The situation on the battlefield soon changed.

Originally, the battle between cosmic battleships is basically about who has stronger firepower and thicker Energy Shield. Usually, whichever battleship has more quantity and higher level will have an absolute advantage and will quickly Rolling the snowball of this advantage will make it difficult for the opponent to turn over.

But now the emergence of Chu Nan can provide the Serres Security Company with extremely accurate signal positioning, and even completely locate the same point on the enemy battleship, with an error of only ten meters. The completely negligible distance in the space station allows Serres Security to always hit with full precision.

The most important thing is that Chu Nan can completely destroy the Energy Shield of the enemy battleship, so that every attack can really and effectively damage the enemy battleship.

This is equivalent to the original fight between two groups of people. Everyone is holding a shield, wearing armor, and holding a spear. can win.

However, Chu Nan suddenly ran out and knocked off one of the shields and the armor was cleaned. In an instant, they lost all their protective abilities, and the battle naturally became one-sided.

It didn't take long, with the help of Chu Nan, the space pirate fleet has lost three galaxy-level battleships and seven Stellar Rank battleships in succession.

Although the loss of only ten battleships is nothing compared to the huge fleet of the space pirate fleet with a total of hundreds of ships, the loss of only ten battleships is nothing in terms of quantity, but together with the two Stellar Rank battleships that have been destroyed before Including one galaxy class battleship, they have lost a total of thirteen large and medium battleships.

For the entire fleet, these large and medium-sized battleships, especially the super-large galaxy-level battleships, are the most important firepower support points. Without these medium and large-scale battleships, the attack power of the cosmic pirate fleet will instantly increase. The threat to Seres Security's fleet has also dropped significantly.

The reduced pressure allowed the Serres Security Company fleet to devote more energy to supporting Chu Nan, and to destroy the enemy fleet faster and faster.

The space pirate fleet didn't pay enough attention to Chu Nan at first. Although the firepower to attack him was strong, most of them were concentrated on the Seres Security Company fleet.

When they continuously destroyed the battleship, they finally realized the huge threat that Chu Nan brought them.

This guy isn't much bigger than a fly in space in an ultra-tiny spacecraft, but he's far more annoying, dangerous, and agile than a fly.

In the beginning, the space pirate fleet just used the battleship firepower to try to knock him down directly, but later found that this would not work, and sent a small boat to contain Chu Nan from all directions.

However, this still does not work. The ultra-miniature spacecraft driven by Chu Nan is not only extremely fast, but also extremely flexible, and can always make various unimaginable rolls and sudden stops and turns in space. .

Being replaced by other ordinary small spaceship pilots, I am afraid that I will not be able to stand it first.

However, with the powerful physical qualities equivalent to Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, Chu Nan can easily complete various actions, coupled with his more powerful data ability, he can also instantly calculate the opponent's densely The attack trajectory of packed, so that it can be easily avoided.

Many times, the reactions in his mind were even faster than the lightbrain, the onboard center of the ultra-miniature spacecraft.

After playing with the enemy behind him for a while, Chu Nan had already flown to another galaxy-level battleship. He turned on the autopilot mode of the ultra-miniature spaceship, then opened the hatch and flew out. .

Seeing that the chasing soldiers were attracted by the ultra-miniature spaceship and chased them frantically, Chu Nan laughed, body flashed, and quietly came to the galaxy-level battleship overhead. Below, reach down and press on the transparent Energy Shield.

Five seconds later, several particle beams shot from the Seres Security Company fleet two light seconds away, shooting the galaxy-class battleship whose Energy Shield was slapped by Chu Nan with the palm of his hand. Fully penetrated, close to breaking.

This is already the last galaxy-class battleship in the space pirate fleet, and now it is also destroyed, instantly shattering the space pirates' fighting intent.

All the battleships of the cosmic pirates seemed to be stagnant for a moment, and then the outermost small battleships suddenly turned around and flew wildly in the direction of the star gate.

A moment later, the remaining dozens of small and medium-sized battleships also adjusted their direction and flew towards the stargate in a chaotic manner.

Chu Nan glanced casually and immediately judged that with his speed, he would definitely not be able to catch up with these cosmic battleships who were running for their lives.

After all, he is not a serious Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, and his speed in space cannot be compared with these cosmic battleships for the time being.

But in this way, his mission is completed.

Chu Nan sighed in relief, opened the personal terminal, and called back the ultra-miniature spacecraft that had already flown far away.

As soon as it flew into the spaceship, the virtual screen of the central lightbrain automatically opened, indicating that a communication was sent.

Chu Nan laughed and chose to connect, and the familiar face of Dong Fang appeared on the virtual screen.

"Damn it! Chu Nan, you brat actually did it!" Dong Fang looked incredulous and shouted loudly: "When did you brat become so strong? Why don't you know? Damn it, you are hiding it from my best friend, are you deserving a beating?"

Chu Nan rolled the eyes at him.

"When did I hide it? I just broke through recently, okay? You say I'm deserving a beating? Hehe, believing or not I'll take you into space and hang and beat you?"

"Hit your sister! Oh no, it's none of Xiaoxi's business, I'll slap you in the face! Come on, stop talking nonsense, you hurry up and join us, although thanks to you, you have taken care of those damn pirates , but we still have to run away. Damn, this time is really a failure. After I go back, I must persuade the company's board of directors to send more troops here to find this place."

Dong Fang A pair of gnashing teeth.

This is his first time as Chief-In-Charge, a corporate action, and he suffered such a failure, which made him extremely unwilling.

Mueller, who was beside him, hesitated, thought for a moment, patted Dong Fang on the shoulder and said, "Let's talk about this later, the board should consider otherwise." Chu Nan said with a smile: "Mr. Chu Nan, this time you really need more generous help to our company. If it weren't for your help, we would have suffered heavy losses this time. When we return to the Federation, the company will be very grateful."

Chu Nan frowned and waved his hand.

"I'm mainly because of Dong Fang, not because of your company's compensation."

Mueller's expression froze, realizing that he had said something wrong, a little embarrassed Glancing at Dong Fang.

Dong Fang waved his hand: "I know you brat is mainly for me, but you must get the reward, otherwise people will say that our company is ignorant. When I go back, I will report to the board of directors. Show your credit for this incident and get you the best reward."

Chu Nan was about to say more, but was interrupted by Dong Fang waving his hand.

"You brat don't be generous in front of me, you don't want it, you have to think about it for your parents and Xiaoxi, it's always good to get some money to buy them something. For example Didn't you always say that Xiaoxi wants to change to a new personal terminal, but your family has been reluctant to buy her?"

Chu Nan can only nodded helplessly.

Indeed, it is meaningless for him to be generous at this time, and as Dong Fang said, this is what he deserves to be paid, and there is no regret.

"Alright then, I..."

Chu Nan just opened his mouth when suddenly the complexion changed and looked up.

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