Soon after nightfall, the Tuyer's Tavern was full of people again.

Father Haskeman finally finished his evening arrangements, and sat in his special seat in the tavern as usual, tasting the fine wine he brewed himself while watching the wine in the tavern. People are all noisy.

A burst of high cheers suddenly came from the dance floor, accompanied by cacophony and piercing screams.

Father Haskeman turned his head to look, and as expected, he saw two girls who were having a good time taking off their shirts and waving them in their hands.

One of the girls didn't wear underwear at all, so after taking off the top, the upper body was exposed to everyone without any cover, and she kept beating along with her twisting body, bringing her up. A burst of louder cheers.

However, the girl didn't mean to be ashamed. Instead, she looked excited. After turning around, she even extended the hand and grabbed the bra of the girl next to her and threw it out.

Her female companion also didn't mean to be ashamed, but instead became more excited because other people's eyes focused on her ****.

Papa Haskeman's eyes swept across the **** of the two girls, and fell on the young men who were cheering excitedly and smirking, and couldn't help but let out a sneer .

This guy is really brave.

My leg was broken by someone because of something similar the other day. Not only was my injury healed, but I dared to come here again.

Aren't they afraid that guy would run out and beat them again?

On second thought, Daddy Huskman looked at the head and sighed in disappointment.

In fact, Daddy Huskman is very optimistic about that little fellow. He originally thought that at his age, he could have a very good martial skill. With him, he would definitely be able to start the underground black boxing circle in Carnival Night City. , so he made a lot of money, but didn't expect him to miss his appointment last night.

Not only did I break the appointment of Father Haskeman, but also the appointment of the Dade Club.

Last night, Omara, the leader of the Dade Club, came to the appointment with two great experts. After waiting all night, the little fellow did not show up, making the leader of the Dade Club ruthless. He mocked him for a whole day, and even heard that Gang Lord of the fire bird gang even ran up to him and mocked him hard, causing Omara to angrily declare that as long as he sees that little fellow again, he will execute without any mercy .

"Hey...actually you don't need to kill him at all, maybe that guy is already dead."

Thinking of this, Father Haskeman sighed and shook his head slightly.

That little fellow is too ostentatious, and is particularly nosy. In a place like carnival night, it is really possible to provoke someone who should not be provoked at any time and lose his life.

Judging from the performance when I contacted him the day before yesterday, he didn't seem like someone who would let other people's pigeons go for no reason. The reason why he didn't come was because he didn't know where he died yesterday.

Papa Haskeman sighed with emotion, but he didn't have any sad thoughts.

Having been here for so many years, he has seen too many similar things, like the young and vigorous little fellow who gave himself a strange name, "Virgin001 1", and more It's the death of one batch after another, and he will not be affected by the life and death of these people.

If I really want to say it, it's just a pity.

It is a pity that he could make a fortune on him, but now he is gone because of his death.

While I was thinking about it, the door of the tavern was suddenly pushed open. Father Huskman turned his head and glanced habitually, and suddenly started.

The one who walked in from the door of the tavern at this time was the "Virgin001 1" he just thought of!

As the day before yesterday, he still came alone.

But this time he was obviously already a family, and he looked towards Father Haskeman directly after entering the door.

His eyes just collided with Father Huskman's gaze, he laughed at Father Huskman, bypassed the two people in front of him blocking the way, and walked straight over.

Papa Haskeman was slightly surprised.

It's only been two days since I haven't seen him, and this youngster seems to have undergone a very surprising change.

If Father Huskman could see that he had a solid foundation of martial skills and a deep inner breath when he first saw him the day before yesterday, then now he found that he couldn't see through this youngster at all. False.

Now, he is raising his hands, walking and turning, as if he is perfectly fused with the surrounding space, and he can hardly notice any abnormality.

If it wasn't for watching him come over, Daddy Huskman would even think that this person didn't exist at all!

Father Huskman watched him slowly approach in surprise, thought for a while, and stood up voluntarily, ready to take the first step to meet him.

With his eyesight in the underground black boxing circle for many years, it can be seen that this youngster should at least have reached the perfect realm of "One with Heaven and Earth".

In other words, even if he has not yet broken through the Eternal Universe, he is definitely only one step away.

For his excessively young age, he definitely deserves some respect from Papa Haskeman.

However, just as he was about to walk in front of Daddy Huskman, there was another cheer from the dance floor, mixed with the shrill screams of several girls.

Papa Haskeman is frowned, and his heart is bad.

Sure enough, "Virgin001 1" who was walking this way turned his head, looked towards the direction of the dance floor, glanced twice, coldly snorted, and then turned and walked over.

Father Huskman slapped his forehead hard and wanted to stop it, but Virgin001 1 suddenly turned his head and gave him a deep look.

This gaze was calm, without a slight fluctuation, and there was no special expression on Virgin001 1's face, but Father Haskeman suddenly felt the pressure around his body suddenly increase, and he couldn't help staggering back a step, and then heavily. He slumped back into the chair.

Papa Haskeman felt a chill in his heart.

This guy has not seen for two days, and his strength has grown so terrifying.

Could it be that he had some fortuitous encounter in the past two days and obtained an important breakthrough? Or did he deliberately conceal his strength the day before yesterday?

No matter what the reason is, this little fellow who was originally a little simple in the eyes of Daddy Huskman suddenly became terrifying.

He could only watch as Virgin001 1 lined the crowd and walked to the dance floor.

After a while, "peng~ peng~ peng~" muffled a few times, and several silhouettes flew high from the dance floor and hit the side heavily.

It was the young men who were still flirting with the girls, and also some of the group of people who had been taught a lesson the day before yesterday.

The crowd exclaimed a few times, and then became absolute silence.

Virgin001 walked up to a youngster who had just been knocked out by him with a blank face, reached out and picked it up, lowered his head and explained a few words in his ear, and then threw it away, like throwing garbage Usually she was thrown right at the door of the tavern, but he just fell to the ground without hitting anything, so he could stay awake.

Next, Virgin001 1 threw all the youngsters at the door, just like throwing sandbags, and then clapped their hands, and under everyone's dull gaze, walked over to Mr. Haskeman. Sit down in front of Dad.

"Hey, Father Haskeman, sorry, there was an unexpected delay yesterday, and I couldn't make it to the appointment, so I came a day late. I came to you today, except to tell you, I also want to ask you a question."

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