"Why can't it be me?"

The smiling forty-year-old uncle on the opposite side is the one who was sent to protect Chu Nan by the Serres Security Company. The head of the family's security team.

During the more than one month security period, Chu Nan and Costa got along quite well. When they finally left, Chu Nan and Chu Xiaoxi were still a little bit reluctant to part with them.

"No... Costa uncle, why are you here?" Chu Nan scratched his head, wondering.

He just passed the abnormal fluctuation of spatial energy in the surrounding space, and judged that there should be a Martial Artist with the lowest Voidbreak Grade approaching here quickly. Just came out to block.

But didn't expect Costa, who shouldn't be here no matter what.

"I don't need to answer this question for you, you will know in a while." Costa was still smiling, but he was sold out.

After a while, he suddenly looked down at the personal terminal in his hand, and then nodded to Chu Nanunfat: "Come."

"Come on?" Chu Nan even more mysterious mystery .

Seeing Costa turned his head and looked towards the opposite direction he flew in just now, which is also the direction of the deep city of Carnival Night City, Chu Nan also raised his head and looked towards that direction, and saw a black man in the distance. Point approaching at high speed from the distant sky.

"Could it be another Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist? Could it be Muluo uncle?"

Chu Nan's heart moved, but just as he was about to ask a question, the black spot had grown rapidly. It quickly flew close and turned into a small low-altitude shuttle.

Different from the small low-altitude shuttles that Chu Nan saw in the sand eagles, the small low-altitude shuttles that flew over were obviously at least a generation advanced and much faster.

Almost when Chu Nan saw it clearly, it had already crossed a distance of more than two kilometers from Chu Nan, and stopped at Chu Nan and Goth after swiping it. up to the side.

The hatch close to Chu Nan opened, revealing the face of an ordinary middle-aged man with a gentle smile and a dull look on his face, which was exactly what Chu Nan had in mind just now. Muluo.

"Hey, Muluo uncle, you really came with Costa uncle." After seeing Muluo, Chu Nan roughly stepped on something. "Did you come here because of the company's security mission? By the way, your company's business actually involves such a distant place? Wait, how did you know I was here? And you found me so accurately? This It's so strange..."

Mu Luo smiled without answering, but turned his head and looked towards the inside of the small low-altitude shuttle on the other side.

Because the opaque glass blocks, Chu Nan can't see who is sitting there, but when he sees Mu Luo looking towards there, there seems to be a hint of asking for instructions. Can't help feeling astonished in my heart.

Mu Luo is a third rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist. Even in the security team of a federal super-first-class company such as Seres Security Company, he is a high-level security officer, and he has a very high status in Seres Security Company. high.

The person next to him is obviously in a higher position than him. Is the next business of Seres Security Company so important this time?

"Hey, Chu Nan, you brat asked Mu Luo, but he left my best friend aside. Is this really unreasonable?"

Just When Chu Nan was puzzled, a lazily, somewhat mocking and smiling, and Chu Nan's very familiar voice came from the small low-altitude shuttle.

Chu Nan froze for a moment, then widened his eyes, flew directly to the door, looked in, and saw a picture that was very familiar, but now because the weight loss effect is too obvious. He felt a strange face, and immediately shouted excitedly.

"Damn it! Dong Fang! You brat didn't mean to be here tomorrow, why are you running now?"

"What? Are you not satisfied with me coming a day earlier? ?"

Sitting on Mu Luo's side is Chu Nan's best friend, Dong Fang, who hasn't really seen each other for almost a year.

Hearing Chu Nan's question, he curled one's lip and deliberately made a dissatisfied appearance, but the smile on the corner of his mouth completely betrayed his inner thoughts.

"As soon as I heard that you might be in danger, I immediately left the army and my serious work, and ran over with Costa and Mu Luo. In the end, you brat didn't say thank you after seeing me, and dared to question me? I think you brat doesn't want to mess with me, right?"

Chu Nan laughed, couldn't help the joy in his heart, and wanted to rush over to Dong Fang gave a bear hug, but because of the small space in the small low-altitude shuttle, it was difficult for him to cross Costa to hug Dong Fang, and he couldn't help but give him a blank look.

"I said you brat are still sitting in there doing what? Come out and talk! I happen to have a lot of things to tell you."

Dong Fang returned Chu Nan a roll of eyes, Cursed: "Damn it, you brat has now become a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist and can fly directly in the air, but I can't. You let me go down now, do you want me to fall to death?"

Chu Nan was stunned, then patted his head, moved his body, flew over the small low-altitude shuttle, went around to the other side of the hatch, opened the hatch, then jumped in and hugged Dong Fang directly, directly to him He took it out from the inside and threw Dong Fang into the air with a forceful flick of both hands.

"Damn it! Chu Nan you brat must want to die, you are so..."

Dong Fang's terrified scolding came from the air, but Chu Nan moved again. , flew behind him, put his hands under his armpits, dragged him in a fast circle in the air, and then fell.

After so much tossing, Dong Fang's neat and tidy clothes and hair became a mess at this time.

He glared at Chu Nan angrily and scolded: "Damn it, I know you have finally broken through the Eternal Sky Pass, and you must be so excited, but can you stop being so crazy? I managed to take care of my hair, and I’m going to a banquet tonight!”

Chu Nan laughed heartily, patted Dong Fang hard, took a good look at him, and said with admiration, “I watched it before. I still can't believe it when you look like you. It's unbelievable that you can actually lose weight after gaining that kind of virtue in the past."

"Damn, you brat can break through Eternal Sky Pass, I Why can't I lose weight successfully?" Dong Fang cursed again and touched his hair. "Actually, I can't help it either. The father said that I represent the company's image when I go out. If I'm still fat like a pig, others will doubt the strength of our company."

"Company?" Chu Nan Startled for a while, he glanced at Costa and Mu Luo who had already fallen from the sky, and his heart moved, coldly snorted. "You brat is so hard to hide from me!"

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