Father Huskman looked at Chu Nan deeply, his face changed several times, and after a while, he tried to regain his calm and put out a breath.

"Tell me, what's the problem?"

This Virgin001 1, of course, is Chu Nan.

Seeing that Father Haskeman finally responded, he laughed, leaned forward, got a little closer to Father Haskeman, and asked softly, "Father, tell me, where is there The Germans sell them?"

"en?" Father Haskeman didn't expect Chu Nan to ask this question at all, and looked at him in surprise: "Why are you suddenly interested in the Landes? "

"It should be considered a trustee." Chu Nan shrugged. "I have a friend who was very interested in Rand clansman a long time ago and heard that I happened to be on Leppler now and asked if I could take two Rand clansman back to open his eyes. I heard... "

Speaking of this, Chu Nan lowered his voice again.

"Here can sell Rand clansman directly, but I'm new here, I don't know where to sell it, can you point me to the way?"

Daddy Huskman laughed, Of course, I wouldn't just believe Chu Nan's nonsense.

But it's none of his business. On Leppler, although the slave transaction is not just and honourable, it's not something that needs special scruples, since Chu Nan found him , it's okay for him to provide some clues.

"Actually, you shouldn't ask me about this. You should ask the guys who were thrown out by you just now."

"oh?" Chu Nan was a little surprised. "Does the gang that those guys belong to sell Rand clansman?"

"No, Dade Club doesn't have the qualifications." Father Haskeman shook his head. "But the Un'Golo Business Group above them has something to do with this business."

"Is Un'Golo Business Group?" Chu Nan wrote down the name and wanted to continue to ask Haskeman When Dad asked for more details, Dad Haskeman waved at him first.

"I can only tell you so much. I want to live a few more years. You can ask the guys at Dade Club for the rest."

paused, Papa Haskeman added.

"If you can convince them, it's easy for me to ask any questions."

Chu Nan gave Father Huskman a strange look.

"Will you and Dade have a grudge?"

Dad Huskman laughed and didn't answer.

Chu Nan stood up: "Okay, those guys should be here soon. I'll go out and meet them." pat on the table.

"It's a little tricky."

Father Huskman held Chu Nan's hand first and shook his head at him: "I can't accept this. You do it for me. I cleaned up the place, I should thank you, and answering one of your questions will be offset."

"Really?" Trang put it away again, raised his hand at Father Haskeman, and left the tavern.

As soon as I went out, I saw a group of people approaching aggressively.

"Hey, it's very efficient."

Chu Nan's eyes swept across the faces of the group of people, and it was easy to distinguish a few of them who were beaten by him the night before. A hooligan with a broken leg.

Obviously, this group of people should be the people of the Dade Society.

"It's him, brothers..."

Seeing Chu Nan from a distance, one of the guys who was the first to break his leg by Chu Nan the day before yesterday immediately pointed at him and said loudly shouted.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, Chu Nan stepped down a little and rushed over with a ghost-like body. After a while, he was already like a tiger among a flock of sheep, and he had already shot a few out with his hands.

There are some decent guys among these people, some of them are high-level Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artists, and even one should have Second Rank or even third rank Inner in terms of performance The strength of Breath Grade.

If it were Chu Nan from the night before yesterday, although these guys could be easily dealt with, it would definitely take a lot of work.

But now he has broken through Zhouyutianguan and became a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, not to mention Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist as different as heaven and earth, even compared to Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist Completely two grades, the strength gap is also huge.

The Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist just blocked Chu Nan's punch. After Chu Nan found out that he had the strength of Inner Breath Grade, he was a little serious and then slapped him flying.

But after two minutes, the group of people who had been aggressive just now collapsed and lay on the ground.

Chu Nan laughed, walked up to the person who was yelling just now, looked at him with a terrified face, slapped him down, knocked him out, and then reached out and picked him up, in front of the surrounding Surrounding the audience, a little under his feet, he actually took that person to the roof next to him, jumped twice, and disappeared into the night.

The audience originally planned to watch a wonderful show, but didn't expect Chu Nan to solve the battle so cleanly in three or two strokes, and couldn't help being stunned.

In the tavern, the young waiter was frowned, curled one's lip, and looked very dissatisfied.

"What are these guys doing at Dade Club? Knowing that this Virgin001 1 is very powerful, they dare to send these useless guys out. I'm not afraid of shame."

Father Haskeman glanced at him, coldly snorted and said: "Don't gossip here, go, run for me."

The young host immediately raised his eyebrows and asked excitedly: "Where? Is it any good?"

Papa Haskeman put his foot on his ass.

"Stop talking nonsense and let you go. As for whether it's good or not, it depends on whether you have the ability."

The young waiter touched his butt and didn't care at all. , on the contrary, he smiled and gathered some.

"Dad, please explain it quickly, don't you know my ability? I'll definitely be able to do things for you beautifully."

"Well...you Just go..."

Ten minutes later, the young waiter had taken off his waiter clothes, changed into ordinary clothes, came out of the back door of the tavern, looked at the left and right sides cautiously, and confirmed that this small When there was no one in the alley now, he quietly got out and disappeared in the other corner of the alley after a while.

His silhouette had just disappeared, and a silhouette had emerged from the darkness at the other end of the alley.

Then the faint light from the nearby tavern revealed that this person was Mu Luo.

Mu Luo glanced at the direction where the young waiter disappeared, then turned to look at the situation in the tavern, raised his hand, opened the personal terminal, and whispered, "Someone came out of the tavern."

"Catch up." A young voice came from the personal terminal.


Mu Luo hung up the communication, but did not see any movement, and his body had disappeared in place.

next moment, he had already appeared at the other end of the alley, chasing in the direction where the young host disappeared.

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