(The chapter number is wrong...it should be chapter 687, it is not easy to change, let's do it first.)



No matter how much Chu Nan tossed and tried, when that particle beam just happened to hit the ultra-miniature spacecraft, his fate was actually doomed.

Next, everyone saw what Chu Nan did in the last minute.

Seeing Chu Nan's silhouette disappearing into the stargate, everyone fell silent again.

Everyone knows that Chu Nan is not a Star Level Martial Artist, and he is not even a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, so there is only one result of him flying into the Stargate like this - that is The alien space channel opened up by the star gate is crushed into the tiniest elementary particles, skeleton doesn't exist.

This time, Chu Nan is absolutely dead, and there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

After being silent for a long time, Director Ruhr, who was still in communication, broke the silence with a sigh.

"Alas... frankly, Mr. Chu Nan is a one-star guest of honor at our Chamber of Commerce in Norantham, and he and we at Chamber of Commerce have many collaborative research projects related to Martial Artist, and Some time ago, we also found a very worthwhile research place in him. We originally thought that he would invite him to participate in the research after he returned to the Earth Federation this time. But didn't expect now... alas..."

Dong Fang looked at him blankly: "If you, the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, really value Chu Nan so much, why didn't you do it when you were on Leppler planet? I have to see it now. If he ends up like this, then come here to act arrogantly?"

"Dong Fang—" Muller, who was beside him, slightly frowned, shouted in a low voice.

After all, the other party is the Chief-In-Charge, an important area of the Chamber of Commerce, and his frigid irony and scorching satire will only arouse the disgust of the Chamber of Commerce, and there is no significance.

Now that Chu Nan is dead, nothing can change the outcome, and it would be a waste of money to offend the Chamber of Commerce for this.

It should be known that the Ruhr Council immediately contacted Dong Fang and handed over this video file, which fully reflects the importance that Nogentum Chamber of Commerce attaches to Chu Nan. Showing respect for Dong Fang, that's enough.

Director Ruhr didn't react much, he just gave a wry smile and then let out a long sigh.

"Okay, I know it's too late to say anything. Mr. Dong Fang, regarding the follow-up arrangements for this matter, if you need any help from our Chamber of Commerce, you can directly Contact the Chamber of Commerce branch in Earth Federation. Then now...bye."

After saying that, Director Ruhr bowed slightly to Dong Fang and turned off the communication interface.

Dong Fang's gaze moved up slightly, landing on the virtual image that took up a large area of the virtual big screen.

Right now, this influence is stuck at the last second, and there is nothing on it except a huge vortex-like stargate.

However, Dong Fang seemed to be fascinated by this huge star gate, staring intently, his eyes motionless.

After a while, the subordinate in charge of information collection reminded cautiously.

"Miss Angelbelle sent a message."

Dong Fang's body shook slightly, and then he looked back.

"Connect it."

A moment later, Angelique's beautiful and alluring face like Goddess appeared on the huge virtual screen.

But at this moment, this beautiful face seemed to have suddenly lost all its brilliance and became extremely bleak.

The relaxed smile that had been hanging on Angel Belle's face at all times disappeared completely. Although she still looked calm, Dong Fang could easily see from her eyes. When they arrived at the two groups of raging fires, there was a bone-chilling cold in them.

He didn't expect that Angelique would show such a side one day.

And the reason for this is obviously because of Chu Nan.

Thinking of Chu Nan, Dong Fang's mouth twitched, and a wry smile crept onto his face.

"Angie Belle, what are you... going to do next?"

Angie Belle looked at Dong Fang blankly: "I didn't come to discuss with you. This one, I'm just here to inform you that when we get to the next space station, let me down."

"Put you down?" Dong Fang startled. "This hasn't completely left the Sapphire Star Domain, what are you going to do?" Immediately surprised. "You don't want to avenge Chu Nan now, do you? Calm down! It's just that you can do it now, we'll discuss it slowly after we go back..."

"I know." Angelique interrupted Dong Fang unceremoniously, still expressionless. "I'm not going to avenge him now, I don't have that ability. But now that Chu Nan is dead, then my oath will definitely take effect. I'll wait patiently until the day I'm strong enough. So I'm now I don't want to waste even a second, I have to concentrate on cultivation."

Dong Fang stared at Angelique in a daze.

He knew very well that the more calm Angelique was at times like this, the more terrifying her determination was.

Dong Fang couldn't help but feel a chill when she thought of the oath that Angelina had made in front of Chu Nan before.

If it were someone else, Dong Fang would doubt whether he could fulfill this terrifying oath.

But Dong Fang believed Angelbely's words.

This woman is usually carefree, casual and doesn't take anything seriously, but if she really goes crazy, no one can imagine how terrifying she will become.

The most important thing is that she is very likely to have that ability in the future.

Thinking of the fate that Leppler planet might suffer, how could Dong Fang not feel a chill in his heart.

However, after thinking about it, Dong Fang couldn't help laughing.

"Ha... Leppler planet? Rand clansman? I'll let them die! Haha..." Dong Fang, who couldn't stop laughing, thought he was suddenly mad because he was stimulated by Chu Nan's death.

"Angie Belle, you're right." Dong Fang laughed wildly for a while, then suddenly gave Angelie a thumbs up gesture, making a compliment, his face recovered A bright sunny smile. "We really don't have the ability to avenge Chu Nan now, but it doesn't mean that we won't have it in the future. When you become strong enough in the future, I will definitely lead a fleet to accompany you to conquer the entire Leppler planet. Die to that evil planet!"

The raging fire in Angelina's eyes seemed to be ignited in an instant, she also showed an extremely bright and sunny smile, and nodded to Dong Fang.

"Very well, I will wait patiently for this day to come. If you forget when the time comes, I will kill you for Chu Nan."

Dong Fang raised The corner of the mouth, said with a smile: "I won't give you this chance."

Seeing that Angelique and Dong Fang both fell into madness because of Chu Nan's death, Mueller's heart worries a little deeper.

If it were two ordinary people who said this, they would at most be regarded as crazy and laughed off.

But Mueller is very clear that these two people can be said to be the two most outstanding young people of this generation in the Earth Federation.

Not only are they outstanding, but the forces behind them are equally powerful.

If they really made such a determination in the heart, they would definitely burst out with extremely terrifying energy.

Thinking of this, Mueller couldn't help but smile.

Chu Nan, death ends all one's troubles when you die, but do you know what an amazing impact you have on others?

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