Seeing that Greg had appeared behind the ultra-miniature spacecraft where the naked eye was almost visible, Chu Nan clenched the teeth and turned on the autopilot mode of the ultra-miniature spacecraft again, allowing it to move towards The direction of the stargate flew quickly, and he opened the hatch, flew away from the ultra-miniature spaceship, and rushed to the rear of Greg, and punched it.

A look of surprise crossed Greg's face, which then turned into a playful sneer.

"Boy, do you want to work hard because you know you can't run away?"

Greke's heart was coldly snorted, and when he turned his palm, the entire surrounding space seemed to follow his path. Turning his palms together, Chu Nan suddenly felt that the space energy around him was being emptied, making him not only almost unable to control his actions, but even his body felt suffocated due to the lack of space energy replenishment.

Fortunately, Chu Nan responded quickly, adjusted the frequency of the space energy, adapted to this change in the blink of an eye, and still punched towards Greck.


This time Greg was really surprised.

He never imagined that Chu Nan would still be able to act under such circumstances and even fight back!


"Boy, no matter how you have such magical abilities, you are not a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse like me!"

Grek retracted his palm and slapped Chu Nan far away.

This palm shot, as if the entire space was included in his palm, leaving Chu Nan nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide.

But Chu Nan never thought to hide at all, sensing the changes in the space energy in the surrounding space, he made a slight adjustment to the punch he hit, and the space energy was the most turbulent in this space. the point.


There was no sound coming from space, but Chu Nan felt a loud bang in his head, his eardrum was shattered instantly, and his whole body seemed to be suffering from a huge explosion. With the hammer blow, blood spits out from the mouth and nostrils at the same time, blood oozes from the corners of the eyes, and the whole body is also violently shaken, the bones are broken, and the blood is blurred.

Under the heavy blow, Chu Nan's body flew backwards at a speed far beyond normal.

Even though his physical strength has reached the Heavenly Reign Grade, the strong gap between Greck's serious Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse in Inner Breath makes him not have any strength at all. The possibility of victory or a head-on challenge.

With just one blow, Chu Nan has lost all his ability to resist.

But that's not the end, it doesn't mean Chu Nan has given up resistance.

Even in this situation, Chu Nan barely controlled his body, flying in a strange arc in space.

Grek was a little weird at first, but after a while his eyes narrowed suddenly.

"Good boy, it's all counted!"

Chu Nan flew out in the same direction as the ultra-miniature spaceship flew towards the star gate. A just right angle.

According to the current trend, Chu Nan will coincide with the ultra-miniature spaceship just before the stargate, and then pass through the stargate.

Greck doesn't know if the ultra-miniature spaceship has the ability to jump the stargate, but he is very sure that if Chu Nan, this cunning kid, dares to do it, he can.

Although his actual contact with Chu Nan is not much speaking of which, Chu Nan still left a very deep impression on him.

For this kid, he is much more confident than his most capable subordinates.

Watching Chu Nan and the ultra-miniature spaceship get closer and closer, soon to overlap and pass through the star gate, Greg's heart and face gradually sank together.

This kid has excellent innate talent and amazing cultivation technique. If he is let go, he will definitely become a scourge in the future.

However, his slap just now was considered an angry shot, and he planned to kill Chu Nan with a single slap, but didn't expect Chu Nan to be able to find the best of his slaps in such a critical situation. The stronger point is that he broke away from his space blockade with the frontal force, and made preparations in advance, so that after his palm shot, Chu Nan flew out countless times faster than Chu Nan himself, even faster than Chu Nan himself. Greck flies much faster.

Greck just glanced at it and knew that he would never catch up. He could only watch Chu Nan and the ultra-miniature spaceship getting closer and closer, and they were about to overlap.

Thinking of how many years of the major event he had planned so carefully this time, most of the major event was ruined by this kid, but now he can only watch him escape like this, Greg's heart is full of anger and anger. regret.

If only I had listened to Modo's persuasion, I would have shot and killed this kid at the first sight, and I wouldn't be in this situation now.

But thinking of Chu Nan's completely unexpected and amazing performance in several incidents, Gleick found that he didn't have the 100% certainty that he used to encounter everything in the past.

Even if he really made up his mind to kill Chu Nan at that time, would he really be able to kill him successfully?

Looking at Chu Nan and the ultra-miniature spaceship, who had completely merged into a single point in the distant sector, Greck had a little doubt.

At this moment, several dazzling white radiances suddenly passed by Greg, and in an instant, they had already crossed a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, and shot towards Chu Nan and the ultra-miniature astronaut in the distance. boat.

One of the white radiances cut through the black starry sky, just hitting the ultra-miniature spaceship.

In the particle beam emitted by the battleship of the Stellar Rank universe, the ultra-miniature spacecraft with no protective ability at all was instantly turned into fly ash, and even an explosion did not occur, so it was disappeared in the sector.

Greck was stunned, and suddenly couldn't help laughed heartily.

"Boy, it seems that you are destined to die here! Haha..."

In the vast universe, if you want to hit a distance of more than 100,000 kilometers, the volume is only smaller than For an ultra-miniature spacecraft that is several times larger than the human population, this probability will never be higher than accurately hitting a mosquito 500 kilometers away with a cannonball.

Greek summon these space fleets originally only thought of the role of hindering Chu Nan's forward speed, and didn't put too much hope on them, but didn't expect that now at the most critical time, they actually Completed the most critical blow!

The light of the particle beam faded, and Greg looked at the silhouette of Chu Nan who continued to drift in the sector alone in the distance, and laughed wildly.

"Boy, I'll see how you can escape this time!"

After furiously shouted in my heart, Greg's body flashed, having already crossed thousands of kilometers, and slapped Chu Nan with a palm. .

This palm fuses all his anger, helplessness, and regrets into it. With one palm, even the entire sector seems to be shaking, more than heaven shaking, earth shattering.

This palm, he must Chu Nan's life!

This time, he will never allow Chu Nan any chance to escape!

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