Hugh looked at Chu Nan in surprise.


"en." Chu Nan nods.

"But...but...if I used...the Praise of Destiny, I would... faint..." In a hurry, it was even more difficult for Xio, who was stuttering, to say a complete sentence. words come.

"It's not for you to use it all the time to pass out. You only need to use it on me for a while, and I'll feel it for myself. It's fine." Chu Nan said.


Xiu finally understood what Chu Nan meant, obediently nodded, looked around cautiously, and found that no one noticed this, and then extended He stretched out a hand and held the hand that Chu Nan handed over.

A moment later, there was a faint green light on her body, and then the green aura that Chu Nan had seen before spread out from her palm and penetrated into Chu Nan's palm.

With the infiltration of this greenery, Chu Nan immediately felt that his spirit had become much stronger, and his whole body had become more energetic.

Chu Nan savored these changes and found that it was slightly different from when he stimulated the life force with the flame of life.

Although it is also an enhancement of life force, the flame of life is to stimulate the existing life force of the human body, so that people can obtain the effect of life force explosion in a short period of time. Same as taking stimulants.

But now that this greenness has penetrated, Xio has added a life force out of thin air. Although it is not as perfectly integrated and coordinated as the life force inspired by the flame of life, it will not produce Repercussions after the flame of life triggers the life force.

Chu Nan withdrew his hand after carefully comparing the data on the effects of different cultivation techniques on the human body in his mind.


Hugh put out a breath lightly, and the expression on his face was obviously much more tired than before.

Seeing her gaze involuntarily landed on the barbecue on the distant table, Chu Nan laughed, walked over and filled a plate with all kinds of barbecue, and handed it to her.

"Eat slowly, don't choke."

Hugh glanced at Chu Nan gratefully, and then he lowered his head and started eating.

Chu Nan couldn't help laughing when he saw her imageless eating.

This is very similar to the flame of life, because of the consumption of life force, you will feel extremely hungry, and you have to eat a lot to replenish.

He moved his body a little, put Hugh who was eating meat behind him, and began to think about the situation when Huo cast Praise of Destiny on him just now.

The so-called praise of fate, strictly speaking is just a special usage of the cultivation technique used by Hugh.

The special Inner Breath cultivation technique she has mastered is called very strangely in the Rand people. Translated according to the meaning, it is probably "Magog Goddess's Praise".

The so-called "Magog Goddess" is actually the name given to the Goddess in charge of Life and Death in the Rand.

As for why she used such a strange name... Hugh doesn't know.

And how this very special cultivation technique appeared and was handed down by Rand clansman... Hugh doesn't know.

She only knew that after she was born, she became the child chosen by Magog Goddess, so she began to learn this cultivation technique since she was a child, and she did have a strong innate talent, she was only ten years old. This Cultivation Technique has been brought to the same level as the High Priest in the tribe.

And now, her level has actually far exceeded the High Priest, and she has long been regarded as the best candidate for the next High Priest in the tribe.

Chu Nan doesn't care about these things, he only cares about the special effects of this cultivation technique.

Under the pressure to save the clansman, Hugh was forced to hand over this cultivation technique completely.

In terms of Cultivation Technique, this cultivation technique is not so special. It is still based on the cultivation of Inner Breath and keeps the Inner Breath running.

For Chu Nan, who has got through all the meridians in the whole body and fully grasps the trajectory of the Inner Breath in the meridian, it is not difficult to master the cultivation method of this cultivation technique.

Xiu just explained it once, Chu Nan has already achieved cultivation success, and soon, like Xiu, transformed into the Inner Breath that can reveal a green breath.

This shocked Xiu, because when she first learned this cultivation technique, it took her a month to achieve initial cultivation success, while Chu Nan only took less than half an hour!

It was also very frustrating for her.

Because Chu Nan cultivated so easily, she felt that this cultivation technique was not actually a "cultivation technique bestowed by gods", "a cultivation technique bestowed by the gods" as the High Priest in the tribe said. the power of", and is fundamentally an ordinary cultivation technique.

