After a moment of silence, Mondeo coughed lightly, hesitated for a while, and continued to lower his voice and asked: "Then...Chu Nan, can you tell us how you killed the King of Wind Slayer? Right? I've never even seen what a C-Rank ominous beast looks like, so I'm curious."

"Yes, me too." Thrall continued.

Although Tanaka Iyoko didn't speak, the expression on his face also clearly showed the meaning.

Chu Nan looked at the three and laughed.

"I know what you mean, but you just think that I shouldn't be able to master space energy, so there is no reason to be able to kill the King of Storms, right?"

Mondeo embarrassedly laughed: "We didn't doubt what you meant, just curious, pure curiosity, right?"

"Yes, I'm really curious." Thrall quickly agreed. "C-Rank ominous beast is born with the ability to master space energy. If you don't understand the use of space energy, you can't kill it."

This time, even Tanaka Iyoko did not continue to remain silent. , he nodded: "Mr. Chu Nan, I hope you can satisfy our curiosity."

"Okay, this is not the worst thing." Chu Nan smiled nodded: "Tell you, The fact is... I do have mastered the use of space energy, of course, it is not comprehensive."

The three people looked towards Chu Nan's eyes were even more shocked than before.

"You...what level are you now?" Mondeo couldn't help asking.

Chu Nan shrugged: "What level is important?"

"Of course..." Mondeo blurted out in the middle, suddenly his heart moved, he stopped, frowned and thought.

Chu Nan's words may sound like a casual remark, but if you think about it carefully, there seems to be a bit of truth.

In the previous common sense about Martial Artist, the Martial Artist level is linked to the strength of Martial Artist, and there are strict criteria for classification.

The ability to manipulate spatial energy, usually a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist ability.

Even if there are some fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artists who also have some of these abilities, they can only be considered to be able to touch some skins, and they can't really be regarded as controlling the energy of space at all.

And Chu Nan has just broken through the Inner Breath Grade not long ago. According to common sense, he does not say that he masters the use of space energy, and even realizes it is impossible to do it.

However, the fact now is that Chu Nan clearly told them that he does have the ability to control the energy of space, although it is not comprehensive, but it is enough to kill the C-Rank ominous beast.

On this basis, Chu Nan's rhetorical question is intriguing.

Is the level of Martial Artist really that absolute?

In other words, is it really impossible for a low-level Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist to master spatial energy?

Different from Mondeo's bowing his head and thinking, Thrall smiled directly and asked, "Chu Nan, have you really realized the energy of space, and have you been able to master it?"

Chu Nan slightly smiled , did not answer, but stretched out a finger, the Inner Breath surged, and soon a wisp of space energy swarmed in.

After these days of trying, especially after completing the "broken inner small universe" Angelina said, Chu Nan's controlling ability for space energy has gone a step further and has been able to with Hook the space energy with no difficulty and control it with ease.

This part of the space energy that he attracted surrounded his right hand index finger, and the space around the index finger immediately appeared one after another irregular ripples, as if the whole space had become the surface of water, being surrounded by water. Something disturbed.

Although the strongest Thrall among the other three is now only the fourth rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, but they can be admitted to the Nebula Academy. The Artist can easily judge that what Chu Nan is actually manipulating is space energy, and immediately widened his eyes one by one, staring intently at Chu Nan's fingers.

After a while, Chu Nan's thoughts moved, and the space energy that was drawn fell gently on a plate on the table.

“crack crack ka-cha ——”

The high-strength alloy imitation porcelain dinner plate can withstand a maximum force of more than 3 tons. Now, under the pressure of space energy, it directly changes. A table full of tiny fragments.

Mondeo three looked at the fragments on the table in amazement, speechless for a while.

With the strength of their three people, if they do their best, they can smash this plate into pieces.

But if Chu Nan just moved one finger and didn't even touch the plate with his finger, the plate was completely shattered, which was too amazing for them.

"I finally understand now why Chu Nan was able to rank eighth in the entrance examination, and even overwhelmed Feng Mingxi." Mondeo looked at Chu Nan's finger, as if he was looking at something extremely Precious treasure, swallowed hard. "Chu Nan, you're a pervert!"


Chu Nan couldn't help but laugh.

This is the first time I've heard someone use this word to describe him.

"Yes, it's a pervert!" Thrall nodded hard. "It wasn't long before I broke through Inner Breath Grade, but I was able to master the use of spatial energy. This is the first time I heard about it. Damn, I was not convinced by someone who said you were a genius before, but now I see you being so perverted, I am really convinced. .Chu Nan, Mu Yutong and Norman, the two Star Level Martial Artists must have read it wrong before. If you can't break through the Zhouyutianguan like this, then it's totally unreasonable!"

"That's right. You are so If you have been able to perceive space energy for a long time and use it so skillfully, how could you not be able to break through the Eternal Sky Pass in the future. I would say that you will not only be able to break through the Eternal Sky Pass in the future, but you will definitely become a more powerful Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, or even a more powerful Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist. It's also possible to be a Star Level Martial Artist!"

Chu Nan didn't know whether to cry or laugh to shock the head.

These two guys are really exaggerating, but they got such a high evaluation just by showing a small hand in front of them.

If this let them know that they also mastered the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath, the flame of life, and the movement method of Ziyun Bahuang forging, they may have no idea how they would react.

He was about to say a few words of modesty, when a sarcastic laughter suddenly sounded beside him.

"Hey, it's just a little boy who has just entered the Academy, and he dares to delusional Star Level Martial Artist, it's ridiculous!"

"That is, can you stick to the first one? Months are a problem, and you dare to speak madly here."

"Ai, the freshmen recruited by the Academy are really not as good as each other..."


The four of Chu Nan looked in the direction of the sound and saw five youngsters wearing the uniforms of the Nebula Academy Martial Artist sitting on another table not far from the restaurant.

Judging from some of the details and age on them, they should be seniors from the Martial Artist branch.

Mondeo glanced at them, coldly snorted, and stood up.

"You say we are arrogant? Do you have the qualifications?"

Chu Nan immediately started and looked at Mondeo in astonishment.

This guy is actually much more arrogant than these seniors said!

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