"I don't know yet."

Chu Nan laughed, with no immediate answer.

“If it’s just a small favor for her, that’s fine, but if you fight Sand Eagle to help her…”

Chu Nan sighed, bitterly laughed.

"Even if I really have this heart, I'm afraid I don't have enough power."

Senna immediately echoed: "Yes, that's right. Sand Eagle's power is very powerful. , it's just that you and Angelique can't fight against them."

Seeing that he was so sure, Chu Nan was a little unconvinced.

He first killed two Voidbreak Grade experts in Sand Eagle in front of Senna, why is Senna still so unconfident in them?

Of course, the sand eagle can send two experts of Voidbreak Grade at will, which is obviously very powerful.

But the experts of Voidbreak Grade are not everywhere like stones on wasteland. No matter how powerful the sand eagle is, it is impossible to throw the Voidbreak Grade expert as garbage.

As long as he doesn't encounter the highest fifth-rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist who is only one step away from breaking through the atmosphere and flying into space, Chu Nan's current strength has Faith fights it.

Even if he did meet fifth-rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, he still had the confidence to run away.

Sha Ying may have a really super powerful Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, but this kind of true powerhouse can't be overkill. Take it out to deal with him, right?

"Senna uncle, what happened to Sand Eagle? Tell me about it." Chu Nan asked.

Seeing the unconvinced and eager to have a try in Chu Nan's eyes, Senna had a headache.

He knows that this is the characteristic of a youngster like Chu Nan, which is understandable, but he and the group behind him can now count on Chu Nan and Angelique to continue to survive. Hope, certainly not willing to Chu Nan to take the risk.

He took a deep breath, his face became serious, and he planned to describe Sand Eagle's terrifying to Chu Nan well, so that he would understand that this terrifying organization was by no means a huge monster that he could contend against.

"Sand Eagle is the strongest on this planet..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Chu Nan's expression suddenly became condensed, he raised his head and looked towards the yard diagonally upwards, casually coldly snorted, and under his feet At one point, the body has already volleyed into the air.

A moment later, Chu Nan was already in mid-air, just in time to meet a silhouette flying towards him.

He's another Voidbreak Grade expert!

Seeing that the man was flying in the direction of the building where they were hiding, Chu Nan punched him without saying a word.

Because Chu Nan had just broken through Zhouyu Tianguan, he didn't have a very intuitive concept of Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist when he played against Neimonta and Lumo before, and he simply didn't understand how many Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists were. What should be done in battle, so it is difficult to show his true strength just by following the previous martial skill method.

This was evident in the fight against Lu Moore.

At first, he was almost unilaterally crushed by Lu Moore, but after a period of actual combat, Chu Nan quickly concluded that the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist belongs to Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist with his powerful data ability. The fighting method has also better integrated the changes brought about by his martial skill and breakthrough after breaking through the universe. The fighting strength is naturally advanced by leaps and bounds, so that the last one hits Slaughter Path Moore.

Now the fist he blasted out seemed simple, but as soon as he punched, the space energy in the surrounding space would naturally gather into the fist, and the space energy in the larger space was also absorbed by him. Influenced by this fist, it pressed against the opponent with the fist.

This kind of method similar to space blockade and suppression was inspired by Lumore's black cloud.

With the control of space energy in a larger range, it can effectively limit the opponent's actions, thus making its own attacks more effective.

The man who flew over was lightly exclaimed, and he didn't see any movement. A shock wave visible to naked eyes suddenly emanated from his body, and suddenly scattered the large piece that came along with Chu Nan this fist. Space energy, and then slapped it with a backhand.

This palm is condensed and not released. It looks unremarkable and does not seem to drive any space energy, but Chu Nan does not dare to be neglected, concentrates on his fist, Inner Breath and space energy are perfect Fusion, maintaining the best punch, blasted the past.


The fist and the fiercely with no fake palms collided together, and then there was a sound of "ka ka ka ka" in the surrounding space, as if something shattered , countless black cracked souls spread from the place where the fist and the palm touched, like a spider web of black suddenly formed in the air.

Such a scene, but a situation where the fight between Inner Breath Grade Martial Artists is impossible.

Chu Nan shook his body slightly and flew out backwards.

Through the reckless fight just now, he immediately noticed that the opponent's Inner Breath's thickness and the degree of space energy contained in his palm obviously surpassed him, and he must be one or two grades higher than him. Advanced Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist.

To deal with such an opponent, it is of course not advisable to fight recklessly, and you can only take other methods.

His body was flashed, and he rushed over again, his palms flying, turning into a palm shadow all over the sky.

However, once again, he used the Flowing Cloud Indeterminate Palm.

breakthrough Zhouyu Tianguan, Chu Nan finally understood why a martial skill like Liu Yun Wu Ding Zhang was rated as an A-Rank martial skill after the continuous fight between Inner Mongolia Tower and Lu Moore. Why can the more than 100 external martial arts skills that he came into contact with in the Academy martial skill database only be rated as low-level martial skills such as F-rank or E-rank?

Not only the obvious subtlety of the moves, but the more important reason is that when he uses those low-level martial skills, no matter how subtle improvements are made, it is difficult to easily mobilize the spatial energy, fully Unleash his strong Great Influence now as a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist.

When using Liu Yun Wuding Palm, Chu Nan found that he could easily mobilize the energy of the surrounding space, perfectly integrated into the palm, making it play far beyond the ordinary martial skill formidable power.

Even this palm technique can also drive the space, making the entire space seem like floating clouds, indefinite and invisible, so that the opponent's actions in this space will be greatly affected.

This kind of palm technique is qualified to be rated as A-Rank martial skill!

However, the man on the opposite side didn't show any panic, but instead laughed out loud.

"Haha, little brother Chu Nan, I didn't think it was really you!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Chu Nan was stunned, and quickly retracted the palm shadow in the sky, for the first time Focused looked towards the opposite.

Waiting to see what the opposite looks like, Chu Nan startled.

"Costa uncle, how are you?"

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