And the ordinary cultivation technique must have no value in the eyes of the Demon King named Dong Fang, and I am afraid it is not enough for him to promise to save the clansman.

Fortunately, after she also explained the special usages such as Praise of Destiny, Chu Nan was not so easy to grasp completely. It took nearly an hour and failed to succeed once, which made her feel at ease. few.

Chu Nan is very clear about Hugh's psychological changes, because this Rand girl won't hide her thoughts at all, and everything she thinks will be immediately reflected on her face, which is too easy to be seen through.

But she was still amused by Hugh's happiness.

The reason why he hadn't mastered the special usage of Praise of Destiny after spending an hour was not because he couldn't learn it, but because Hugh didn't teach it well.

Hugh is obviously not a good teacher, and the High Priest in her tribe is also obviously not a good teacher.

They only know how to carry out cultivation according to the handed down cultivation technique, but they have not thought about the essence of this cultivation technique at all, or they have thought about it, but have not figured it out clearly.

It's not their fault, after all, judging from Hugh's strength, she is probably equivalent to fourth rank or fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

And she said that she has surpassed that High Priest, so that High Priest is estimated to be a low-level Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist at most.

But judging from her experience when she used the Praise of Destiny to Chu Nan just now, Chu Nan can be sure that the reason why this cultivation technique is special is that when it is mobilized, it can naturally arouse the surrounding people. Space energy, and can be perfectly fused together with Inner Breath, and injected into Chu Nan's body together.

It may be rare to be able to use a cultivation technique that can easily induce space energy, but it is not uncommon for Chu Nan, because with the extremely special high-frequency vibration Inner Breath he mastered, he has long ago be able to do this.

But it is the first time that Chu Nan can perfectly integrate the spatial energy into the cultivation technique of Inner Breath.

Even if he is perfect now, he can easily use the Inner Breath to mobilize the energy of the space and blend it together, but this is only the same space that is achieved by virtue of his super strength control of the Inner Breath. Super precise control of energy, in fact Inner Breath is still Inner Breath, space energy is still space energy, can not be confused.

But when Xio used Praise of Destiny, Chu Nan clearly felt that after the space energy was integrated into her Inner Breath, they were no longer separated from each other, which was equivalent to strengthening her Inner Breath. It also makes her life force supplemented by this special cultivation technique to Chu Nan more remarkable.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan understood.

It is no wonder that Xiu was able to use this cultivation technique to easily replenish the large amount of life force consumed by Angelique, but she just woke up after being in a coma for half a day.

According to common sense, her life force should definitely be far less than the flame of life that she cultivated since she was a child, and now she is only one step away from breaking through Eternal Sky Pass.

So from a normal point of view, if she wants to fully replenish the life force consumed by Angel Beili, I am afraid that her own life will not be enough.

However, the fact is that she still has spare energy.

This phenomenon made Chu Nan immediately have many questions and associations.

Could it be that this cultivation technique can absorb space energy to enhance or even replace life force?

And this cultivation technique can perfectly integrate space energy with this, then from another perspective, the inner breath of human beings is limited, but space energy is infinite. Make people's Inner Breath stronger countless times?

So can such a powerful Inner Breath be used to mobilize more space energy?

Thinking about doing it has always been Chu Nan's purpose.

His mind quickly flashed through the "Magog Goddess Praise" he had learned from Hugh before, and then sorted out all the data when Hugh used the Praise of Fate on her just now, and then Opened the hand, Inner Breath ran a cycle, merged into the palm, and then the surrounding space energy quickly condensed.

Hugh, who was eating meat, suddenly stopped, lifted the head looked towards Chu Nan in surprise, and then his eyes widened, his face full of shock and wonder.

In the heart of the right hand that Chu Nan stretched out, the green light was constantly condensing, forming a green light group visible to the naked eye.

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