Corovina is not the only one responsible for the Martial Artist branch's martial skill database.

Besides the database itself, the most important part after the reform of the Academy system is actually the database martial skill collation group composed of several teachers from the Martial Artist branch.

The main job of this group is to evaluate the martial skills submitted by the students, give corresponding scores, and then reward the students with corresponding points according to the rules.

Theoretically, the work of this working group is extremely important to the students, because it holds a very important means for them to earn points.

But since the beginning of the school year, the work of this group has been very leisurely, so that now there will be no other group members except for the lowest two teachers on duty every day.

Montevic yawned and glanced at Samuel, who was looking down at something, rather boredly.

"Hey, why don't we leave earlier than us today? I didn't apply anyway."

Samuel looked up at him and shook his head.

"What a joke, don't forget that Dean Semundi has repeatedly emphasized that before, must take this work seriously, and if there is a problem, it will be severely punished."

"che, didn't he feel embarrassed because he was trained by the dean last time." Montevic curled one's lip, making no secret of his dissatisfaction with Dean Semendi. "If I say that our group shouldn't have been established in the first place, it's simply a fantasy story to expect those students to improve the martial skills of the database."

"You forgot the last time, Lord Dean. Come to inspect the events of that day?" Samuel asked.

"This..." Montevic scratched his head, a little distressed. "If you really have something to do every day, that's fine, but you see, except for the one called... it's called..."

"Chu Nan." Samuel suggested.

"Oh yes, Chu Nan. Except for him, it's been a month since school started, and no second student has made the same application. And even this Chu Nan, I think it's just because of him I have been cultivating Divine Palm and sword glow Finger Law in March before, or with expert guidance, can I get the two sect martial skills? Otherwise, how can he be able to do this as a student who has just entered the Academy? Look, he hasn't submitted a third application in this period of time."

"Well..." Samuel pondered for a moment and shook his head gently. "Although I agree with your suspicions, we reviewed the applications together at the time, and there was nothing wrong with the two applications themselves, so it doesn't make sense to say that."

"I'm just upset." Monterey Oddly coldly snorted. "These new students recruited by the Academy are too outrageous. They have just learned to lie and cheat, and they will get it in the future? This student named Chu Nan seems to have a little reputation. I am afraid that he has gained fame by cheating in the past, right?"

Samuel, slightly frowned, waved his hand and said: "Until there is no actual evidence, don't easily accuse the students. It will not affect the students well, nor will it benefit us."

"You're just being so careful...there's no need." Montevichshook the head.

He and Samuel are old friends. They have known each other for more than 20 years. Of course, they know each other's character very well, so I won't say more.

Looking at the time, it was about half an hour before he got off work, and he asked Samuel again, "What are you going to eat later?"

"Let's go to the cafeteria. Let's eat something, why not?"

"Academy just opened a new store in the past two days, what's it called..."

Montevic just planned to greet Samu excitedly El recommended a restaurant he had only known about yesterday, but a bright beep suddenly sounded on the virtual big screen, interrupting him.

"Damn, it's almost time to get off work, who doesn't have eyes to post at this time..."

Montevic turned his head and looked towards the virtual big screen, after a glance, Stop complaining halfway through.

Samuel looked up and looked towards him strangely, only to find Montevitch staring at the virtual big screen with a look of excitement.

"Hey, Samuel, look who this is!"

Samuel turned his head in confusion, looked towards the virtual big screen, and found that the database was displayed on it. The application for a martial skill appraisal turned over over there was a stunned moment.

Just now Montevich was still saying that no student had submitted a corresponding application, and I didn't expect it to come now.

He looked even more stunned.

The submitter of this application is the Chu Nan they just talked about!

"Haha, this kid has endured for almost a month, but he can't help but come again." Montevich rubbed his hands hard, looking like he was waiting for the thief's current offender. "Look, I won't let him show his true form this time!"

Samuel frowned, tapped hard on the table, shouted in a deep voice: "Montevic, pay attention to your work attitude! How can you decide that this student is cheating?"

Montevic was stunned, scratching his head sadly.

"Hey, I'm not idle and bored, so give myself a little more motivation to work."

Samuel reluctantly called the head, ignored him, and turned to Head looked towards the details of that application.

"Seven Stars Step method? Hmm... F-rank's movement method martial skill, see how this Chu Nan improved it this time."

Samuel After a bit of operation, the new Seven Stars Step method attached to this application was displayed on the virtual screen.

After watching with Montevitch for a while, they both looked surprised.

"How is it?" Montevitch asked Samuel.

Samuel didn't answer, but thought for a moment, stood up, came to the open space next to him, thought about it, stepped out, followed by another movement, and stepped to the side. one step.

As a result, this step was a little urgent, but it made him sway, and he almost became unsteady.

He came to the virtual big screen and looked at it carefully again, lowered his head and pondered for a while, then came to the open space again, and stepped out again.

This time, his pace was very smooth, and he used the Seven Stars Step method completely in a short while.

After the rehearsal, he returned to the virtual big screen and read the Seven Stars Step method submitted in the application from the beginning again, and then said to Monteverde strangely: "No problem, at least you can He was rated as an E-rank martial skill. If he added the matching Inner Breath application method like his previous two applications, then it would be no problem to be rated as a D-rank martial skill.”

Montevey Qi stared at the virtual big screen with a puzzled expression.

"Shouldn't...he's just a new student, how could he have studied so deeply into the martial skill? I still suspect that someone is helping him cheat."

says Here, Montevich nodded hard.

"Well, this is a major loophole in this point system, I suggest reporting it to the dean immediately!"

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