist who will forcibly choose not to break through when they have reached the sufficient realm, but will deliberately stay in a low level.

For example, if Chu Nan has the ability to break through the Eternal Universe now, he will never hesitate, and will definitely choose to break through as soon as possible.

Not just to get stronger, but most importantly, Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist can fly!

Without using any tools, flying in the sky with only flesh and blood is the dream of almost all human beings, and it is also an important goal of almost all Martial Artist cultivation martial skills.

Think about it, thinking move can fly in the air, looking down at the ground under your feet, how overwhelmed by emotions is that?

For now, though, Chu Nan is obediently and honestly continuing to deepen his understanding of the fusion of Inner Breath and space energy.

The most important reason why he was able to complete the idea just now and complete the nine revolutions of the Inner Breath is that he used the high-frequency vibration of the Inner Breath to sense the existence of space energy in advance.

The most important reason for being able to do this is that he has strong data capabilities.

This is actually a bit tricky, but it doesn't mean that he now has the ability to manipulate space energy at will.

Cultivation time always flies by.

Chu Nan just continued to try the nine-turn Inner Breath that incorporates space energy a few times, and the 3-hour journey has gone by in a flash.

Chu Nan was still a little reluctant when he heard the internal voice prompt of "Aucma Star" in the spaceship.

He is in a hurry now, and he can't wait to find a place where no one else is and have a good cultivation.

But Elvie's happy little face flashed in his mind, Chu Nan had to put away these thoughts, picked up his luggage and got up.

While walking out of the aerospace spaceship, Chu Nan opened his personal terminal and sent a message to Elvie.

However, after a long time after the communication request was sent, no one has been connected.

Chu Nan is a little weird.

"This guy, shouldn't he fall asleep on the bus?"

After waiting for a while, Chu Nan sent another communication, but still no one connected.

Chu Nan reluctantly turned off the personal terminal, left the space station, and went to the surface shuttle with a group of people, and went down from the space station to the surface of Aucma.

Although this is the closest federal resident planet to Ziyun, this is the first time that Chu Nan has actually come to the surface of Aucma.

When you are in the space station, you can see that Aucma has more surface than purple cloud stars yellow and red, which means that Aucma has more deserts and characteristic red wasteland.

The place where Chu Nan descends is the largest continent of Aucma and the largest continent of the laterite wasteland.

After going down to the space station, looking out through the window of the space station, you can see a large area of red soil.

Chu Nan glanced around, and not surprisingly did not see Elvie's silhouette.

He had to open his personal terminal again and send a communication to Elvie.

But still no one gets through.

Chu Nan couldn't help frowning.

"Is this guy so unreliable?"

Chu Nan looked around, found a place to sit first, and decided to wait patiently for a while.

Perhaps Elvie has been delayed for a while. Anyway, there are still two hours before the departure of the space flight they want to transfer to, but there is enough time to wait.

However, he waited for another half an hour, and Elvie still did not receive any information.

Chu Nan opened the personal terminal again to send a communication to Elvie, but no one answered.

"What the hell are you doing?" Chu Nan became impatient.

If it wasn't for Elvie's strong request to report to the Nebula Academy with him, he wouldn't need to make such a trip.

As a result, this guy is playing like this now, is he kidding him?

But after the irritability, Chu Nan calmed down, but felt a little strange.

There is obviously no reason for Elvie to deliberately play him, not to mention Elvie looks young, only fourteen years old this year, but she doesn't seem to be such an unreliable guy, she shouldn't appear like this Big mistake.

"Could it be that something happened?" Chu Nan couldn't help but guess.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan opened his personal terminal, looked at Dunleavy's name in the address book, and hesitated whether to send a message to Dunleavy to inquire about the situation.

Just as this thought popped into his mind, Dunleavy's name suddenly lit up.

He actually sent a message to Chu Nan on his own initiative!

Chu Nan chooses to connect immediately.

The impatient face of Dunleavy soon appeared on the virtual screen.

As soon as he saw Chu Nan, he immediately asked: "Chu Nan, do you know where Elvie is? She's gone!"


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