Corovina sat upright, looking steadily forward, posing an extremely focused posture, staring at the virtual screen in front of her, her hands constantly moving, looking like she was working hard, In fact, her mind was not on the virtual screen at all, but kept looking diagonally forward with her peripheral vision.

There, Nebula Institute Head Lin Mingdao was surrounded by several senior Academy leaders and Martial Artist branch director Semundi and several other Martial Artist branch leaders. He looked around casually, discussing something in his mouth.

Corovina didn't have the energy to listen to what they were discussing in detail, but just kept looking at their movements from the corner of her eye, praying in her heart.

"Don't go over! Don't go over! Don't go over..."

Not far from this group of Academy leaders, there is a A very simple wooden shelf with a lot of paper materials on it.

On the surface, the information on this shelf is neat and tidy, which looks very refreshing.

But Korovina knew very well that under the bright exterior, in the inner layer of the shelf, she had just stuffed a lot of debris.

If these leaders walked over and found something hidden in the inner layer, she was dead!

"Damn it!" Corovina cursed fiercely in the heart.

She had to take advantage of the fact that the students were going to school to deal with the bits and pieces of the work accumulated in the morning. She was going to take a break and eat some snacks, but didn't expect Academy leaders and The branch leader actually came for a surprise inspection!

Fortunately, she saw it in advance through monitoring, otherwise she would be dead if the top leaders saw that she was eating snacks during work hours!

"Damn it!" Korovina cursed again.

Why did these terrifyingly large leaders suddenly want to come here today to inspect? And they didn't even give advance notice!

Corovina cursed in her heart, while paying close attention to the direction of the leaders with her peripheral vision.

However, no matter how much she prayed in her heart, the leaders still approached the damned document shelf little by little, and one of them even extended the hand, intending to take out a paper document from it to watch.

Seeing that hand stretched out, Corovina's heart immediately rose to her throat.


If she remembered correctly, behind that damn document, there is now a bag of potato chips she just bought!

However, at this time, Korovina couldn't think of any reason to stop her, and a few drops of cold sweat broke out on her forehead instantly, and she could only watch helplessly as the hand touched the document.


At this moment, a relatively special crisp sound suddenly came from the virtual screen in front of Korovina, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

A group of leaders turned their heads and looked towards Korovina's side, seeing that Korovina was looking at this side nervously, and there were even drops of sweat oozing from her forehead, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, little girl, you don't have to be so nervous, we're just casually taking a look." Lin Mingdao waved at Korovina, laughed gently.

“little girl?” Corovina looked odd.

She is almost forty years old this year, how can she be considered a little girl?

But Dean Lin is over 70 this year, so she doesn't have any opinion when she calls her little girl.

Seeing that Korovina was in a daze, Lin Mingdao smiled and pointed to the virtual screen in front of her.

"Continue with your work and ignore us."

"Huh? Oh..."

Corovina complied blankly, looking towards the virtual The screen, but immediately shouted in surprise.

"My God!"

A group of Academy leaders were immediately distracted by her cry.

The Martial Artist branch director Semendi frowned slightly and said with a little dissatisfaction: "What happened? How did you make a fuss about nothing?"

Corovina looked up. After taking a look at Dean Semendi, he looked down at the virtual screen again, and after thinking about it, he couldn't help but opened the mouth and said: "Dean... Dean, a student has applied..."

"Apply?" Dean Semendi frowned even more. "Isn't this normal? Over the years, many students have been trying to exchange their points for martial skills, aren't you proficient yet?"

"No, it's not the points that are exchanged for the martial skills, but the martial skills. Points..." Korovina shook her head and explained.

"oh?" Semendi raised his eyebrows, somewhat surprised. "A senior student?"

Because the senior students have studied in Nebula Academy for a minimum of one year, many of them have already learned some martial skills through the Academy martial skill database , so students with a more sophisticated martial skill, cultivation, can naturally exchange their previously acquired martial skills into points through the database according to the regulations.

This is the original policy of the Martial Artist branch for those senior students.

Otherwise, it would be unfair to them if they were to be placed on the same starting line as freshmen.

"No, it's this year's freshman..."

"Freshman?" Semendi was stunned. "Is there any freshman willing to donate his martial skill?"

Although the martial skill point exchange system does have such a meaning, the Martial Artist branch has basically not expected it. Students will do this.

Points can be obtained in many ways, but the martial skill that you have mastered is lost when you contribute it.

So normally, no student would be willing to contribute their martial skills.

Not only Dean Semundi, but also several leaders of other Martial Artist branches all looked stunned. Among them, Sun Xiangren, who was mainly in charge of student work, immediately came over.

"Which freshman is willing to do this?"

"No..." Who knows, Corovina actually shook the head again. "It's not the new martial skill submitted by the students, but the martial skill proposed from the database..."

"How is that possible!" Several leaders of the Martial Artist branch were all stunned, and Semendi was stunned. Eyes said: "It's only been a few days since school started? Even if he has exchanged a martial skill, it would be good to learn to master it in such a short period of time. Could it be possible to master it to a higher level?"

"Yes Ah, to submit such an application in such a short period of time, it seems that this student is really unable to hold his breath and is a little arrogant." Sun Xiangren called the head, sighed then said.

The leaders of several other branches of Martial Artist nodded in agreement.

Indeed, it has only been less than a week since the start of the school year. Even if any freshman immediately redeems a martial skill, it is impossible to cultivate this martial skill to beyond the database in a short period of time. , now it is a joke to apply for redemption points.

"Don't jump to conclusions in such a hurry." Instead, Lin Mingdao laughed and said to Korovina, "Since this student has already applied, let's evaluate his application according to the procedure. If it doesn't work, the application will be rejected, and if it's a line, wouldn't it be better?"

Since the dean has said so, it is natural for others to say nothing.

Semundi thought about it and extended the hand to Korovina.

"Come, show me the martial skill he applied for, and I'll check it out for him myself."

Corovina hurriedly transferred the application, And enlarge the virtual screen and display it in front of everyone.

Led by Semendi, all the leaders of the Martial Artist branch have set their sights on the core content of this application - that is, the martial skill.

"Murder the Divine Palm in March? Although this palm method is an F-rank cultivation technique, it is also somewhat unique. It may take at least one or two months for ordinary students to fully master it. time, how could he..."

Sumundi shook the head, swept over the March murder of Divine Palm described in the application, and was about to refute two sentences, but suddenly snorted with a look on his face. surprise.

Sun Xiang and several other leaders of the Martial Artist branch also showed their surprised expressions, and each of them looked at the application content in disbelief.

In this application, the student clearly made changes to the March Slaughter Divine Palm, and even put forward a more detailed and deeper understanding, which has obviously far exceeded the original March in the database. The degree to which Divine Palm was killed.

More importantly, the various changes proposed by this student are actually very reasonable, and even perfect after thinking about it, it has directly raised more than one of this trifling F-rank cultivation technique. Grade!

Semendi and Sun Xiangren glanced at each other, and both saw the meaning in each other's eyes, then turned their heads and looked towards the top of the application.

The name of the student making this application is clearly marked.

It is Chu Nan.

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