Dong Fang just finished communicating with Mu Luo when he heard a muffled "tom" outside.

"It looks like that kid is back."

He laughed and walked out with Costa, and saw Chu Nan holding a thin young man in his hand , standing outside the door.

Dong Fang frowned and glanced at the young man in his hand: "Hey, Chu Nan, let you catch a useful guy back, why did you catch such a thing? Just look at him. Knowing that he is definitely not a guy of status, I'm afraid he doesn't know much."

"It's okay, the most important thing has already been asked, let him confirm it again."

Chu Nan raised hand and threw the little hooligan he just caught at Costa.

Costa stretched out his hand to catch it, and grinned: "Don't worry, I promise to let him explain clearly about the little girl's bath when he was a child."

After saying that, he used Dragging the rascal with one hand, he walked towards the other room.

Chu Nan looked at the little hooligan whose head was constantly bumping on the ground, and couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for him.

When he was on Ziyun Xing before, Chu Nan had seen Costa's torture methods with his own eyes, and it made people shudder to think about it.

This guy falls into Costa's hands, and in the end he can be considered powerful without turning into a madman.

"What is the most important thing you said?" Dong Fang asked.

Chu Nan turned his head and looked towards him, and replied with a sullen face: "It's the Un'Goro Business Group, it should be right."

"Well..." Dong Fang nominated. "This is the same as the news I got from other channels, it seems to be no problem."

After saying this, he pointed behind him: "That little girl has woken up, and was looking for you in a hurry just now, I asked Costa to tie her up temporarily, you go and have a look."

"Bound?" Chu Nan was stunned. "Why?"

"Nonsense, ran away without tying her up." Dong Fang rolled the eyes. "She has high vigilance towards others, no matter what I say, I don't believe it, I'm afraid only you can appease her."

Chu Nan reluctantly shook the head.

He originally planned to do some preparatory work while the Rand girl was still in a coma, but didn't expect her to wake up during this time.

Thinking of the situation where she chose to run for her life the first time she was discovered by herself, I can imagine her reaction when she woke up just now and found that she was surrounded by strangers.

Fortunately, Costa was by his side at the time. With his third rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist strength, he could handle it and regain control of her.

Otherwise, if she were to run away like this, all the previous preparations would be in vain.

Going into the house and seeing the situation inside, Chu Nan couldn't help grinning.

The Rand girl was being tightly bound by several very thick steel ropes, and at the same time, a ball of cloth was stuffed in her mouth, and she was fixed on a bed, unable to move at all. .

Anyone who sees this situation, the first reaction must be kidnapping.

Just now when Dong Fang said that Costa tied her up, Chu Nan didn't care too much, and now seeing this look, I can't help but think it's a bit exaggerated.

Seeing Chu Nan walk in, the Rand girl stared wide-eyed, sobbed hard in her mouth, and struggled hard.

"Don't be afraid, those people outside are actually my friends. They are a little too aggressive with you. They are actually afraid that you will run away."

Chu Nan walked to the bedside, nodded looked at the steel ropes, stretched out his hand to untie it, and continued to explain.

"I just went out to inquire about the situation. I heard that many of your Rand clansman have been sold as slaves. If your clansman were arrested by the sand eagle, will they be treated the same way?"


The Rand girl stopped abruptly and stopped sobbing in her mouth.

Chu Nan lifts the head and sees her eyes staring at him.

"Looks like I'm right?" Chu Nan asked.

Rand girl nodded desperately immediately.

"Okay, I'll take the stuff out of your mouth now, don't yell, this is in town, and if you attract other people, you'll be in danger, understand Is it?"

The Rand girl nodded hard again.

Chu Nan then reached out and took down the cloth ball in her mouth.

"Ha-" As soon as it was taken off, the Rand girl put out a breath, and then asked Chu Nan anxiously: " see...see my clansman?"

"That's not it." Chu Nan shook his head and continued to untie the steel rope on the girl.

"Then know...know them...where are they now?" the Rand girl continued to ask eagerly.

By this time Chu Nan had untied all the ropes on her body, motioned her to sit down, then sat down in front of her, looking directly at her.

"So, your clansman were caught by the sand eagles, and you really planned to sell them as slaves? How did you know?"

"I... I secretly Follow along...besides, eavesdrop on what their people say."

Chu Nan remembered the ability of this Rand girl to lurk in the sand before, nodded.

"Then what else did you overhear?"


Looking at her blankly, Chu Nan felt helpless.

Judging from her previous practice of kissing An Qibeili without saying a word, this Rand girl probably seldom touches world affairs, and her mind is extremely simple.

Otherwise, she wouldn't dare to chase after the person who killed Sha Ying and ask for help alone.

"Well, then, you should know where the Sand Eagle people took your clansman and sent it?" Chu Nan changed his question.

"I...I just followed behind them, I don't know...I don't know where..."

Chu Nan patted his forehead, thinking that it was this guy. Obtaining information is simply asking for trouble.

"Okay, they've been taken away for a few days, you should know?"

"Well, the people from Sand Eagle attacked our tribe and took the clansman, I If you escape alone and start counting, it has already passed... four days have passed."

Perhaps it was because she finally encountered a question she knew better. The Rand girl answered quickly, even talking. Much smoother.

"Four days..." Chu Nan frowned and thought.

Since the people of the sand eagle captured these Rand people and planned to sell them as slaves, at most four days are only enough for them to initially manage these people, and it should not be enough for them Finish the shot.

Maybe they are now contacting buyers through channels. If they act fast, they should be able to find out in time.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan said resolutely to the Rand girl: "Listen. Because you saved Angelina, I'm willing to help you out and save your clansman... ..."

Hearing this, the Rand girl immediately showed an excited expression and wanted to speak, but was stopped by Chu Nan.

"But you should be very clear that the sand eagles are very powerful, so you let me go and grab them back from the sand eagles alone, that's impossible."

Lan The excited look on the German girl's face disappeared instantly, and her expression became extremely sad.

Of course she knows this very well. The reason why she would take the risk and ask Chu Nan for help is also because she has seen Chu Nan kill the leader of Sha Ying twice, and thinks he is strong enough. .

But she is simple-minded, but not stupid.

Of course she knows that even if Chu Nan is strong enough to kill the leader of Sand Eagle, he doesn't have the strength to fight against the entire Sand Eagle.

Thinking of this, she immediately thought that Chu Nan must be unwilling to help, so she lowered her head, got off the bed, stood up, gave Chu Nan a strange understanding, looked towards the door go.

Chu Nan grabbed her: "Hey, what are you doing?"

The Rand girl blinked, as if she didn't understand Chu Nan's question.

"You can't help me, I'll find someone else to help."

"Who can you find?"

The Rand girl fell silent.

Of course she knew that it was impossible for her to find someone capable of helping her.

"I haven't said anything yet." Looking at her reaction, Chu Nan didn't know whether to cry or laugh, knowing that this girl's mind was too simple to be around her. "I can't help you alone, but I have found helpers, and they have the ability to help you rescue your clansman."

"Really?" The Rand girl immediately looked happy.

"Really." Chu Nan is nodded. "But they have conditions."

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