"What's the matter?"

The noise outside disturbed Angel Belle in the house.

After she came out, she was not too surprised to see two more people suddenly appeared.

With her strength, she could naturally hear Dong Fang and the others when they entered the building, but she didn't care just now. Now that she heard Senna and Dong Fang arguing, she left curiously. room.

"This should be Miss Angelina, right?" Dong Fang greeted first. "Five years ago, my father and I met you and Oville Venerable on Beekley. How is Venerable doing?"

"Beeklys?" Angie Li looked at Dong Fang in surprise and tilted her head to think. "Oh, Master and I did go to Bickles once five years ago. But...sorry, I don't remember you."

Dong Fang laughed: "I was following behind father It's normal that Miss Angell doesn't remember me. But Miss Angell was with Ovelly Venerable at the time. Although she was very young, she was already a very good Martial Artist, and at that time she was a very good Martial Artist. She has grown extremely beautiful, so I am impressed."

Chu Nan couldn't help but glance at Dong Fang with a strange look.

This guy, no wonder he looks so fat, he was able to hook up with girls like Luo Lan and Rose in Western Cloud Academy, and his mouth is so sweet.

Angelbely didn't take it at all, she didn't react at all when she heard the compliment, she just turned her head to Chu Nan and asked, "Is he your friend?"

"Well, that's right." Seeing the expression on Angel Beili's face, Chu Nan immediately understood what she meant, and nodded added another sentence. "It's a good friend, you can totally believe it."

"That's good." Angelique turned to Senna again and said, "Senna uncle, you should listen to his arrangement. Since he is Chu Nan I think he will give you a suitable arrangement, right?"

She looked towards Dong Fang for the last sentence.

"Of course." Dong Fang smiled nodded. "This is the first time since I knew Chu Nan that he asked me for help so solemnly, and I will definitely try my best to help him. And... even if I don't help, Miss Angelina, you will definitely think of something else, won't you? ?"

"Well, I originally planned to contact the Master directly and ask her for help." Angelique nodded and said. "But now if you're willing to help, you don't have to bother her to run all the way here."

"Being able to share some of the chores for Ovérie Venerable is owned by our Seres Security Company. It's a human honor."

Dong Fang smiled and bowed slightly to Angelique, looking towards Senna again.

"Mr. Cena, for the safety of you and your companions, I hope you can fully obey my arrangements. With Miss Angelberry as a guarantee, I believe you should be able to trust our sincerity."

Cena looked at Dong Fang, then at Angelique, and finally at Chu Nan. It was clear that he had no place to speak. After thinking about it, he had no choice but to agree.

The efficiency of the Serres security company is very high. When Dong Fang just said that he asked Senna to obey his arrangement, Costa had already started to communicate. A large freight floating shuttle has already driven over.

Senna uncle and the entire group of villagers totaled 97 people, all of which were stuffed into the shuttle.

According to Dong Fang's arrangement, they will be sent to the space station on the other side of Carnival Night City, and then board the celestial ship to enter the one that Dong Fang brought this time, belonging to the Serres Security Company. The line interstellar battleship.

Because of the special status of the Serres Security Company, it is impossible for other people to enter and search this interstellar battleship at will, so naturally they will not be discovered by Sand Eagle, and they are completely safe.

Afterwards, when the large troops and caravans of the Seres Security Company responsible for this security mission arrive together, Dong Fang will find an excuse to arrange the battleship to be returned to the Earth Federation.

As for these people, it is much simpler to enter the Earth Federation. In the name of the Serres Security Company, it is with no difficulty to apply for 97 refugee places, and even to arrange suitable accommodation and jobs for them next. It's not difficult.

According to this arrangement, their lives will no longer be as difficult and difficult as in wasteland on Leppler, and they will not have to worry all day long.

The only problem, that is, running a thousand light-years away in one breath makes them a little nervous.

But they moved from Leviathan to Leppler once three years ago, and now it's just one more time, a much longer distance, but nothing.

After Senna uncle the entire group on the shuttle, Angelique also squeezed up after thinking about it.

According to her statement, she wanted to send Senna's uncle to the battleship in person, and she could be at ease when she saw that they were safe.

But Chu Nan knew very well that she did this, in fact, the most important thing was to reassure the people of Senna's uncle.

After all, the one they are most familiar with is An Qibeili, and they will only trust her. With her accompanying her all the way, they will naturally feel a lot more at ease on the road.

At the very least, when Angelique sat up, the tension on Du Lika's face that was full of tension immediately eased a lot.

"I tested it just now. If I stimulate it with the flame of life, the girl's condition will get better. You can continue to try it later."

After explaining this sentence, An Only then did Qi Beili and Mu Luo board the shuttle and leave.

Watching the shuttle car rise in the air and disappear to the far side after a while, Dong Fang turned his head and looked at Chu Nan with a faint smile.

"Hey, Chu Nan, I haven't seen you for more than half a year. Your brat ability has gone up. When you were in Academy before, you never shot girls. I thought you weren't interested in girls. Just take a big one. tsk tsk, tell me honestly, how did you hook up with Angelina? I heard that she is very cold and no one can approach her."

"Get out of here. !" Chu Nan cursed immediately. "It's so ugly, what is hooking up with? I'm just friends with her now. Besides, where did you see Angelique being cold? Why don't I think so?"

"Nonsense, of course you don't I feel it. Judging from her appearance, you two may have long ago...hehe..."

Dong Fang laughed, seeing Chu Nan's face sinking quickly, he didn't continue talking, but forced Changed the subject.

"By the way, what girl did she tell you before she left? Don't you brat dare to step on two boats in front of her?"

"Your brain Can't there be something else in there?" Chu Nan couldn't help kicking him angrily.

"Alright, let's talk serious business." Dong Fang raised his hands in surrender. "Isn't this girl with Senna's group? Why didn't you take it away?"

"No, she is Rand clansman from Leppler, I'm having a headache how to deal with it What."

"Wait!" Dong Fang's eyes widened suddenly. "What did you say? Rand clansman? Or girl?"

Chu Nan looked at him unfathomable mystery: "Why do you react so much? You know not only the sand eagle, but also the meaning of the Rand clan. ?"

"Bullshit!" Dong Fang almost jumped up. "Where is she now? Take me to see her! Did you know that you brat found a baby!"

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