These eyes, even a bit bluer than Hugh's, belonged to a little girl who looked about ten years old.

She obviously didn't notice that Chu Nan was in front of her, she just lifted the head a little and looked at the sky outside the window, opened her mouth, and didn't know what she was muttering.

Chu Nan glanced at the little girl and knew that he should have found the right place.

Such a pure Rand clansman trait, he impossible to see wrong.

Looking into the room again, I saw dozens of people lying in Nuoda's room. Because most of them were sleeping, they couldn't verify their identities by eyeballs.

But from the small number of people who still have their eyes open, all of them have blue eyes, which, together with some other characteristics unique to Rand clansman, proves that the people in this room are indeed locked up. All are rand clansman.

Obviously, this room is closed, it should be the Rand slaves that Un'Goro Business Group bought two days ago and intends to resell.

As for whether these Rand slaves are Hugh's clansman, it still needs to be verified.

Chu Nan glanced back at the guards who had already checked the movement and returned to their posts. After thinking about it, the Inner Breath moved, and the space energy was triggered. Suddenly, there was an explosion on the ground without warning, and a mass of goods that was originally covered on the ground was suddenly blasted open, and instantly became like a goddess scattered flowers, and they flew into the sky and fell.

Several guards were stunned.

This time, their attention was even more attracted than before, and they turned their heads to look around, naturally no one expected Chu Nan's direction.

Chu Nan immediately eliminated the influence on the space energy around the body, reappeared in shape, raised his wrist, opened the virtual screen of the personal terminal, and recorded all the situation in the room.

The little girl behind the window suddenly saw a person appearing in an unfathomable mystery in front of her. She was startled and opened her mouth to exclaim.

However, when she just caught the attention of the other Rand clansman in the house and looked over, she found that that person had disappeared in an unfathomable mystery!

The little girl pointed blankly out the window, and after a while, she rubbed her eyes hard.

Is it my own eyes?

The sound of the explosion didn't attract the attention of the bodyguards for too long, so Chu Nan only had time to record the situation in the room with his personal terminal for a short time, and then he had to disappear again.

Although it is definitely not so clear and comprehensive, as long as I show the recorded image to Hugh, I believe she will be able to identify whether the Rand clansman in it is her clansman.

If yes, then Dong Fang has prepared two options to rescue her clansman.

If not, then you have to find another way.

After confirming that the personal terminal had accurately recorded the situation in the room just now, Chu Nan observed the situation left and right, and planned to return along the same route that he had just entered.

After carefully observing the surrounding situation, Chu Nan quickly obtained accurate statistics of the surrounding environment again, and then the body moved, and easily returned to the edge of the building complex along the original road.

Chu Nan sighed in relief after falling into the darkness of a building on the edge.

The most dangerous task has been completed. Next, as long as he stealth out, he can return to Carnival Night City smoothly and complete this task with top secret.

However, he just body moved, mutation prominence.

The space energy in the surrounding space suddenly seemed to become extremely viscous, making his body seem to have suddenly plunged into a quagmire, making any movement extremely difficult.

At the same time, in the space above his head, the space energy that seemed to be solid condensed and pressed down. Just sensing it made him feel like he was carrying a big mountain, and he couldn't step out at all. One step, it is difficult to even maintain the posture of the body.

Chu Nan heart startled, knowing that he has been exposed, and alarming the other party's expert.

He didn't dare to neglect, took a deep breath, the Inner Breath was fully activated, and the space energy stagnant around his body was instantly activated by the Inner Breath and became active again.

At the same time, the space energy that was madly suppressed by the mountain on the top of the head was also affected by him. Although it would not dissipate directly, it would no longer be as dignified as a mountain, just a little pressure.

Chu Nan suddenly felt his whole body light up, and his body sped out at a high speed like an arrow off the string.


A surprised voice sounded behind him, and then it became coldly snorted.

"hmph! I've been sneaking around under my nose for a long time, and you want to run away easily? It's just a dream!"

Chu Nan suddenly felt the pressure behind him doubled, and there was a sense of unease. The powerful force that can be resisted combines with the terrifying space energy to attack at high speed.

Clearly feeling the drastic change in the space behind him, Chu Nan quickly judged that he simply couldn't easily escape like this.

The brain equivalent to lightbrain quickly calculated all the data, he immediately made a judgment, turned around, throws a punch.


In the dark void that seemed to be empty, an unusually bright light suddenly exploded, and then the explosion sounded all directions, It was as if a bomb had been detonated suddenly, and it was especially amazing in the dark night.

The aftermath of the violent collision of the two groups of space energy swayed out, and the two houses near the explosion center collapsed directly, and even the dregs were blown away, instantly turning into a flat ground.

Chu Nan shook his body and spit a mouthful of blood.

The other party is obviously a high-level Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist. This time, he has no intention of calculating, and the spatial energy under his control far exceeds his counterattack, which caused him to be immediately received in this reckless fight. minor injuries.

However, Chu Nan's original intention was not to entangle with the opponent. After a reckless fight, with a strong impact, his body flew backward at a high speed, and at the same time, the Inner Breath circulated, forcibly breaking the space created by the opponent. The energy blockade barrier and disappeared into the night beyond the jungle.

"Buzz~ Buzz~ hum-"

A high-pitched, piercing siren sounded throughout the small base, echoing continuously.

This is because Chu Nan did not deliberately avoid the detection of the alert system when he escaped just now, which caused the alarm.

As the flames of the explosion subsided, the chaotic silhouette shook and the alarm sounded, a middle-aged man with a thin body in his forties appeared, looking towards the direction where Chu Nan disappeared.

A guard who looked like the leader of the team emerged from the side and asked the middle-aged man doubtfully, "Lord Fake, won't you go after him?"

"Idiot!" The middle-aged man known as Lord Fake scolded him unceremoniously. "I've chased it out, and if someone else comes, can you guys stop it?"

The guards could only agree and dare not make any arguments.

"Show me that room! It doesn't matter if other places are gone, but the slaves in there can't be lost, understand?"

Master Fake He snapped back the bodyguards, turned his head and looked towards the direction where Chu Nan disappeared, snorted heavily, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Strange, who sent this? You are willing to use a rare Voidbreak Grade expert as a spy."

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