The seniors were also stunned for a moment. Obviously, they didn't expect this new student to be so rushed, and they came back with a word in person.

Immediately furious.

He's just a kid who has just entered the Academy, how dare he be so arrogant in front of them!

The male student who was the first to sneer stood up, pointed at Mondeo, and said angrily, "Do you want to say it again?"

Usually, throwing this In other words, it is already a precursor to an outbreak.

Chu Nan wanted to pull Mondeo so that he wouldn't cause trouble when he first arrived at the Academy, but didn't expect him to make a move, Mondeo's eyes widened, and he raised his head and said, "What? You are not qualified to say that we are arrogant, you are not convinced?"

Hearing this sentence, the senior students were even more angry.

The boy student who stood up laughed extremely angry.

"Hehe...hehe...he he he he...Okay, we don't have the right to call you arrogant? Boy, do you know how the word arrogance is written?"


Mondeo didn't seem to want to talk nonsense with him at all, and hooked him directly.

"Come on, when I don't know what you're thinking about? We're all Martial Artists. It's boring to quarrel. Come on, let's fight, whoever wins will be justified."

This time, not only the senior students on the opposite side were stunned, but even Chu Nan was stunned.

He couldn't help but whispered to Thrall beside him: "Hey, where did this guy get so much confidence? Did he hide his strength in the entrance examination?"

Thrall frowned and shook his head gently.

"It shouldn't be... He only ranked 192 in the entrance examination. Even if he wanted to hide his strength, he wouldn't hide it so thoroughly..."

Chu Nan looked towards Tanaka Jingheng again, and he also shook his head with a puzzled look on his face.

Chu Nan had to turn his head to look at Mondeo again in confusion.

Is this guy missing a string in his head at all?

How could the senior students on the opposite side resist being repeatedly provoked by such a freshman who just entered the school? The male student who stood up first walked directly to Mondeo in two steps, staring at him. He looked at him, gloomy face, and whispered: "Boy, I think you are tired of living." , hearing this, he lowered his head slightly, and said in a disdainful tone: "If you want to do something, don't talk nonsense, why? Are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid of your mother..." The male student Furious, he blurted out cursed, halfway through the curse, he suddenly seemed to remember something, he looked around nervously, and then he managed to calm down on the surface, but looked towards Mondeo's eyes, but half of the flames seemed to spew out.

"Boy, you brought this on your own. Private fights are forbidden in the Academy, but public duels are fine. If you have the seeds, come with us to the martial stage, and I will teach you when you end. Teach you how to be a human being. If you don't have seeds, then get out of here immediately, and don't show up in front of us in the future! Do you understand?"

This is almost a threat, and everyone knows the consequences of following them , but Mondeo didn't seem to think about it at all, just nodded it.


He agreed so quickly that the three of Chu Nan didn't even have time to react.

Hearing his agreement, the male student turned his head and looked towards the three Chu Nan who were still in a daze. Coldly snorted asked, "What? Do you three want to come with him?"

This is forcing Chu Nan and the others to make a choice.

If you follow, you will undoubtedly face the threats of these senior students directly. If you don't go, it will be tantamount to publicly announcing a break with Mondeo.

Actually speaking, among Chu Nan and their three people, the one who has known Mondeo the longest is Tanaka Iyoko, but because he arrived two days early, he has only known Mondeo for no more than two days. Just days.

Saar is a little longer than Chu Nan, but he has only known each other for a day.

And Chu Nan just met him at all.

Now Mondeo is taking the initiative to provoke, which has made these senior students angry, and he will not hesitate to teach him a lesson by forcing Mondeo to duel with them. It is said that the three of Chu Nan do not need to take the initiative to get involved.

But if you back off now, everyone will be in the same room with Mondeo in the future, and it will be awkward to get along.

Tanaka Iyoko lowered his head slightly, frowning and thinking about the gains and losses.

He is a cautious person, and he is not willing to take such an unprovoked risk just because he has only known Mondeo for less than two days.

But he didn't think about it for a long time, when Thrall, who was sitting beside him, suddenly stood up.

"He's my roommate, do you think I'll go?"

Hearing Thrall's affirmative voice, Tanaka Iyo looked up in surprise, but saw Chu Nan also Slowly stood up.

"If I remember correctly, you were mainly targeting me just now, thinking I was too arrogant. I didn't intend to argue with you about this issue, but since it has reached this point, there is no need for more What to say, let's talk with our fists."

After Chu Nan finished speaking, Mondeo, Thrall, and the male student all looked towards Tanaka Iyoko who hadn't spoken yet.

Under these three fiery gazes, Tanaka Jingheng's face turned slightly red, he hesitated for a moment, then got up slowly, and unexpectedly bowed slightly to the male student first.

"There is something wrong with Mondeo's way of speaking. As his roommate, I am sorry. But he is my roommate, so I obviously want to be with him."

Mondeo, Sal and Chu Nan all gave Tanaka Iyoko a strange look, thinking that the Japanese guy really has a different way of thinking than others.

Obviously it was these guys who sneered first, but he was still apologizing for Mondeo's actions.

Sorry for that!

The male student was also a little surprised. He glanced at Tanaka Iyoko up and down, and snorted: "Okay, you are considered loyal, then come with us."

Leave it behind.

After this sentence, he went back to the table where the senior seniors were and said a few words, and then they stood up together and walked out.

The male student waved to the four of them again, and Mondeo, laughed, walked over without hesitation.

Chu Nan and Thrall followed, while Tanaka Iyoko paused for a moment, then fell two steps behind Thrall and Chu Nan.

"Hey, Chu Nan, are you sure?" Thrall suddenly asked Chu Nan in a low voice when he reached the door of the restaurant.

Chu Nan smiled slightly, and pursed his lips to Mondeo in front of him.

"This guy is not an idiot, he must have seen it. What do you think?"

Saar's eyes fell on the senior male student who was leading the way in front of Mondeo, The corners of his mouth rose, revealing an ironic smile.

“These seniors have been in the Nebula Academy for so long, but they are not so strong. It can be seen that they are wasting their time.”

Chu Nan laughed, patted Sa Er's shoulders.

"Well, since you also decided to seize this opportunity, don't hold back for a while, so that I can see your true strength."

Thrall turned his head up and down He glanced at Chu Nan with a strange expression.

"When it comes to concealing strength, you are the most ruthless of all. You should say this to yourself."

Chu Nan shrugged: "I never I haven't deliberately concealed my strength, but many people always look down on me."

Saar was stunned for a moment, then showed a stunned expression, and patted Chu Nan's shoulder in turn.

"Now it shouldn't be someone who sees it this way, at least I believe in your strength."

Chu Nan just laughed and didn't answer.

Tanaka Iyoko, who was following behind, was puzzled when he heard the conversation between the two.

These two guys, instead of thinking about how to deal with the threats of those senior seniors, actually still have the time to study whether the other party has hidden strength.

Everyone is an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, who are you hiding from?

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