The man was shocked, and after waiting for a while, he finally lifted the head slowly, revealing a face full of embarrassed smiles.

"Hey...that...Chu Nan, you...hello, we met again, ha...ha..."

Seeing his reaction, the lecture hall Everyone here is full of curiosity.

This Brax clearly looked like he was at a loss when he faced Chu Nan. What did he do to make Chu Nan come to him for trouble, and he couldn't refute it?

Chu Nan just mentioned the two people's "initial bet", so looking at the current situation, it should be that Brax lost the bet but renege on a debt?

"Yeah, we meet again." Chu Nan sneered. "When I met you on the spaceship before, you still refused to admit it, so now? What else do you have to say?"

This Brax, who was in the dojo test center of Ziyun Xingliuyun At the time, he took the initiative to provoke Chu Nan, claiming that whoever loses will withdraw from the Nebula Academy assessment, and he will not be allowed to apply for the Nebula Academy in the future. As a result, he obviously lost, and now he actually appears in the Nebula Academy!

Chu Nan had seen him on the spaceship that came to Earth before. At that time, he also said that he did not violate the gambling contract to participate in the assessment, but now he is blatantly sitting in the same big room. In the lecture hall!

"This...that..." Brax looked around, not daring to look directly into Chu Nan's eyes. "Chu Nan, let's talk about our affairs after class, and don't delay other students in class."

Chu Nan turned to look inside the lecture hall and found that almost all the students in the lecture hall were talking Looking over here, thinking about it, coldly snorted, turned back to his seat.

The other students all looked disappointed.

I originally said that I could see some liveliness before class, but didn't expect Chu Nan to let it go.

"Hey, Chu Nan, what's the situation? You have a grudge against that kid?" As soon as Chu Nan sat down, Mondeos immediately came over and asked curiously.

"Nothing." Chu Nan looked the head blankly.

"How could it be nothing, you two..."

Mondeo wanted to ask again, but was dragged back by Thrall.

"Shut up, you shouldn't ask now." Thrall reprimanded Mondeo, then pouted in Brax's direction and asked quietly. "If you need help, just say it."

Mondeo reacted immediately and excitedly said: "Yes, Chu Nan, don't be polite to us, if you need help, I will sign up now."

Chu Nan grinned: "It's not that exaggerated, I just had a little bit of fun with him before, and besides, he's not my opponent at all."

"Well, I believe it." Sa Er nodded, pulls back Mondeo again and doesn't let him harass Chu Nan.

A small storm passed for a while, and the formal class soon began.

In the basic martial skill lecture hall, the specific aspects of high level martial skill are generally not involved, but the teacher in charge of such a course teaches students some insights on the basis of the martial skill, and then any Questions are asked by the students, and the students are analyzed while answering the questions.

In general, this is just a course that involves the basics of martial arts, and is only set up to strengthen students' understanding of the martial skill, so the course is not very difficult.

Chu Nan couldn't help but slightly frowned after listening to it for a while.

Although Nebula Academy is the No. 1 Academy in the Federation, the class now taught is only basic martial skill theory.

After listening to it for a while, and finding that there was not much to gain, Chu Nan couldn't help but start a small errand, opened his personal terminal, and began to browse the 73 F items that he had exchanged from the Academy martial skill database before. -rank martial skill.

As Mondeo and the three of them said, these F-rank martial skills are the lowest martial skills, and naturally they are not too complicated.

Chu Nan just watched the first external martial skill called "March Slaughter Divine Palm", and he has already kept this martial skill in mind.

Chu Nan has basically mastered this martial skill after comparing his own data and performing calculations and simulations several times through his powerful data capabilities.

He is confident that he will be able to master this martial skill thoroughly as long as he practice a few more times.

But this level of practice is obviously not enough.

According to the regulations, if you want to use a martial skill to exchange for points in the database, then the martial skill must be higher than the level of the existing martial skill in the database, or at least you must have your own unique understanding. .

So Chu Nan must study this martial skill in depth to earn points.

This may be difficult for other Martial Artists, but for Chu Nan, the high-level martial skill can't be said, and it is fundamental to modify and improve this kind of F-rank's lowest martial skill. is with no difficulty.

He carefully analyzed all the moves of this "March Divine Palm", and then combined his own data for extremely detailed calculation and derivation, and quickly found this martial skill. There are a total of seventeen imperfections in the book, which have been supplemented and corrected after calculation.

Although the formidable power of the Divine Palm after his modification is not much stronger than before, the moves will be more in line with the human body's own conditions, and the use will be smoother and rounder. Turn, the level is significantly higher.

After making these corrections, Chu Nan was still not satisfied. After thinking about it, he added a few self-created moves based on the March Slaughter of Divine Palm.

In this way, this set of palm techniques is truly complete. After a set of cultivation, not only can the muscles of the whole body be mobilized during practice, but also the physical body can be exercised more perfectly. It can also be used in formal combat. Being able to use this set of palms to attack in any situation is far more reliable than the previous set of Divine Palm in March.

After changing the whole set of external martial skills, Chu Nan still felt unsatisfied.

After thinking about it, he added his understanding of the operation of Inner Breath when using this palm technique, and pointed out that this palm technique is most suitable for the more feminine and gentle Inner Breath. , it should not be violent, and at the same time, it also gives an extremely detailed plan for the trajectory of the Inner Breath that matches each move.

Although this whole set of corrections was very troublesome, it didn't take Chu Nan much time.

After all, it is only the lowest F-rank martial skill. Chu Nan rated his powerful data ability and full understanding of himself, and can easily make changes.

In less than 40 minutes, he had already completed the corrections for the March killing of Divine Palm, and then compiled it into a complete set of martial skill data, and directly selected the Academy martial skill on his personal terminal. The database issues an application for point redemption.

After finishing this, Chu Nan looked up and listened to the lecture for a while, and found that the content was still not very interesting, so he simply lowered his head and continued to study the second martial skill...

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