The door made a light sound, and Xiu, who had been sitting on the chair motionless, lifted the head, and saw Chu Nan pushed the door and walked in.

She immediately greeted her and looked at Chu Nan expectantly.

"Have you checked... have you found it?"

Chu Nan glanced at the house and found that Dong Fang was not there.

"Fuck, this dishonest guy." Cursed in a low voice, Chu Nan opened his personal terminal and showed the video he just recorded in front of Xio.

"It's them!" With just one glance, Xio immediately jumped up excitedly, pointed at the group of Rand clansman on the virtual screen, and shouted happily. "It's them! It's them! You...look...this...she...she's the grand...the grand...granddaughter of the Big...High Priest!"

Chu Nan looked in the direction of her fingers In the past, I found that the granddaughter of High Priest she mentioned was the little girl who appeared in the window just now, but was taken aback by him.

"So, these are indeed your clansman?" Chu Nan asked again. "You have to watch carefully, don't make a mistake."

Hugh un'ed, after watching the video Chu Nan played three times, he looked a little puzzled.

"Strange, why...why are there a lot of people?"

"A lot of people? What do you mean?" Chu Nan was stunned.

Hugh pointed at the virtual screen with a dazed expression.

"I... our tribe is... less than fifty... fifty people, but here..."

Chu Nan immediately understood what she meant.

The room was very big. At that time, Chu Nan didn't have time to count them one by one, but now, after a closer look through the recorded images, we will find that the number of people in this room may be more than enough. Hundred.

"That's not surprising, maybe those guys caught not only one of your tribesmen, but more Rand clansman from elsewhere, and put them together." Chu Nan road. "Look carefully, are there any missing people?"


Hugh nodded, and watched the video several times, but couldn't give a precise Answer.

Chu Nan was pressed for time just now. Impossible recorded everyone in the room little by little. Naturally, it was impossible for Hugh to identify them one by one.

"Okay, let's do this first. Anyway, tomorrow the guys will put them out for auction, and when the time comes, I'll take you to recognize them one by one." Chu Nan put away his personal terminal and looked at Glancing at the sky, he asked Xiu, "You waited all night?"

"en. I...have been...waiting for come back. I'm...worrying about you..."

Chu Nan waited patiently for a while, but saw that Xiu was not stuttering this time, but really didn't write anything, and couldn't help being a little stunned.

"You're worried about me? Worried about what I'm doing?"

"'re going to the place where the bad guys...the bad guys are. If...they find out, then... It would be... very dangerous." Xio looked at Chu Nan sincerely.

"Ha, that kid Dong Fang is not worried, but you are worried about me." Chu Nan couldn't help laughing. "Okay, you don't need to worry about me. Like that kid Dong Fang said, we're just making a deal, you provide us with enough value, and we'll help you rescue your clansman, and we don't owe each other. "

"No...not the same..." Hugh shouted the head. "That...that Dong Fang he...he's doing a deal,'re not."

"Oh? Why do you think so?" Chu Nan looked at Xio with great interest. "Is it because I was the first person you contacted?"

Hugh tilted his head, thought for a while, and shook his head.

" really want to help me, Dong Fang...not."

Chu Nan rolled his eyes helplessly.

Hugh spends too little time in contact with outsiders, and it is not easy for her to make one thing clear.

He was not interested in continuing to ink here, patted Hugh: "Okay, don't worry about it, go to sleep. Tomorrow is important to you and your clansman, so you need to rest well. I I'm going to bed too, I've been tossing around all night, I'm really tired."

Chu Nan just turned to leave, but Xio suddenly reached out and grabbed her.

"What? Is there anything else?" Chu Nan looked at her strangely.

Hugh bit his lip lightly, then seemed to make up his mind, stretched out his hand, and the pajamas slipped off, revealing the naked body inside.

Chu Nan froze for a moment.

The current Xiu is not the same as before. After taking a bath, she still looks a little immature, but her skin is smooth and fair, her body proportions are excellent, and her allure is completely incomparable.

Chu Nan glanced at her body, swallowed involuntarily, and said in surprise, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Chu Nan glanced at Chu Nan, although his expression A little shy, but still firmly did not look away.

" want body?"

Chu Nan's eyes widened: "Why are you asking this? Crazy?"


"Because...because of me...I only have the martial skill and...and this body, if want it, wouldn't it be...more hopeful to save...rescue the clansman ?"

Chu Nan's thoughts turned and he suddenly woke up.

"Who told you that?"

"Yes... Dong Fang said it. He said... if you... you want my body, he... ...he can pay you want it?"

"I want your head! This damn bastard!"

Chu Nan Low With a curse, he picked up the pajamas on the ground and handed them to Xio.

"Put it on."

Hugh looked at Chu Nan in surprise, with a hint of frustration in his expression.

" don't want to?"

"Stop talking nonsense and put it on!" Chu Nan emphasized.

Hugh looked at Chu Nan and could only take over the pajamas and put them on again.

Looking at the depressed Xiu, Chu Nan said resolutely: "Listen, Xiu, I am willing to help you because you almost sacrificed your life to save Angelina, so for the sake of In return, I am willing to help you to save your clansman. As for Dong Fang, the two sect martial skills you have brought out are already of great value, and it is worth making him pay a certain price to help you. And your body... yes It doesn't make sense to me, because if you give or not, I will try my best to help you. And Dong you think he will care about your body?"

After thinking about it, she looked even more frustrated. the head.

"So, at least in front of the two of us, your body doesn't have much value, so you don't have to think about it." Chu Nan waved his hand, "Okay, Hurry up and go to bed, and it will be dawn."

Hugh made a light noise, turned around and planned to walk into the house, but after taking two steps, he turned his head and asked with a somewhat unwilling expression: " Could it be that I... my body is... worthless?"

Chu Nan could only roll the eyes again.

"No, your body is very valuable, so you shouldn't give it away easily, understand?"

"That's...why you Does it make no sense?"

Seeing that Xio asked this question with a pure face, Chu Nan almost vomited blood.

If Angelique is different, it is because of the different three-view education she received from Overy Venerable since she was a child, then it is simply because she has too little understanding of world affairs, even some basic knowledge. concepts do not understand.

But looking at Xiu's tangled face, Chu Nan knew that if she didn't give her an accurate answer, she might struggle all night.

After thinking for a while, Chu Nan stretched out a finger and touched his chest.

"Because I like girls with big breasts, and you..."

Hugh looked down at his chest, his expression suddenly became extremely depressed, and he turned and left silently.

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