As the name suggests, Carnival Night City means that as the night gets darker, the city becomes more lively until it falls into a carnival.

The confusion of the biggest hotel in the center of the carnival night gradually becomes more lively as the night gradually thickens.

An unusually grand banquet is being held in the confusion of the night.

If anyone came in to take a look at the scene at the banquet, they would be very surprised.

Because at this banquet, you can see those great characters who are very prestigious on the entire Leppler star.

If it weren't for the fact that there were many foreign guests who were obviously from other planets at the banquet, then this banquet would have been considered a high-end party for Leppler.

At the banquet, Leppler stars and celebrities gathered, and celebrities and stars are everywhere. Anyone who is at this banquet will feel honored and feel that they can also participate in this banquet. Glory and pride.

However, Chu Nan only felt bored and bored when he saw the lively situation in front of him.

Too noisy!

If possible, what he wants to do now is to go back to his residence, find a quiet place, and carefully cultivate the two brand-new martial skills he just acquired.

Chu Nan took a sip of the light green drink in his hand that is probably equivalent to the wine in the Earth Federation. He still found the taste strange, so he put it down and turned his head to look towards Lan next to him. German girl.

"Hugh, are you okay?"

Hugh is the name of this Rand girl.

Chu Nan confirmed to her several times before that she was sure that her name really only has this one syllable, which is very simple.

She was obviously not used to this kind of banquet for the first time.

And probably because of the special living environment of the Rand people, she always has a deep vigilance against other humans, so since entering this banquet, she has been closely following Chu. Behind Nan, with a shrinking look, he never opened his mouth, and didn't even look at others at all.

Now she is leaning against the wall with her back tightly, her head lowered, and her feet looking directly, as if she is putting on shoes for the first time and she wants to study them thoroughly.

Of course, at least what Chu Nan saw, she was indeed putting on shoes for the first time...

Hearing Chu Nan's question, Hugh lifts the head, eyes The eyes flashed in the middle, and the panic that could be easily detected was the same as in the expression. It was only after seeing Chu Nan that he recovered a little.

"I..." She shook her head first, then nodded, and then shook her head after thinking. "I'm...still...well..."

Chu Nan burst into laughter, how did she seem to be alright?

"If you're really not used to it, I'll go and tell Dong Fang, we two should go back first." Chu Nan suggested.

"" Xio immediately shook the head firmly. "I...I want...I want to find out about clansman, no...can't go."

Hearing the determination in her tone, Chu Nan lightly sighed, turned his head and looked towards the front right not far away Dong Fang talking to two local Leppler merchants.

This guy claims to want to inquire about the Rand slaves at the banquet, so that's fine, why did he have to bring them both?

Because of this, he also specially found someone to dress up Hugh, saying that he wanted Chu Nan to know that she is actually a very attractive girl...

Thinking of this, Chu Nan turned to look at Xiu again.

I have to admit that Dong Fang is absolutely first-rate in seeing girls.

Before Xiu, her whole body was gray, and the facial features on her face could hardly be seen clearly, and even her body was covered with a thick layer, so that even if she took off her clothes and stood in front of her, Chu Nan saw it. I only felt a little embarrassed, but did not feel any temptation from women.

Even because of her average figure, people will definitely treat her as a boy before hearing her voice.

But now she took a good bath, changed into the underwear Dong Fang prepared for her, and after a little dressing up, she immediately turned into a charming girl.

Chu Nan compares her with the girls she is most familiar with in her heart, and finds that she is not as beautiful as Angelique, full of beauty like Goddess, nor like Elvie. That is always with a hint of arrogance, and her words and deeds naturally bring out the good culture and nobility of being born in Great Clans, and more importantly, her chest is far less firm than Elvie's...

But she also has her own Features and advantages, that is, full of pure breath.

Her purity is different from that of a young girl like Chu Xiaoxi.

Chu Xiaoxi is the kind of pure girl who is full of vitality and health, but when Xio looked at her, she felt that the whole person was extremely quiet and restrained, with a delicate air in her expression, and she looked like a little at any time. Bunny looks around curiously but vigilantly, and people can't help but feel a desire to protect her, or to ravage her.

Obviously, this is due to her special living environment.

Based on the living environment of the Rands on the Leppler planet, she certainly cannot develop a carefree and cheerful personality like Chu Xiaoxi.

Let's not talk about temperament, Hugh's facial features are actually quite good, small and unexpectedly delicate, each one looks beautiful when separated, and after being subtly combined on the face, it is even more beautiful. It made her look quite delicate and beautiful, and it also added to her pure and weak temperament.

This makes Chu Nan weird.

It is said that with the harsh living environment of the Rands on Leipler, Xiujue is impossible to have that kind of superior life, so that she can always pay attention to her appearance, which has always been from her before. It can be seen with a thick layer of mud.

But in such a living environment, she can be considered good-looking, so why is her skin so good? It is much stronger than the big stars in the Federation who have spent countless energy and money on maintenance.

Is this a natural birth of the Rand?

Noticing that Chu Nan was looking at him in a weird way, Huo finally lowered his head again.

Chu Nan shook the head, throwing the doubts caused by her appearance out of his mind, and began to consider another question.

"Hugh, I have some questions about the two sect martial skills you told me before."

Hugh lifts the head again, looks astonished, and wears With a hint of panic.

"I... I said it all, I didn't... I didn't hide it, really... Really!" Xio explained very seriously, panic in his tone.

The Great Demon King named Dong Fang said, whether he will help her rescue clansman, but it is up to Chu Nan to judge the value of the two sect martial skills she gave.

If Chu Nan thinks she's hiding something, that's bad.

Chu Nan certainly understood what she was worried about, smiled and shook his head and said, "Don't panic, I didn't say you were hiding anything, but I just felt that you didn't understand some parts of your explanation."

"But...but I know how much it is..." Xio said with some grievances.

She did say everything she knew. If Chu Nan still doesn't understand and is not satisfied, then she can't do anything about it.

"I've said it before, I don't think you've concealed anything, because I can infer that these two sect martial skills are no problem, and the most important thing is that they are of high value, otherwise Dong Fang will not be able to do it now. I'll bring you here too and ask you about the clansman, won't you?"

Chu Nan's words reassured Xio, but his next move made Xio nervous again. .

He held out a hand to Hugh.

"Come and give me a compliment of fate."

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