In Seres Security's flagship fleet, a group of people stared blankly at the surveillance footage, almost forgetting to do their jobs.

Even if the distance is a full two light seconds, but with the most advanced signal monitoring system, the virtual screen can still clearly show what is happening two light seconds away.

Although there is a delay of several seconds in the picture due to the distance, countless people still couldn't help but continuously gasp when they saw the extremely thrilling scene in the picture.

"Oh my God! He... huh, he's fine..."

"Ah! Be careful!"

"Hey, get out of the way! ..."


The exclamations came one after another, and everyone was nervously monitoring the Chu Nan on the screen. First, he was driving an ultra-miniature spacecraft in the densely packed particle beam. Dodge to the right, as if you were there.

Before this, no one really understood what Chu Nan was trying to do, because even in the eyes of Dong Fang, who believed in Chu Nan, Chu Nan had the ability to use himself as a signal guide to make their If the attack hits the enemy battleship accurately, it has no effect.

After all, every cosmic battleship has Energy Shield. Even if the hit rate is greatly improved, even to 100%, the Energy Shield of the enemy ship must be completely consumed.

And before that, the enemy battleship that they focused on must have withdrawn long ago.

But they then saw with their own eyes that when the particle beam hit the enemy ship, the enemy ship's Energy Shield seemed to disappear suddenly, allowing the particle beam to penetrate without hindrance The body of the local battleship!

Everyone was stunned.

The only one who remained calm was Fleet Commander Mueller.

He quickly thought of the weird situation when he first fought with those space pirate fleets.

It was also the case at that time, the Energy Shield unfathomable mystery of the enemy battleship was greatly weakened, almost disappeared, and then they easily took a few enemy battleships one after another and forced the enemy back.

The situation now is exactly the same as it was then.

When he told Dong Fang about the idea, the two quickly came to a conclusion.

No matter how puzzling and unimaginable the reason, Chu Nan now not only has the ability to move freely in space, but even has the terrifying ability to instantly make the enemy ship's Energy Shield disappear.

With the help of this amazing ability, the battle they are facing now seems to be easy in an instant.

Without the protection of Energy Shield, no matter how powerful the cosmic battleship is, it will be nothing but a bunch of metal lumps flying in the universe!

And now, their only concern has been resolved by Chu Nan.

Watching a group of bright lights flashing in the distant sector, the monitoring screen showed that the enemy's huge galaxy-level battleship was easily penetrated by the particle beam, and everyone in the main control room couldn't help it. Cheers.

Chu Nan can even remove the Energy Shield of a galaxy-level battleship, which is really exciting.

At this moment, Chu Nan is in their in mind, and it is almost no different from the gods!

"Very good!" Mueller waved his fist excitedly, turned his head and ordered his subordinates: "Find a way to transmit a three-dimensional distribution map of the enemy fleet to Chu Nan, and then put this... signs are sent together, I hope he can cooperate with us to launch an attack."

After that, he turned his head and looked towards Dong Fang: "Is this okay?"


Dong Fang smiled and waved his hand: "You don't need to ask me about the specific command, but remember to give priority to Chu Nan's current situation, he is not invincible."

"I understand."

Mueller nodded, turning his head and continuing to give more detailed orders to his subordinates.

In a situation where defeat and even escaping were almost impossible, just because of the appearance of Chu Nan alone, such an amazing turnaround took place.

In Mueller's view, even if he is given a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse now, the effect will be far inferior to that of Chu Nan.

After all, even if Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse can fight the cosmic battleship alone, it's just meet force with force, can't let the enemy battleship's Energy Shield unfathomable mystery disappear like Chu Nan, so that they can easily destroy it .

If they cooperate with Chu Nan in this way, their attack rate can not only reach infinitely close to 100%, but more importantly, each attack can directly hit the enemy ship itself.

In the battle of the space fleet, this is like a bug!

Soon, Mueller received a response from Chu Nan, with only one very simple character, but an "OK" that everyone in the Earth Federation could understand.

Mueller was overjoyed.

"Very good, if Chu Nan can cooperate with us to sink these enemy flagships, we may even turn defeat into victory!"

Dong Fang glanced at Mueller and swayed. With a wave of hands, frowned: "Don't think about turning defeat into victory, as long as we can force the opponent to retreat, we immediately choose to retreat. Although Chu Nan is very capable, he takes great risks in doing so, and we can't keep him in this situation all the time. In danger."

Mueller was stunned, then cold sweat oozes from his forehead, and he repeatedly expressed his understanding.

He was overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events and forgot to worry about Chu Nan's safety.

Watching Mueller begin to correct the order he just issued, Dong Fang turned his head and looked towards the virtual screen.

On the monitoring screen, the overly small ultra-miniature spacecraft can still be seen shuttled fast in countless particle beams, flying towards the first attack target marked by Mueller.

Judging from the situation on the screen, the ultra-miniature spacecraft, which is negligible compared to the super battleship next to it, seems to be hit by the particle beam at any time and turns into a cosmos. dust.

"Chu Nan, you brat must not die..."

Dong Fang clenched his fists hard, his teeth had bitten his lower lip until blood oozing out, But unaware.


Compared to Dong Fang and the people in the Seres Security Company fleet, Chu Nan himself is not nervous.

With its powerful data capabilities, the densely packed particle beams do not pose any threat to him at all. He is just like playing a flying shooting game that he often played when he was a child, driving a small plane to avoid With bullets densely packed by the enemy.

The real game he's playing now is even less difficult than when he was a kid.

In less than five minutes, he had already approached the first target given by Muller, beside a galaxy-level cosmic battleship, relying on the ultra-high speed of the ultra-miniature spacecraft. .

With the experience of destroying a galaxy-level cosmic battleship just now, this time he is more familiar with the way, and he flew out to check, and he knew that this galaxy-level cosmic battleship should be exactly the same as the one just now. , the characteristics of Energy Shield are very small, if not different.

He analyzed it in less than two seconds, then turned on a locating beacon.

Five seconds later, Chu Nan had already left in the ultra-miniature spacecraft, leaving behind a galaxy-level cosmic battleship that had been riddled with particle beams.

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