Angie Belle believes it completely, and Dong Fang basically believes it, but he still doesn't agree with Chu Nan's idea.

"Even if you are stronger than the average Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, you are not a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse after all. Even if you can play a role in the battle of the space fleet, it is limited. I can't let you take this risk. ."

After saying that, he didn't give Chu Nan any chance to refute at all, turned around and left.

Chu Nan frowned, moved a bit and tried to chase, but was stopped by Mu Luo's uncle.

"Don't make him embarrassed." Mu Luo uncle looked at Chu Nan and said sincerely: "Dong Fang has always regarded you as his best friend, otherwise when your family was threatened, he would not have directly Send me and Costa. He doesn't want you in danger right now, you'd better listen to him."


"Don't worry. He's right, but it doesn't work, and you can choose to surrender directly. Our company has actually encountered a lot of this kind of thing, and with experience in this area, he can handle it."

Seeing Mu Luo's uncle's firm attitude, And it is extremely rare to say a lot of words in one breath, Chu Nan can only stop.

Although he was worried about Dong Fang, he also had to admit that what Mu Luo uncle said was right.

As a cream of the crop of the Earth Federation, and also a first-class security company in several countries outside the Orion Arm, Seres Security Company has dealt with space pirates a lot, and encountered similar There are obviously a lot of situations, so what Dong Fang said just now was justified.

"Just listen to his arrangement." Angelique also pulled Chu Nan's arm. "We have to trust Dong Fang's expertise in this area. If he is captured and the space pirates refuse to let him go, then I will definitely ask the Master to rescue him."

Chu Nan read Angelique glanced at her and thought to herself that even if Venerable hadn't come back yet, she didn't know her life or death, how could she still be expected to save Dong Fang?

At the end of the day, if it wasn't for the appearance of a Rachel Venerable from the other side to divert Ovelli Venerable away, the situation in Leppler planet would not have developed to this step.

Of course, these words can only be thought in my heart.

Angie Belle has absolute confidence in Overy Venerable, and Chu Nan will not make fun of herself.

Silently watched Dong Fang disappear outside the door of the main control room, and after a while, a small ship flew out from the bottom of the spaceship and flew towards the fighting fleets, Chu Nan suddenly asked : "Since you can choose to surrender, why Dong Fang must go? He can let Mu Le uncle decide for themselves."

Mu Luo uncle was stunned, then sighed, and replied: "He is Our company's highest on-site responsible person in this Star Domain, unless he is present, no one is qualified to issue a direct surrender order."

Chu Nan could only be silent.

This may be the risk and price Dong Fang must take to become the top executive of Seres Security.

"Okay, let's go."

Mu Luo uncle turned his head to give an order. The battlefield of the exchange of fire quickly flew towards the direction of the star gate.

Chu Nan watched through the detection screen on the virtual screen, and looked towards the distant sky through the spaceship porthole, paying close attention to the situation on the battlefield.

In fact, the current battle between space fleets is very boring to outsiders. It is nothing more than various particle beams and various missiles flying around, and then always hitting the energy of each other's battleship. On the shield, the light reflected by the shield splashed, and apart from this didn't respond much.

There are not many opportunities to directly destroy the battleship, because when it is aware that the Energy Shield is about to be unable to hold, the battleship will always withdraw from the battlefield in advance, or hide itself in the fleet and use the energy of the companion ships. Shield to fend off attacks.

So generally speaking, unless the strength of one side is much greater than that of the other side, and the firepower suppression is easily completed, even if the defeat is defeated, the defeated side can usually retreat safely.

In the vast Star Sea, it is difficult to catch up with the enemy and completely destroy it based on the speed of the positive space.

For the space fleet, driving the enemy out of this Star Domain and ensuring the control of the space is even a mission accomplished.

According to the current situation, the other party's purpose is obviously to block the way for the Ceres Security Company's fleet to jump to the Star Gate and not allow them to leave this Star Domain, so they only need to use firepower. Just finish pressing.

Wait until another cosmic pirate fleet hired by Sand Eagle arrives, or Greg, the Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, arrives, and you can easily defeat the space fleet of Seres Security Company, ensuring that They were powerless to fight back.

Chu Nan just watched for a while, and immediately determined that Dong Fang's earlier statement of "choose to surrender" was no joke.

This time, the Sky Fleet sent by the Serres Security Company to protect the Earth Federation caravan is just an ordinary squadron, with a total of thirteen space battleships, including small and medium-sized ships. Accounted for more than half, there were only three Trifling Stellar Rank battleships in the array.

On the other hand, although the cosmic pirate fleet on the opposite side looks a little messy, various types of battleships are mixed together, and the degree of training and cooperation is obviously not as good as the fleet of Seres Security Company. But the victory lies in the large number. At a glance, there are nearly a hundred ships.

With such an absolute numerical advantage, even if the Seres Security Company fleet can exert its battle strength, there is no possibility of winning.

The battle between the space fleets is all about the attack power and Energy Shield strength of both sides.

When the number is crushed, things like tactics and cooperation have become powerless.

"Damn it, the people of Sand Eagle are really willing to pay for it. They not only hired Star Level Martial Artists, but also hired so many space pirates. Isn't that guy Greg not afraid of not being able to end the game? ?"

Chu Nan in the heart cursed, and at the same time prayed that Dong Fang would better choose to surrender as soon as possible after taking over the command of the Sky Fleet from Muelleruncle.

Now that it's clear that it can't be beaten, there is no need to continue working hard.

Those cosmic pirates are obviously here for money, and Chu Nan doesn't believe that the people from Sand Eagle really have any deep hatred with them from Earth Federation, they have to kill to the last one. .

In the end, what Sand Eagle wants to compete for is obviously only the control of Leppler planet, and there is absolutely no need to compete with Earth people like them.

Even now, Chu Nan doesn't really understand why.

Why is that guy Greck holding on to Seres Security Company? Let them withdraw, he let these space pirates go to Leppler planet to control the universe, isn't it more of his plan?

He's always impossible just because he wants to hunt down himself and Angelique...

While Chu Nan was thinking about these questions, in the distant space, The situation of the battle suddenly took an astonishing change.

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