Chu Nan is an even more unfathomable mystery.

He certainly wouldn't think that Dong Fang would, like the greedy businessmen mentioned by Senna before, treat the eyes of the Rands as treasures, and thus regard that Rand girl as a treasure.

But apart from this, what kind of treasure is that Rand girl?

At the urging of Dong Fang, Chu Nan took him into the room and saw the Rand girl who was still in a coma.

"What's wrong with her?" Dong Fang asked, pointing at her.

Chu Nan roughly explained how the Rand girl used a lot of life force to save Angel Belle before.

Dong Fang understood it immediately.

"Praise of Fate, it is said to be a magical cultivation technique that can help others bring their lives back to life, but the price is that I have to die."

Dong Fang touched his chin and looked Looking thoughtfully at the Rand girl on the bed.

"She's trying so hard to help you, and what she wants to ask you to do must be very difficult. What are you going to do?"

Chu Nan frowned, thought about it, and shook his head Said: "To be honest, I'm afraid I can't help her. She wants me to help her save her clansman from Shaying, but I'm not that capable."

Hearing Chu Nan again Once Sand Eagle was mentioned, the expression on Dong Fang's face became serious again.

"Come, tell me, how did you meet Sha Ying in the past two days? Have you fought with their people? How is the opponent's strength?"

Chu Nan is somewhat Strange: "Looking at what you looked like just now, you seem to know Sand Eagle very well."

"We are in charge of the security of the caravan this time, and of course we need to do some research on the general situation of the destination. I understand. But the things I got through the data investigation are not as detailed and intuitive as your first-hand data."

"Well... as for Sha Ying, I and the two of them are probably small heads in the past two days. The target guys have played against each other, and they are all Martial Artists of the Voidbreak Grade. I think there should be more powerful Martial Artists on top of them, and maybe there is a powerhouse of the Heavenly Reign Grade."

" This is consistent with the information we have investigated." Dong Fang nodded. "According to the information we have found, the organization of Sand Eagle is mainly active on wasteland outside the city of Leppler, and it controls many resources of Leppler, and has a very close relationship with several major organizations on Leppler. They have a lot of Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists. Everyone knows it, but whether there is a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse... Legend has it, but no one has ever seen it."

"So say it..." Chu Nan spread his hands helplessly. "If it's just Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, I might be able to work hard and find a way to help her. But if Sand Eagle even has Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, then I can't do anything at all."

"It's not completely helpless." Dong Fang patted Chu Nan's shoulder with a smile. "She just wants you to rescue her clansman, and she didn't say that you should rescue all the Rand clansman. I think she and her clansman should be just a small tribe in the Rand, even if they are caught, Sand Eagles won't watch over them so closely, and it shouldn't be difficult to rescue them."

"Simply put..." Chu Nan rolled Dong Fang's eyes. "I can't do it alone, are you planning to help?"

"Hey, I have a serious job, and the people I brought this time are all responsible for the security of the caravan, so how can I help you? ?" Dong Fang retorted immediately.

"That's not it. What nonsense are you talking about?" Chu Nan glared at Dong Fang angrily, then turned to look at the Rand girl who was still in a coma, sighed said: " It seems that she can only wait for her to wake up and make it clear to her, and let her go back."

"Hey, do you have the heart to refuse a girl's request like this? She was trying to save your little lover, almost Are you putting your own life on the line?" Dong Fang exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"Damn, you are so human!" Chu Nan angrily put his foot on Dong Fang's ass again. "What do you mean by saving my little lover? Besides, why don't you tell me to refuse? If I were a Star Level Martial Artist like Oviere Venerable, what else would I need to talk about, just raise my hand and kill the sand eagle!"

Costa next to him twitched, looking like he wanted to laugh but tried his best to hold it back.

In front of them, or in front of anyone else, Dong Fang has always maintained a personable and polite attitude, always looking like a standard upper-class pampered young master, Unexpectedly, as soon as he comes to Chu Nan, he will reveal his true form and become such a lazy appearance.

From this point of view, his relationship with Chu Nan is really very good.

"Okay, let's talk human." Dong Fang rubbed his buttocks and straightened his face. "Human words are... It's not that there is no way to help her."

"Oh? Let's hear it?" Chu Nan immediately became interested.

If possible, of course he still wants to help this Rand girl.

Not only because she desperately saved Angel Beili, but also because Chu Nan had a grudge against Sha Ying. If there is an opportunity to break Sha Ying's affairs, of course it's good.

"Simply put, there are two ways. The first way is to ask Angelique to help. According to what you just said, this girl saved Angelique from such a dangerous situation. Being rescued is almost equivalent to having life-saving grace for Angelique, so she deserves something in return."

"This should be fine, but what is Angelique capable of helping her? ?" Chu Nan frowned. "She hasn't even broken through Zhouyu Tianguan."

"She is incompetent, but her Master is very capable..." Dong Fang said meaningfully.

Chu Nan startled: "Let her ask Overi Venerable to shoot? This is too... overkill, right?"

Because of this incident, a Star Level Martial Artist was hired Thousands of miles... oh no, it's really unreasonable to invite over a thousand light years.

Of course, Chu Nan also knew that if he really made such a request to Angela, with Angela's character, she might have a chance to make Overi Venerable bigger. Please come over from afar, and with the favor of Ovérie Venerable to Angelique, she will really agree to this request...

Even if it doesn't work, Angelababy already has this plan.

"Anyway, even if Ovely Venerable is willing to come, it will take at least a few days. Listen to her, her clansman may be in danger right now, and it will be too late in a few days. Now. You talk about the second method first." Chu Nan said.

"The second method is simpler." Dong Fang raised the corners of his mouth. "That is to buy her and her clansman."

"Buy it?" Chu Nan was stunned. "What do you mean?"

"Literally, it means to buy with money." Dong Fang looked at the Rand girl with a look that looked at the goods. "I'm afraid you don't know that there are slaves in almost all human planets in the Leppler and Sapphire Star Domains. Rand clansman is the more expensive type of slaves."

"Huh?" Chu Nan really heard it for the first time, and felt incredible.

In this big galaxy era, is there such a backward thing as slave?

Thinking about it, he doesn't think it's surprising...

In the end, the Sapphire Star Domain is a chaotic place that doesn't even have a government or a country at all. , this kind of weak are prey to the strong situation is simply normal.

" mean, the people of Sand Eagle caught her clansman, maybe selling it as a slave?"

"That's right."

“But how to buy it?” Chu Nan asked again.

"You need to inquire about how to buy it. The important thing is whether it is worth buying." Dong Fang spread his hands. "You know, although my father is very rich, I have no money myself, and I am not qualified to use the company's assets, so whether it is worth buying depends on whether she and her clansman can provide enough value. "

Chu Nan is deeply frowned.

Of course he knew that Dong Fang was right and reasonable, but he couldn't accept this practice of using goods to measure living people.

Looking at the Rand girl still in a coma on the bed, Chu Nan groaned.

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