As the largest Academy in the Federation, Nebula Academy has extremely high admission requirements and strict quota restrictions, so in fact, there are not many students in general, and the scale is naturally not large. very large.

Of course, the place to eat will not treat these top students badly.

In addition to the six canteens officially opened by the Academy, there are also many specialty restaurants in the Academy.

Mondeo obviously had plans to have a dinner together for a long time. He had studied this aspect in advance. After pulling the other three out of the dormitory building, he took them around a few times and came to an outside. It doesn't look like much, but it's a restaurant with a lot of space inside.

"I asked the seniors on the Academy's official website forum. Everything else in this place is average, but the special grilled meat is particularly good." As soon as he sat down, Mondeo took the place of the waiter. The three of them introduced it vigorously.

Chu Nan has just arrived, so of course he doesn't know anything about it. Tanaka Iyoko and Sarr are similar, so naturally they can only listen to Mondeo eloquently there.

In a short while, Mondeo has readily ordered the order.

Mondeo took a sip of water when the automatic waiter left, and immediately looked at Chu Nan with burning eyes.

"Hey, Chu Nan, there are only four of our brothers, come, tell us, how did you get to the eighth place? Even one higher than that guy Feng Mingxi?"


Tanaka Iyoko and Thrall immediately gave Chu Nan the same gaze, their faces full of doubts.

It should be said that this is the doubt of many, many people.

Everyone knows that Chu Nan only had the level of third rank Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist in the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist competition half a year ago, then half a year later, even if he has improved, and He had already broken through to the Inner Breath Grade after being exposed, but compared to the federal geniuses who participated in the entrance examination, the junior Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist was simply unremarkable.

However, with the participation of so many talents, Chu Nan forcibly squeezed into the eighth position, which made people sigh and doubt at the same time.


"I just said it was luck, but you don't believe it." Chu Nan said with a smile.

The three of them looked at each other, knowing that Chu Nan had only just met them after all, and they trusted him when it was impossible.

Mondeo pondered for a moment, then said: "By the way, Chu Nan, your cultivation is the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, right? Many people regard this core technique as a rubbish core technique, but I don't see it that way. ."

"oh?" Chu Nan was a little surprised.

He has cultivated Nine Revolutions Core Technique for so many years, and almost everyone will shake their heads and sigh after knowing about it, or directly laugh at him for having cultivated a rubbish core technique, but now Mondeo says he doesn't see it that way, is it because of his relationship? ?

"You think, if the Nine Revolutions Core Technique is really a rubbish core technique, how could Su Xuansheng senior become a powerful Star Level Martial Artist back then. And Su Xuansheng senior also made it clear that he just used Nine Revolutions Core Technique is only for Seventh Layer. If he can practice the highest Ninth Layer, it will only be stronger. So I think, it is not that Nine Revolutions Core Technique is not good, but the person who practiced it is not good." Mondeo resolutely asserted.

"Hey, what Chu Nan cultivates is the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, don't you want to say that Chu Nan is not good?" Sal jokingly said.

"Of course I didn't mean that." Mondeo waved his hand. "Chu Nan is so powerful now, I think it must have something to do with the Nine Revolutions Core Technique. If other people's cultivation of Nine Revolutions Core Technique is not good, Chu Nan can cultivate well. Come on, tell me, Chu Nan, your Nine Revolutions Core. How heavy is Technique's cultivation now? Judging from your performance, I can make a bold guess, at least it should be on the Third Layer, or even the 4th Layer, right?"

Looking at Tanaka Iyoko and Sa Chu Nan thought for a while and felt that this was not something to hide, so he smiled and looked at the head.

"No, I have cultivated to Fifth Layer."

"Fifth Layer?!" The other three immediately showed shocked expressions.

"My God, you have cultivated to Fifth Layer!" Mondeo couldn't help the shock in his heart and shouted. "No wonder it's so powerful! I heard that since Su Xuansheng left the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, and now more than two hundred years ago, not many people have cultivated to Fifth Layer!"

"Yes. Chu Nan, Su Xuansheng was already a Star Level Martial Artist when he cultivated to Seventh Layer, and now you cultivate to Fifth Layer, isn't that..." Speaking of which, Thrall was taken aback for a moment, and then he wondered: "Wait, Chu Nan , isn't it right? You have cultivated the Nine Revolutions Core Technique at Fifth Layer, why haven't you broken through the Eternal Sky Pass?"

Listening to Thrall's mention of the Eternal Sky Pass, Mondeo and Tanaka Iyoko People's faces are a little unnatural.

One of the important reasons why Chu Nan is famous is that two Star Level Martial Artists, Mu Yutong and Norman, personally stated in the live media broadcast half a year ago that Chu Nan is difficult to break through the Zhouyutianguan.

Now that Thrall mentions this, isn't he directly exposing Chu Nan's shortcomings?

Chu Nan didn't care much, and still said with a smile: "The level of Nine Revolutions Core Technique cultivation is not particularly directly related to the level of Martial Artist itself. Cultivation to a higher level, just It means that you have a deeper understanding of Inner Breath and improve faster. I have only learned some key points in the past half a year before I can cultivated to Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer in one breath. Before that, I have been I've been stuck in the Nine Revolutions Core Technique Second Layer for many years."

Hearing Chu Nan's explanation, the three of them showed stunned expressions.

Although the stronger the overwhelming majority Inner Breath Cultivation Technique is, the stronger the Martial Artist will be, but there are many situations where realm and their own strength are not completely in line with the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, which is not surprising. .

"No wonder Chu Nan, your recent performance has always been so amazing. In the entrance examination, all of us have been startled." Mondeo said, and suddenly got closer to Chu Nan, lowered his voice, and put on a pose. A mysterious and secretive look. "That...Chu Nan, everyone, brother, tell the truth, the slaughtering it really you who killed it?"

Hearing this question, Thrall and Tanaka Iyoko immediately stood up He raised his ears and looked towards Chu Nan with equal attention.

Although Feng Mingxi pointed out in front of all the students that Chu Nan killed a Blast Slayer, Chu Nan also tacitly agreed, but there are still many people who are very skeptical.

In the final analysis, Chu Nan Dingdu just broke through Inner Breath Grade not long ago, but the slaughter king is a C-Rank ominous beast, born with the ability to control space energy, not the same for space energy. Martial Artist, who must understand and use it, is basically impossible to be his opponent, and of course it is impossible to kill it.

With Chu Nan's current level of strength, he obviously has an impossible grasp of space energy.

"What if I said I didn't kill it?" Seeing the three people's attention, Chu Nan made a joke.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Mondeo's face: "Everyone will be brothers in the same dormitory in the future, so you don't have to hide and tuck them in like this? You killed them, and the brothers will be happy for you. Even if not You killed, but you asked other helpers to help you, that is also your ability, brothers will never say anything, right?"

The last sentence was aimed at Tanaka What Iyoko and Thrall said.

Tanaka Iyoko and Sal are nodded.

Seeing that Mondeo seems to have the idea of breaking the casserole and asking to the end, Chu Nan also put away his joking thoughts, thought for a while, and nodded said: "I killed it, no one else helped."


The eyes of the three looked towards Chu Nan instantly changed.

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