Chu Nan froze for a moment.

Not only because Feng Mingxi broke through the Eternal Sky Pass, but also because he suddenly ran and said that he had a problem and wanted to ask himself.

"That...what's the problem?"

"There are so many people here, it's inconvenient to talk about it, come with me." Feng Mingxi left a sentence and turned around and took the lead in the other direction past.

After walking two steps, he found that Chu Nan didn't follow. He turned his head and frowned at Chu Nan and said, "What?"

Chu Nan was somewhat ironic.

"I said, you will let me go with you without even asking any questions. Why should I go? Besides, I'm about to go to dinner right now, so I don't have time."

Hearing Chu Nan's words, the expressions on the faces of the three Mondeo next to him became strange.

This is Feng Mingxi, how could Chu Nan be so rude to him?

Feng Mingxi was obviously a little surprised that Chu Nan had such an attitude, frowning deeper, coldly snorted and said: "What? Do you want me to invite you?"

Chu Nan sighed, shaking his head.

"Sometimes I really don't understand, where do you guys get this confidence, you think others must listen to you?"

After saying this, she ignored Feng Mingxi and froze aside. The Mondeo three beckoned.

"Let's go, go eat, and ignore these guys."

The three of Mondeo stared blankly at Chu Nan walking towards the cafeteria, then turned to look Feng Mingxi, seeing his astonished expression, obviously didn't expect Chu Nan to actually don't give face.

The blonde man and several other senior students also looked a little dazed, but no one stopped Chu Nan and let him leave like this.

The three of them thought about it and quickly followed.

After a while, the four of them sat down in the cafeteria.

"Chu Nan...that senior guy, it's fine if you don't give them face. I'm afraid it's not good to treat Feng Mingxi like this?" After sitting down, Sal hesitated and frowned at Chu Nan. road.

"What's wrong?" Chu Nan glanced at him and found that even Mondeo had a weird expression, so he said with a smile: "I know what you are thinking, because I am afraid that Feng Mingxi will come to me. Don't worry. Don't worry, what he said is also the grandson of Feng Nanshan Venerable, for the sake of his grandfather's reputation, he won't mess with the Academy."

Saar shook the head, thinking about Chu Nan's thoughts Somewhat naive.

Although he is right, it is obviously not a wise way to offend a direct descendant of a Star Level Martial Artist.

Chu Nan took a look at the strange expressions of the three of them, laughed, and didn't bother to say much, so he buried his head and ate in silence.

Saar wanted to say more, seeing Chu Nan's attitude, but he could only sigh and stop the topic.

Just after taking a few bites, a new message alert came from the personal terminal on Chu Nan's wrist.

Chu Nan opened a look and was immediately laughed.

"What good thing? Laughing so exaggeratedly?" Mondeo asked in confusion.

"See for yourself." Chu Nan adjusted the direction of the virtual screen with a smile, facing the three of them.

The three of them looked together.

"Chu Nan student, after the review, it is confirmed that the March Divine Palm you submitted has reached the average level of D-Rank martial skill. Therefore, according to the relevant regulations, the amount you spent to redeem the March Divine Palm before. The 15 points will be returned in full, and you will be rewarded with an additional 50 points. The points have been issued to your personal account, please pay attention to check.”

The three stayed together.

After a while, Mondeo looked towards Chu Nan blankly.

"Damn, Chu Nan, you... When did you get it done? Didn't you just redeem those martial skills this morning."

"Well, I just took the class When I felt bored, I studied the March Slaughter of Divine Palm, didn't expect to pass the review so quickly, the Academy is very efficient." Chu Nan said.

Hearing this, Thrall couldn't hold back.

"Hey, Chu Nan, I remember that you exchanged F-rank martial skill before, right?"

"Yes, I can only exchange F-rank martial skill now. Well."

"Then what do you mean...just in such a short time in the morning class, you can actually improve an F-rank martial skill research into a D-rank martial skill? Yes? Isn't it so exaggerated?"

Chu Nan shrugged: "I originally thought it could be improved into an E-rank martial skill, but did't expect Academy rated it as D-Rank, which is somewhat unexpected."

Seeing Chu Nan's casual appearance, Mondeo and Thrall couldn't help but have the urge to "This kid just reserves a beating", but they were more shocked.

F-rank martial skill is the lowest martial skill. Of course, compared with high level martial skill, it has many mistakes and is much worse. If you want to study it carefully, there will definitely be many areas that can be improved. .

But this is also a relatively complete martial skill. It is not a matter of talking about improving the defects, and it must go through extremely in-depth research.

If Chu Nan is an extremely powerful Martial Artist, then it may not be difficult to do this, but he is only an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist after all, but he can do it. One, it's really surprising.

More importantly, he just completed this extremely difficult task for them in the morning class time, which is unimaginable!

"Hey, Chu Nan, you should have cultivated this March Divine Palm before?" Mondeo asked.

Thrall stared at Chu Nan immediately.

In his opinion, aside from this explanation, it is impossible for Chu Nan to elevate the Divine Palm to a D-Rank martial skill in such a short period of time, which is an exaggeration to describe are not enough.

"No, it was the first time I learned about this martial skill in the database this morning." Chu Nan shook his head and replied.

"And then you improved it into a D-Rank martial skill in the morning?" Mondeo's eyes widened, still unable to accept this fact. " this too ridiculous?"

Chu Nan laughed, too lazy to explain to them, but opened the student's personal account and found that his current points were indeed 65 points higher than before.

This time, he didn't spend it all at once like when he got the 500 points reward for the entrance examination just now, but kept it.

He exchanged 1000 base points for 73 martial skills before, and just now he exchanged 33 martial skills with 500 bonus points, except for the March Divine Palm and Divine Palm that were already done in the morning. In addition to the sword glow finger law, there are still 104 martial skills left that he needs to study in depth, but there is no need to increase them for the time being.

And judging from the fact that he was awarded an extra 50 points for killing Divine Palm in March, if he can study all the 106 martial skills that he redeemed, even if not every one is the same. Divine Palm in March was rewarded with 50 points at once, which was enough for him to raise his personal points level to E-rank.

After waiting for the E-rank, he can directly exchange the E-rank martial skill, and then the reward points obtained by studying the E-rank martial skill will be much more than that of studying the F-rank martial skill. There is no need to continue researching the F-rank martial skill.

While researching the efficiency of E-rank martial skill and F-rank martial skill, Chu Nan's personal terminal received a new message prompt.

Chu Nan opened his personal terminal and took a look, then adjusted the virtual screen to face the three with a smile.

Still muttering that Chu Nan must be Mondeo, who had been cultivating the Divine Palm in March, and immediately shut up and stared at the virtual screen with a dull look on his face.

Saar and Tanaka Iyoko are not much better than him.

The information displayed on the virtual screen is almost the same as before. The only difference is that "March Divine Palm" has been replaced with "sword glow Finger Law".

In other words, Chu Nan actually raised another F-rank martial skill to the level of D-rank martial skill!

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