Watching Chu Nan fly into the star gate and disappear into the huge space vortex of the star gate that makes countless people look like they are about to be swallowed, Greg couldn't help but stay. Dazed, stopped flying.

He was suspended in space like this, looking at the huge stargate in the distance, the expression on his face became extremely complicated.

"This kid... would rather commit suicide by committing suicide than be killed by me?"

In the battle just now, Chu Nan's final blow Of course he could sense it, and he also thought that this sly boy might have other plans, so he was already prepared to respond. If Chu Nan didn't die under the palm of his hand, he would never let him. Chu Nan has any chance of continuing to live.

Chu Nan doesn't have the help of the ultra-miniature spaceship now, and it is impossible to surpass Greg in speed anymore.

But Gleek never thought that Chu Nan chose the most unexpected way and committed suicide!

That's right, except for Star Level Martial Artist, anyone else's fleshy body entering the star gate is no different from suicide.

Greck was silent for a while, and called the head.

"This kid has a strong personality. It's a pity that he had the opportunity to become a true powerhouse like me, and he might even become a Star Level Martial Artist who can actually cross the Star Sea physically, but he died at such a young age. Here, skeleton doesn't exist, what a pity..."

Greck sighed with emotion for a while, turned around, body flashed, and disappeared in place.

Although Chu Nan brought him and Sand Eagle a lot of trouble, now that Chu Nan is dead and the Earth Federation fleet has escaped, he can only leave these things behind , and begin to deal with the bigger troubles at hand.


Forty-one light-years away.

On the flagship of the Ceres Security Company's space fleet, the command room was dead silent.

Just thirty minutes ago, Chu Nan kept in touch with them using the lightbrain, the main control center of the ultra-miniature spacecraft, and they could clearly see Chu Nan's every move.

When Chu Nan left the ultra-miniature spaceship and turned to meet Greg, everyone was sweating for him, not knowing why he made such an unwise move.

But later when they saw Chu Nan fly back upside down, just about to join the ultra-miniature spacecraft and pass through the star gate, everyone couldn't help cheering.

Chu Nan's idea is too bold, beyond everyone's expectations, but also beyond the expectations of the other party's Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, and finally found it from the almost impossible escape This turnaround.

During the whole process, Chu Nan's carefulness, calmness, courage, and accurate terrifying calculations deeply shocked everyone, making them have no choice but to pay for this man who is said to be younger than Dong Fang. A youngster for a few months was amazed.

Such a powerful young genius Martial Artist will definitely write a lot in the history of the Earth Federation and become one of the most powerful Star Level Martial Artists in the future!

However...mutation protrudes.

The moment the particle beam hit the ultra-miniature spaceship, the huge virtual screen that everyone had been paying attention to turned pale, and everyone's faces turned pale from the joy and excitement just now.

Without the ultra-miniature spacecraft, what else did Chu Nan rely on to pass through the stargate? How to escape the pursuit of the Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse?

Everyone was silent.

Dong Fang was the one who had been silent for the longest time among these people. He stared at the huge virtual screen that had now recovered to pitch black due to the complete loss of signal, and squeezed his hands into fists. After being silent for more than 20 minutes, he said in a deep voice, "Is there a way to capture the signal from Chu Nan's personal terminal?"

The subordinate in charge of monitoring the signal called the head with a sad expression.

Dong Fang took a deep breath, turned his head to the left and right and asked, "Is there any way to get the surveillance video of the implementation of the Leppler Galaxy Stargate? I want to know what happened after that."

"This..." subordinates are even more embarrassed. "This kind of independent Star Domain's star gates are all created and maintained solely by Norantham Chamber of Commerce. To obtain real-time surveillance video, you must solicit..."

"I don't care that much!" Dong Fang suddenly roared. "Immediately contact Noyantham Chamber of Commerce and ask them to pass me the video just now, or let them open for me to share the information! If they dare not agree, I swear I must let Noyantem in the future. The Chamber of Commerce has a hard time in our Earth Federation!”

The subordinates were startled and did not dare to say any more. , but suddenly discovered an unexpected situation.

He turned his head in surprise and said to Dong Fang: "That... Nuo... a communication request signal marked Noventum Chamber of Commerce has been sent, do you want to connect?"


"Bullshit! Hurry up and connect!" Dong Fang was also stunned for a moment, then calmed down and quickly issued an order.

Soon, the communication request was connected, and the Noatem Chamber of Commerce in Sapphire Star Domain branch Leppler planet Board of Directors Chief-In-Charge Ruhr appeared on the huge virtual screen in the command room The director's slightly round face came.

"Mr. Dong Fang." Director Ruhr greeted Dong Fang with an expression of hesitating to speak, paused, and sighed softly: "I have a video here, you Maybe I want to see it, maybe I don't want to see it..."

As the highest-level Chief-In-Charge on the Sapphire Star Domain Leppler planet, the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, Ruhr The director was not supposed to be someone who would say such a thing.

But he knew very well what this video material meant to Dong Fang and the Earth Federation fleet he represented, so even he couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

Dong Fang simply nodded: "If it is related to Chu Nan, please send it directly."

Director Ruhr gave Dong Fang a deep look, no longer After a while, a document was sent over after a while.

The subordinate in charge of information processing looked towards Dong Fang with questioning eyes, and Dong Fang nodded at him.

"Let it go, and send a copy to Mu Luona as well. Angel Beili will definitely read it."

The subordinate hurriedly responded.

On the virtual big screen in the command room, the silhouette of Director Ruhr, who was still in communication, was pushed aside, and most of the screen began to play the video data that Director Ruhr just sent.

This video data is the real-time surveillance video of the Leppler Star Domain star gate that Dong Fang wanted most.

The duration of the video data is not long, only about fifteen minutes, and it shows what happened in front of the star gate in the previous period.

The first paragraph was similar to what Dong Fang and the others had. Chu Nan got rid of the siege and interception of the enemy fleet, and then abandoned the ultra-miniature spaceship. 's calculations are about to achieve their goals, but an unexpected beam of particles destroys the ultra-tiny spaceship.

Compared to Dong Fang and the others who could only know the situation through the information monitoring device on the ultra-miniature spacecraft, the real-time monitoring system of the Stargate has the technology of Chamber of Commerce highest With support, the viewing angle is far wider than that of being cramped in an ultra-miniature spacecraft, and the overall situation can be seen more clearly.

Judging from this video material, all the judgments and actions that Chu Nan made at that time can be called perfect, and it is so delicate that it is hard to believe that this is something that a human can do.

But he lost the most crucial luck.

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