The top of the head is the narrow roof of the ultra-miniature spacecraft, and only a sheet of metal can be seen when looking up.

However, Chu Nan could clearly sense that the space energy in the large space above his head was undergoing extremely crazy changes.

This energy change is far more terrifying than any spatial energy change that Chu Nan has encountered before, only worse than a few Star Level Martial Artists he has encountered.

Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse!

Chu Nan made a judgment in an instant, and then in the next instant he judged the identity of the Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse.


In addition to the leader of the sand eagle, it is impossible that another Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse will appear here at this time and will attack him suddenly.

The next moment, Chu Nan's mind flashed all kinds of thoughts in a flash, and he made a decision in an instant.

"Dong Fang, run away! Leave me alone!"

Chu Nan roared at Dong Fang, who had an inexplicable face on the virtual screen, and launched the ultra-miniature with all his strength. The spaceship, which didn't even have time to choose a direction, instantly increased to full speed and flew out towards the Boundless Starry Sky.

In the space behind him, Greg's silhouette hovered above where Chu Nan was just now, holding the gesture of clapping his palms, with a slightly stunned expression on his face.

This kid reacted so quickly, he was just about to make a move, but he ran ahead of time.

"Want to run?" Greg looked at the ultra-miniature spaceship that had turned into a small blob of light in the distance, his face sank, and anger flashed in his eyes. "Boy, it's you who forced me to kill you."

Greck was burning with infinite anger at this time.

Since this kid named Chu Nan appeared, everything Sand Eagle has done has been extremely unlucky.

First of all, this kid helped the Holy Mountain of the Rand tribe to resist the two consecutive attacks of the Sand Eagle, causing the Sand Eagle to suffer heavy losses and not yet able to complete the task.

And after this, the kid even moved out a Star Level Martial Artist as a backing, forcing Greg to change his strategy against Rand clansman, and be forced to be with others he completely despised before. The wastes talked about so-called "cooperation".

However, it was precisely because of the appearance of this Star Level Martial Artist that Greck successfully invited Rachel Venerable out.

I originally thought that Rachel Venerable would be able to deal with the Star Level Martial Artist from the Earth Federation, but didn't expect that seven days have passed since today, and the two of them still haven't heard anything back, they don't know at all. Who wins and who loses.

Under such unknown circumstances, Gleick dared not directly kill Angel Belle and Chu Nan, and there was no need for it.

He originally thought that even if Rahir Venerable came back victorious, he would try his best to recruit Chu Nan and train him to be his right-hand man, but didn't expect to keep Chu Nan in the sand. After a few days at Eagle Headquarters, this kid has seriously injured almost all of Sand Eagle's high-level Martial Artists, causing Sand Eagle's high-level battle strength to suffer greatly, and even other actions are not smooth.

And today's action against the Earth Federation caravan involves a huge plan. In Greg's view, there is no room for failure, and it is impossible for it to be wrong.

But because of the appearance of Chu Nan, those Earth people repulsed hundreds of battleships from space pirates forcibly relying on a dozen battleships!

Greck couldn't understand how Chu Nan did this, but the facts in front of him were so clearly laid out in front of him that Greg couldn't believe it.

If Greg had a love for Chu Nan before and really wanted to recruit him, then now, when he received a huge cosmic pirate fleet and retreated because of one person After hearing the news, and seeing Chu Nan clearly on the real-time surveillance images sent back from the front, there was only strong anger and strong murderous intent towards Chu Nan in his heart.

This kid must not stay.

If you can't kill him now, it will be a big worry in the future.

With this kid's amazing innate talent, I believe it won't take ten years... no, not even five years, he will have the hope of breaking through to become a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, so as to be equal to himself.

And give him some more time, and Greg believes he can even become a Star Level Martial Artist!

By that time, it might be Greg's death.

"must kill him!"

At the same time that this thought appeared in Greg's mind, his body had already moved, chasing the ultra-miniature ship that Chu Nan was driving. The spaceship flew over.

The strength of forcibly tempering the body into Heavenly Reign Grade from Chu Nan, so as to obtain the ability to fly in space is different, Greck is a real Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, he is not only The fleshy body has reached the strength of Heavenly Reign Grade, and the Inner Breath has also reached this level, so in terms of flight speed, he is countless times faster than Chu Nan, and can even exceed the speed of the overwhelming majority universe battleship.

Compared to the ultra-miniature spaceship that Chu Nan is currently flying, he claims to be the fastest in positive space.

He flew with all his strength like this, and actually narrowed the distance between the two sides little by little.

Chu Nan doesn't have time to care how close Greg is chasing behind him. He doesn't even dare to turn the ultra-miniature spacecraft, because it will only make the distance between the two sides closer. .

In terms of flexibility, no matter how he manipulates this ultra-miniature spaceship like a finger arm, it is impossible to compare to a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse's control over his body.

He set the ultra-miniature spacecraft to the highest speed, and avoided the orbital range of the Leppler star, flying wildly in a straight line into the deep space of the universe, and then lowered his head and looked towards the virtual screen in front of him.

"Leave me alone, Dong Fang, you and Angelique retreat quickly, you'll be safe after jumping over the star gate."

Dong Fang died on the other side of the virtual screen Gritting his teeth, his fists were extremely tight.

Seeing that the victory was finally won, everyone could withdraw smoothly and safely, but didn't expect the opponent's Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse to suddenly appear.

He wanted to order everyone to support Chu Nan, but he knew very well that their fleet had just experienced a major battle, and there was not much power left.

And even if they are in peak state, they can't help a powerful Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse. If they support the past, not only will they not be able to save Chu Nan, but they may also get involved.

"Okay, hurry up and evacuate. You will only be a burden to me if you stay here. If you evacuate safely, I will find a chance to find a way to escape." Chu Nan deliberately made a statement. In a relaxed tone, said with a smile: "So let's go quickly, don't hold me back here."

Dong Fang was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, lifts the head to look directly at Chu Nan eyes.

"I won't say anything ominous, we'll be waiting for you at the stargate."

After saying that, Dong Fang voluntarily turned off the communication and turned to the worried face beside him. Mueller ordered in a low voice.

"Send the order down, head towards the star gate at full speed, and jump over the star gate in the shortest time possible."

Chu Nan on the other side looked at the blackened virtual screen in front of him, grinned, and turned around. looked towards the direction behind him.

In the distant sky, although he couldn't see anything or sense any breath, he knew that Greg was still closely following him.

"Then come on, let's play hide and seek."

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