Originally, the fleets of the two sides were exchanging fire with each other very often. Most of the particle beams and missiles were missed, and only a small number of them were directly hit, but they only hit the other side's Energy Shield, which exploded. Sparks of light of different colors, bright and different.

Comparatively speaking, because the number of battleships in the Serres Security Company is much smaller, it is obviously in a state of complete firepower suppression. It is only because the training level of the other cosmic pirate fleet is too poor. Long.

But it is still impossible to completely evade all attacks by the opponent, and there are always some particle beams and missiles that hit directly.

According to normal development, the Serres Security Company fleet will not last long, and the three main Stellar Rank battleships will be exhausted by Energy Shield, and they will no longer have the ability to continue fighting.

Before that, Dong Fang should have chosen to declare direct surrender.

But just as Chu Nan turned his head and looked towards the space beyond the porthole, a group of extremely bright fire suddenly exploded in the fleet of Seres Security Company.

Chu Nan's eyes suddenly shrank.

This flame is by no means the reaction of particle beams or antimatter missiles hitting the Energy Shield, it is clearly a sign that the battleship was directly hit and exploded and burst into flames!

"How could this be?" Chu Nan turned his head in surprise and looked towards Mu Luo uncle. "Don't this kid Dong Fang say that he will choose to surrender as long as he sees the situation is not good? Why is the battleship destroyed by the opponent?" Chu Nan waved his hand, worked on the spaceship main console for a while, and quickly got in touch with the fleet.

After a while, he turned to look at Chu Nan, his face terrifying already gloomy.

"Dong Fang had already stated on the public channel ten minutes ago that he could not choose to surrender, but...the other party refused..."

"What?" Chu Nan suddenly asked startled. "How could they refuse? Are they planning to kill to the last one?"

Mu Luo uncle slowly shook the head: "I don't know yet, the other party has not responded."

Chu Nan glanced back and happened to see another strange fire burst out in the distant Seres Security Company fleet. It seemed that another battleship was directly hit and exploded.

He complexion sank, thought for a moment, then turned to Muluo uncle and said, "Prepare me the fastest assault ship, I'm going to help."

Muluo uncle and everyone else around is startled.

"How can you help alone?"

Angie Belle's reaction was different from the others. She took a serious look at Chu Nan's face and asked, "You How sure are you?"

Chu Nan shook his head: "Probably less than 40% sure. But no matter what, I have to go."

"Are you crazy?" Mu Luo uncle couldn't help but rushed up and grabbed Chu Nan's arm. "Dong Fang personally told me to take you and Angelique away safely. Wouldn't you be wasting a piece of his heart by rushing over now?"

"Don't let me look at Dong Fang? Are you killed like this?" Chu Nan suddenly raised his voice and roared, then watched Mu Luo uncle grab his hand, and said coldly: "Let go, Mu Luo uncle, you can't stop me, I will definitely I will go. If you don't want me to open a gap in this spaceship and fly out, then don't stop me."

Mu Luo uncle looked at Chu Nan in surprise, from the expression on his face It was obvious that he had no intention of joking.

"Calm down, don't be impulsive. Chu Nan, this is not a joke, Dong Fang still has a great chance of surviving, but if you go alone, I'm afraid you will be killed before you get close. If it sinks, there is almost no chance of surviving. I can't watch you die like this."

"I'm calm." Chu Nan's face was still cold, but his voice was slowed down. "I know what I'm capable of and what I'm doing. Mu Luo uncle, let me go, if I just watch Dong Fang in danger and ignore it, then I will not forgive myself for the rest of my life."

Mu Luo uncle still had a calm face, but his expression was a little hesitant.

"Let him go, Mu Luo uncle." Angel Beili suddenly opened the mouth and said. "Chu Nan's strength is much more powerful than you can imagine. Although he has not yet become a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, his physical body is incredibly close to or even equal to a low-level Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse. He Even if he is floating in space alone, there is no problem, and ordinary space battleship attacks will not pose any threat to him, so he will not die easily."

After saying this, Angelique He turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan with a very serious expression.

"My previous oath is still valid. If you die here, I will definitely ask the Master to destroy the entire Leppler planet. If the Master refuses, or she does what you say If I die in the hands of that Rachel, then I will fulfill this oath."

Muluo uncle and everyone around were shocked when they heard it.

Angie Belle actually made such a terrifying oath for Chu Nan, and her relationship with Chu Nan...is this good enough?

The coldness on Chu Nan's face receded, and a faint smile appeared.

"As I said last time, I won't give you the chance to fulfill this oath, and I won't this time either."

Then he looked towards Mu Luo uncle again, no When he spoke, the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

Mu Luo uncle frowned deeply, thought for a while, sighed, and let go of Chu Nan's hand.

"Chu Nan, I know you're not the kind of person who likes to brag about yourself, so I believe what you say. But remember, if you feel dangerous, please give up immediately. You don't want to watch When Dong Fang is in danger, Dong Fang also doesn't want you to be in danger for him. Do you understand what I mean?"

Chu Nan smiled and said: "I'm not the kind of person who would end up saving lives. The idiot who paid for it myself. If I really can't save Dong Fang, I will only run for my life immediately, cultivate well when I come back, and avenge him when I get stronger. In this respect, Angelique is actually very similar to me."

Angie Beili pursed her lips and smiled: "Yes, it means nothing to give up your life, I know Chu Nan, you won't be that stupid."

Mu Luo uncle looked at Chu Nan and then at Angelique, with a strange expression, but he didn't say anything, and turned around to make arrangements.

Under the critical situation, the efficiency is naturally extremely high.

After less than one minute, everything was arranged properly, and Chu Nan got into the ultra-miniature spacecraft specially equipped after the spaceship modification.

This type of spacecraft was originally designed for a small number of people to move in short distances in space. In order to be quick and easy, almost all the capabilities are reflected in the speed, except for the speed, which is basically useless.

But when Chu Nan named it, he didn't expect it to provide any attack power, but just to be able to rush to the battlefield as quickly as possible.

"You..." Mu Luo uncle watched Chu Nan sit in the cabin, and finally could only say "be careful".

Angie Belle smiled at Chu Nan, then waved her fist and made a cheering gesture.

Chu Nan smiled at everyone, launched the ultra-miniature spaceship without the slightest hesitation, directly increased it to the highest speed, and instantly disappeared into the vast universe, not even a black spot could be seen.

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