"Is she still awake?"

Angie Belle glanced at the Rand girl on the bed with concern, then turned to Chu Nan and asked road.

Chu Nan shrugged: "Don't ask me, she was knocked out by you."

Angie Belle embarrassedly touched her forehead, and then frowned: "But Even if I knocked her out, she should have woken up long ago. I heard that she is also an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, so she shouldn't be so vulnerable."

" I think... She may be in the same situation as you before, her life force consumption should be severe, so now she is too weak to cause a coma. But her condition is obviously much better than yours, It shouldn't be too big The danger is that you will wake up after a while," Chu Nan explained.

Angie Belle looked at the Rand girl, her expression full of surprise and doubts.

"Based on the current situation, isn't what she did before the equivalent to transmit her life force to me? What kind of peculiar cultivation technique is this?"

Chu Nan took a look at Angelique Beili and confirmed that she has indeed returned to her usual refreshed state now, looking bright and strange.

That's right, since this Rand girl kissed Angel Beili and injected that green breath into Angel Beili's body, Angel Beili's life force has been obtained. Obviously supplemented, then woke up, and got better quickly. As a result, the girl's own life force was obviously much weaker.

Judging from this situation, it was as if she had delivered her life force to Angelique at that time.

But in this world, is there really such a cultivation technique to pass on one's own life force to others?

This is amazing!

But look at Angelique, and then think about her Master, Venerable. The flame of life they cultivate can not only stimulate the life force of the human body, but also help people to heal their injuries quickly. It even allows people to recover one's youthful vigor and regain their youth.

There are such magical cultivation techniques, so it is not surprising that there are equally magical cultivation techniques.

"We'll have to wait until she wakes up to ask." Chu Nan glanced back and explained to Angelique: "You watch her here, I'll discuss something with them. It's time for the teacher Garrost and Director Zheng to come."

"Go ahead. It doesn't matter if the teacher and the others don't want to help, I will contact the Master and tell her these things. , she will definitely help. And this girl's cultivation technique is so amazing, she will definitely be very interested, maybe she will come in person."

"Will she come in person?" Chu Nan looked Glancing at the girl on the bed, after thinking for a while, she didn't say much, waved her hand at Angelique and walked out.

Because he brought a large group of old and young, sick and disabled, and also drove an Ancient One fuel locomotive, it was too eye-catching, so after Chu Nan took them into the carnival night, and Instead of continuing to flaunt the city, they found an abandoned building on the edge of the city and settled them down temporarily.

Senna was sitting outside in the courtyard with the other group of villagers.

After a continuous night of fast travel, and the fear of life-threatening along the way, although I could quickly escape alive on a fuel locomotive, it was still extremely bumpy and uncomfortable, causing this group of people one by one. They are all exhausted now, stumbling around in the yard, and many people even fell asleep directly.

Even the strongest Senna had a tired look on his face at this time. Seeing Chu Nan coming out, he reluctantly raised his spirits and greeted him.

"Is Angelique all right?" He was the first to ask Angelique.

"It's alright, she's doing fine now." Chu Nan pointed to the room. "But that Rand girl is in a bad situation."

Senna also glanced at the room, was silent for a moment, and sighed: "In order to save Angel Beili, she should have used Lan The forbidden law in German legends-Praise of Destiny. It is said that this forbidden law can infuse one's own life into another person, so that even if the other person is in a dying state, he can recover immediately. But she herself..."

Senna sighed again, shook his head, and though he didn't go on, the meaning was obvious.

But Chu Nan laughed.

Although the praise of destiny mentioned by Senna is very similar to the situation in which the Rand girl rescued Angel Belle, there is a very obvious difference.

Although that Rand girl obviously transmitted a lot of her life force to Angelique, she is actually in a coma because of her weak life force, and there is no serious problem.

Compared to Angelababy's previous situation, she is much better.

If the situation didn't change just now, and a group of them entered the carnival night city, Chu Nan would definitely immediately take Angelique to the best hospital for possible treatment, but this Rand Clan girls obviously do not.

She was just a little weak and didn't appear too dangerous, I believe she will get better after a period of rest.

Of course, the reason why she didn't immediately take her to the hospital was also because of her status.

According to Senna, the Rands are too eye-catching. If her identity is exposed in the hospital, it will not only put her in a dangerous situation, but may even bring danger to their group .

Chu Nan moved in his heart, pulled Senna, and came to a corner next to him, solemnly asked: "Senna uncle, how much do you know about the Rand people? Tell me about it in detail."


Senna looked at Chu Nan strangely, but answered honestly.

"Actually... the Rands are the real natives of this planet..."

Under Senna's explanation, Chu Nan finally had a general idea of the Rands. learn.

As Senna introduced, the Rands were originally native races on the planet Leipler. They have lived on this planet for generations, and now they control the entire Leiper. In almost all areas of Leppler Star, the guys who occupy more than 99% of the total population of Leppler Star have immigrated from other places.

1300 years ago, this planet was still in the state of interstellar development, and the Rands were still on the surface like thousands of absolutely primordial human planets in the galaxy. primordial life.

If nothing else had happened, they would continue to spend hundreds, even thousands of years in this state.

Because according to the "Convention for the Protection of Pan-galactic Civilizations", other countries can only observe such a planet that has not developed an interstellar civilization on its own.

However, because of the extremely special geographical location of the sapphire Star Domain, Leppler star does not have enough strength control over it, so it soon falls into the interstellar refugees They have mastered it, and after more than a thousand years of slow development, it has become what it is now.

Because of their own extreme backwardness, the Rands did not have much resistance to outsiders with interstellar navigation capabilities, and naturally lost control of the planet.

And then, for various reasons, the very special eyeballs of the Rand people were hyped as a rare treasure, so the Rand clansman was immediately slaughtered wildly.

Originally, the Rand clansman on Leppler is said to be at least 50 million, but now... I am afraid it adds up to less than 1 million.

"This Rand girl and her clansman apparently also live in wasteland, so they won't show up in front of others easily, but this time I don't know why they follow us and risk showing up. I ask you for help."

After listening, Chu Nan thought for a while and asked Senna, "Then, do you think what she said has several points of credibility?"

Senna startled: "Are you really going to help her?"

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