The Nebula Academy Martial Artist branch is third in the martial stage.

Because it was already night, the place became more deserted, but now, it has gradually become more and more lively.

People gathered all around the martial stage, looking at the two groups of people in the arena with excitement and curiosity in their eyes.

More of them focused on another wave of four people who were obviously younger.

Not only because they are younger, but also because they don't have Nebula Academy uniforms on them.

In other words, the four of them are freshmen of the Academy who just finished their registration today!

Everyone is very curious. It stands to reason that freshmen have just entered the Academy, and they should be still at the stage of being ignorant and curious about the Academy. No matter where they go, they should be cautiously, and they should be respected when they see senior students. It's just right to dodge everywhere, why did these four guys clash head-to-head with the senior students, and even went straight to the martial stage to duel?

It's too arrogant!

The most critical problem is that they are just freshmen who have just entered the Academy, and the opposite is a senior student of the Academy. There must be a clear gap between the strengths of the two parties. Senior students duel?

Of course, this little doubt will not prevent people from watching the fun.

Especially, the audience who gathered around after receiving the news were basically students from the Martial Artist branch, and it was not a big deal to watch the fun, so everyone didn't have the idea of dissuading them, but in the heart is expecting.

These freshmen are so arrogant, they should have some ability.

Otherwise, it would be too boring to be picked up by a few senior students on the opposite side.

The four Chu Nan and the senior students in the field didn't have time to pay attention to what the audience was thinking. Since the two of them have come to the martial stage, of course, they will only have to fight one more time. field.

However, it still needs to be discussed.

"This way..." The senior male student who was in his early years pointed at Chu Nan and the others. "We have a lot of people here, don't say we bully you, we each pick one person out to fight, whoever loses, whoever loses, apologizes to the other side in public, how about that?"

Tanakai Heng looked towards Chu Nan immediately.

If I had to pick one out of the four of them, it would obviously only be Chu Nan.

Chu Nan not only ranked eighth in the entrance examination, but he also showed his ability to control spatial energy in front of them just now. In terms of strength, he is undoubtedly the strongest among the four of them.

If one person is selected to play, of course, Chu Nan is the best shot.

Mondeo directly called the head: "No, I caused this incident just now, I can't drag all the brothers into the water. You pick someone out, I'll fight you, if you lose, I apologize to you in public."

Hearing this, not only the senior students on the opposite side, but also Chu Nan and the others couldn't help but feel happy.

The three of them have already come, isn't it nonsense that he can't drag them into the water now.

"What nonsense. I gave them three chances just now. Now that they're following, they just want to hide. That's not good." The senior male student pointed at Chu The three of Nan, said solemnly: "In short, they must also end, there is no negotiation."

Mondeo turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan and them, making a helpless expression.

"No way, brothers, they insist you have a fight, are you willing to fight? If not, I'll fight for you."

Saar frowned, He waved his hand: "Okay, don't talk so much, let's start the fight, I can't wait to see how the strength of our seniors is."

Mondeo looked towards Chu Nan and Tian Nakai Yoko.

Chu Nan laughed and didn't express his opinion, while Tanaka Iyoko hesitated a little, and also nodded to him.

"That's good." Mondeo turned and looked towards the senior male student. "I'll come first, which one of you will come?"

The senior male student laughed: "Of course it's me." , gave the vacated space to Chu Nan and the senior male student.

"Boy, after talking for a long time, what's your name?" Before the fight, the senior male student asked Mondeo.

"Mondeo, the freshman who came to register yesterday, how about you?"

"My name is Wiggins. Although there are no grades in our Martial Artist branch, I'm older than you. The Academy is three years early, and you are a newcomer who dares to provoke. I have to say that your courtship is not small."

Mondeo snorted: "Arriving early does not mean that you are strong, you have fought before. I'll find out later. Okay, stop talking nonsense, come on."

Wiggins nodded his face sullenly, stepped back with his left foot, and took a stance.

"For your newcomer's sake, I'll let you go first."

"Then I'll be welcome."

Mondeo is true You're welcome, loudly shouted, a little under his feet, he has already rushed to Wiggins and punched him.

As the saying goes, as soon as a connoisseur takes a shot, you will know if there is any.

Seeing this fist of Mondeo, all the people watching the battle were slightly startled.

His fist looks simple and straight, but his posture and posture are almost perfect. Obviously, he has been immersed in this fist for many years and is extremely proficient.

Wiggins also startled a little, didn't expect Mondeo to show that his strength is much higher than he imagined with just one punch.

But it's right to think about it, this kid must have several points of ability if he dares to be so arrogant in front of himself and the others.

Although he was surprised, he was not flustered.

“peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ ——”

In the blink of an eye, the two have already fought dozens of moves. From the perspective of the scene, it is Mondeo who has the upper hand. Dominating the attack, Wiggins mostly passively defends.

This surprised many viewers.

Although Mondeo can enter the Nebula Academy Martial Artist branch, it must be a first-class young Martial Artist in the Federation, but Wiggins is also a student of Nebula Academy. After all, he has been in the Nebula Academy for three years, and he is older than Mondeo. Logically speaking, he must be stronger than Mondeo.

But the reality is that Wiggins was actually suppressed by Mondeo in turn.

"Hey, I'll just say these guys are merely this." Seeing the situation on the field, Sal laughed and said to Chu Nan.

Chu Nan was silent.

To be honest, he was a little disappointed.

I originally thought that the Nebula Academy was the largest Academy in the Earth Federation after all, and the Martial Artist branch in it was definitely the best Martial Artist Academy in the Federation, so the students in it should all be good.

But this Wiggins claims that he has been in the Nebula Academy for three years, and now he is doing this, which is simply worthy of the reputation of the Nebula Academy Martial Artist branch.

You must know that Mondeo's current performance is about the level of a third rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist. Wiggins is a little worse than him, at most a third rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist , at his age, can't be called strong at all.

Just as Chu Nan had this thought in his mind, the situation on the court suddenly changed.

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