Even with a super-powerful brain that is comparable to the latest lightbrain, Chu Nan also had a moment of loss of consciousness and anxiety when he saw that the ultra-miniature spacecraft was accurately hit by the particle beam. sluggish.

His only hope of escaping Glek's clutches is through the stargate.

Grek is not a Star Level Martial Artist after all, so there is no way for his fleshy body to pass through the stargate, and he obviously leads the fleet to jump over the stargate to hunt down Chu Nan, so as long as Chu Nan passes through the stargate After meeting with Dong Fang and the others, you can be sure of safety.

But now... his only hope was dashed before his eyes.

Only one step away, to be precise, only 0.37 seconds away, he was able to successfully fly into the cockpit of the ultra-miniature spaceship, and then fully launched, it only took less than 2 seconds to jump over the star first. door, successfully escaped.

But it was only the 0.37 second gap, but he could only watch helplessly as the ultra-miniature spacecraft was accurately hit by the particle beam and turned into fly ash.


This was the first thought after Chu Nan came back to his senses.

Now he is alone in space, without the help of ultra-miniature spaceships, not to mention crossing the stargate, even if he continues to play hide-and-seek with Greck in space, he does not have the capital.

Even if he has the powerful body of Heavenly Reign Grade, what if he can survive in space?

His own flying speed is definitely faster than that of Greg, and he is also an opponent of Greg.


Just as this thought popped into his mind, Chu Nan immediately sensed the frenzied surge of space energy in the sector behind him.

Obviously, Greck would never miss this hard-won opportunity and attacked immediately.

Sensing the terrifying of the space energy behind him, Chu Nan smiled bitterly.

No matter how he can easily kill the low-level Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, defeat the high-level Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, and even have the confidence to face the fifth-rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist of the highest, he will not lose anything. But Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist is Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, even if he should be the most special Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist in history, he is just a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist after all.

Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist and Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist are different after all.

It's a big difference, just as different as heaven and earth.

In front of the real Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse Greg, he has no hope of winning, and no hope of surviving.

The surrounding space continued to be compressed, and the space energy hit Chu Nan frantically. With the help of Greco, it seemed to fill the entire Heaven and Earth's palm, so that Chu Nan's mind was completely taken away. Even the idea of resistance disappeared.

"Boy! Die!"

A huge rumbling sound suddenly sounded in the space, but Greck directly used the vibration of space energy to spread his roar.

Although this will consume some extra Inner Breath, he doesn't care.

He is convinced that Chu Nan is impossible to have another chance to escape. This angry roar is not only to pronounce Chu Nan's death sentence, but also to vent his anger.

This guy who brought countless troubles to Sand Eagle and ruined countless efforts of Gleek is finally going to die under my hands!

The roar came into Chu Nan's ears along with the vibration of space energy. The powerful vibration of space energy caused his body to vibrate together. The blood was all over the place, making Chu Nan look like a bloody man.

Clearly feeling the pain coming from all over the body, Chu Nan's mind was shivered, but he suddenly woke up from the shock and heart ashes just now.

There was a surge of anger in his heart.

"How can I wait to die so easily!"

Chu Nan also had angry roar in his heart, and a group of extremely dazzling white radiance suddenly burst out from his body, and at the same time an extremely bright green The breath rose up, wrapping his whole body in.

With the powerful complement of Goddess's hymn cultivation technique and the flame of life, his body, which had just been battered by a reckless fight with Greg, was instantly healed for the most part, and then he was punched out again.


This time, both sides also shot with full force without reservation. The strong spatial energy fluctuations caused by the confrontation caused the surrounding sectors to shake violently. , countless black cracks that tear the starry sky all over this sector, as if countless darker cloth strips were pasted in the already dark starry sky.

However, every black crack means that the positive space is torn apart, representing infinite danger.

Chu Nan felt as if his body had been torn apart by countless space cracks. The terrifying pressure tore apart every bone, muscle, and meridian blood vessels in his body. Come on.

The incomparable pain swept through his whole body. If Chu Nan had not experienced several great pain tests before, he would have fainted directly now.

With just one touch, Chu Nan immediately recognized a fact clearly.

The rift between Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist and Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist can't be made up at all. Even if he fights back with all his strength, it is impossible to get Gleek, and he can't even cause any damage to Gleick through the counterattack.

"Well, even if you want to die, you can't die in your hands."

Chu Nan's brain was running frantically, and he quickly took all the current situation into his mind and made a quick move. circle to consider and then make a decision.

Grek's palm has been photographed at this time, and the surrounding space is completely locked by his palm, and even the huge space energy condenses into a huge palm, hiding the sky and covering the earth to Chu Nan covered.

Obviously, this is Greck's counterattack to the palm of Chu Nan's previous demonstration at the Sand Eagle headquarters.

Compared to Chu Nan's palm print, a huge palm print was taken on the square of the Sand Eagle headquarters. The huge palm formed by the terrifying space energy is clearly visible, and the size is far more than dozens of times that of the palm that Chu Nan shot at the beginning, so that everyone will have the feeling that Chu Nan has nowhere to hide.

Chu Nan doesn't think he can dodge, nor does he plan to dodge.

Through the small changes in the frantic surging of space energy in the whole body space, Chu Nan clearly controls the weakest space energy in this palm, which is also the most suitable place for his next move.

next moment, he stretched his body for a while, the powerful Inner Breath stirred the space energy and burst out, slightly shaking the restraint of Greg's palm on him, and then reluctantly twisted his body, right. He threw a punch at the second joint of the middle finger of that huge palm.

A punch hit, even though this is the weakest place in the gigantic palm of the hand, it still made Chu Nan completely unstoppable.

He didn't really mean to resist.

While feeling the powerful counterattack, Chu Nan twisted again, exploded at the same time, and flew out in the direction of the counterattack of this space energy.

His original flying speed must have been much slower than that of the real Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, Greg, but this one is exactly the same as the one just now. He flew out with the help of Greg's power, and the speed was naturally fast. countless times.

It was just that he used his body to bear the palm, but it still caused him to suffer even more serious injuries.

If it weren't for his physical body now reaching Heavenly Reign Grade, and the flame of life and Goddess's hymn broke out in advance to protect his body, he would be killed on the spot.

But even so, he has completely lost his ability to control the body at this time, and he can only let his powerful force carry him forward at a high speed, even Greg can't catch up.

In front of his flight, there is a huge star gate...

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