Although it was difficult for Gleek to find Chu Nan when he was still in the asteroid belt, when Chu Nan flew out of the asteroid belt in the ultra-miniature spaceship, Gleick immediately disappeared. Found his trail.

Seeing that Chu Nan actually circled and flew in the direction from which he came, Greg groaned, turned around without the slightest hesitation and chased after him at full speed.

In a short while, the two parties were one after the other, as if repeating the scene before entering the asteroid belt, but in the opposite direction.

Chu Nan is still driving the ultra-miniature spaceship to flee at full speed in front, while Gleek is chasing at full speed in the back. Zoom in a little bit.

But this time, after Chu Nan hid in the asteroid belt for a while, he chose an ingenious angle to fly out, just avoiding the nearest interception distance of Gleick, and used the asteroid belt to stop him for a while, So the distance between the two sides is much longer than before, and it also makes Greg have to spend more time to get close.

Through the main control center lightbrain and his own brain, which is equivalent to lightbrain, and judged that it would take at least five eleven minutes for Greck to catch up, Chu Nan gently put out a breath and felt relaxed. .

Five eleven minutes is enough for him to fly to the stargate, and then jump over the stargate.

Although the ultra-miniature spaceship is an ultra-small spaceship and normally does not have the Space Jump capability, the ultra-miniature spaceship that Muluo uncle deployed to Chu Nan is Serres Security. The company has specially modified it to have a certain Energy Shield, which can complete a one-time stargate jump.

That's enough.

No matter how powerful Gleek is, he is still a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, and he does not have the ability to jump through the star gate.

So Chu Nan just needs to jump over the star gate, and it can be regarded as a safe escape.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan felt relaxed, adjusted the flight direction of the ultra-miniature spaceship, and made it move straight to the location of the star gate, and then operated on the main control center lightbrain, The sentence entered is sent.

Grek, who was chasing closely behind Chu Nan, suddenly found a huge light curtain lit up in front of him. He looked at it in astonishment, and found a row of galactic common language displayed on it.

"Greek leader, thank you for your warm hospitality, we'll meet again some day ~"

Grek was furious, his breath was suddenly unstable, and his flight speed was involuntarily Also slowed down a bit.

He immediately realized that this was Chu Nan's trick, just to interfere with him, he immediately calmed down, adjusted his Inner Breath, and chased after him again at a higher speed.

A moment later, the huge light curtain in front of them changed for a while, and another row of galactic common language floated out.

"Actually, I haven't figured it out yet. You think you can kill me understandable, but why do you have such a deep hatred for Dong Fang and the others, and plan to kill them too?"


Greek's heart is coldly snorted.

"You are a hairless brat about these things."

There was another change on the light curtain in front of you.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Dong Fang and the others have been withdrawn safely. It's just a pity, you must have spent a lot of money to invite those space pirates over? The cosmic pirates lost a lot, and I think you will lose a lot this time."

Greck almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Damn it, isn't it because of you, smelly brat, that my well-prepared plan was ruined?

It's just some cosmic pirates. The key is that there are some other forces mixed in with those cosmic pirates. They have suffered losses and the goal is not achieved. That is the biggest problem.

If it wasn't for this, Greg wouldn't hate Chu Nan so much, and would rather chase after him so far alone to get rid of it quickly.

"Damn boy, wait until I catch you later, I will never let you die in a hurry, must torture enough to let you die in humiliation!"

Grek swears wickedly in the heart, concentrates on running Inner Breath with all his strength, and increases his speed again.

Seeing from the monitoring screen that Greg's speed has improved again, Chu Nan is not surprised but happy.

Even if the speed increases, it's impossible for Greg to catch up before he reaches the stargate.

And like Greck, consuming a lot of Inner Breath and increasing his flight speed will only make him less stamina and give Chu Nan more room to operate.

Chu Nan continued to utter various elaborate words to disturb and provoke Greg, while re-opening the communication device to secure Serres, who had reached another galaxy 41 light-years away. The company fleet sent a communication saying that he would soon jump over the star gate, asking them to prepare for a response.

After getting the surprise response from Dong Fang, Chu Nan laughed, stopped harassing Greck, and started the ultra-miniature spacecraft with all his strength, adjusted its engine power output to the limit state, and tried his best to reach the limit. The direction of the star gate flew over.

Both sides were flying at full speed, resulting in a journey that had been calculated to take five eleven minutes and ended in just four 13 points.

Chu Nan was overjoyed when he saw the stargate sign appearing on the star map of the main control center lightbrain.

This means that the stargate is less than five light seconds away from him, and at his current speed, he can reach it in less than five minutes.

However, just as he was about to adjust his direction, the main control center lightbrain suddenly sounded an alarm.

Chu Nan was startled and immediately discovered that on the monitoring screen, dozens of large and small cosmic battleships suddenly appeared in the sector leading to the stargate.

"Shit, it's a duel!"

Chu Nan thought about it and immediately understood.

Obviously, after finding Chu Nan escaping back towards the stargate, Greck guessed Chu Nan's purpose, and got in touch with Sand Eagle's space fleet and asked them to intercept it here.

Sure enough, at the next moment when the main control center lightbrain sounded the alarm, countless particle beams shot from the deep black sector in the distance.

Chu Nan only had time to be cursed, so he quickly reduced the engine power output of the ultra-miniature spacecraft, turned off the autopilot mode, and took over the manual driving.

With his super data ability and reflexes, these particle beams emitted from at least two light seconds away naturally impossible hit him, and he was easily dodged.

However, these evasive maneuvers, coupled with the reduced engine power output, inevitably resulted in a significant drop in the speed of the ultra-miniature spacecraft.

With just this effort, the monitoring screen has already shown that the Grecla behind him is approaching for a long distance.

However, Chu Nan had no choice but to try his best to avoid the attack of the distant space fleet while looking for a safe path to the stargate from the densely packed particle beam.

4 light seconds from the star gate.

Grek is 5.7 light seconds away.

3 light seconds from the star gate.

Grek's distance is 4.2 light seconds.

2 light seconds from the star gate.

Grek's distance is 2.7 light seconds.

1 light second from the star gate.

Grek's distance is 1.2 light seconds.

Grek finally caught up when he was 130,000 kilometers away from the Stargate.

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