(The previous chapter should be Chapter 687, the chapter number is wrong, this chapter is fine.)


If you have to choose between 0% probability and 0.001% probability, I believe that the overwhelming majority will choose 0.001%.

The reason is very simple, 0% means there is no possibility, and 0.001% although the probability is extremely low, but there is still a silver lining after all.

Chu Nan is a normal person, so he also chose 0.001%.

Without the help of the ultra-miniature spacecraft, his speed in the positive space universe is far less than that of the real Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse by Greg.

As for the hope of defeating Greg?

At the moment of direct contact with Greg, he had already judged that it was impossible.

Then continue to maintain this situation, there is only one outcome, that is, the probability of death is 100%, and the probability of survival is 0%.

Chu Nan didn't want to die, so he made the only judgment that could make him survive, and that was to rush into the stargate.

At that moment, an anecdote that Chu Nan happened to see popped into his mind.

This is a statistic about the accidents in the history of the astronautics of the major star civilizations in the Milky Way.

Data shows that, in all kinds of bizarre aerospace accidents, a total of more than 3,781 accidents occurred when the spaceship passed through the stargate.

In these 3781 accidents, a total of more than 100,000 people were involved in the Stargate and died directly, skeleton doesn't exist.

It would be fine if that was the case, but in the statistics, it was mentioned that in these accidents, a wrecked spaceship passenger was later found to be 300 light-years away from the wrecked stargate. In a galaxy outside, although the passenger was not the Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse and had already died, the body remained intact.

Based on this, aerospace experts speculate that the passenger is most likely involved in a different space channel opened by the star gate in the spaceship crash, and happened to encounter an unintentional opening in a different space. , and then made an unexpected interstellar crossing to another galaxy 300 light-years away.

Although it has a history of nearly 10,000 years for human beings to open different space channels through star gates to perform interstellar jumps, the situation of different spaces is still being explored, and various unexpected occurrences have occurred. The situation is normal, so for this conclusion, most people can only express their approval.

Of course, a total of more than 100,000 people were involved in the accident. skeleton doesn't exist. Only one person has encountered such an accident, and the probability is only 0.001% at most.

Chu Nan wants this 0.001%.

Continue to stay in the positive space to face Greg, he has nowhere to escape, only the dead end, the possibility of encountering a special space channel after rushing into the stargate is only 0.001%, but it is still better than 0 anyway %powerful.

He is different from the passenger. Now he has the body of Heavenly Reign Grade and can survive in space without any problems.

The passenger's body can be preserved intact when crossing the special space channel. Of course, Chu Nan can also, so as long as he encounters it, he has hope of surviving.


One in 100,000!

The moment the body touched the star gate, Chu Nan was still full of expectations, looking forward to becoming the lucky one in 100,000.

Because if he didn't meet this one in 100,000 probability, he would surely die.

However, just as the body entered the stargate, the ruthless fact immediately shattered the last trace of delusion in his heart.

Because he has been studying abroad all these years, Chu Nan has jumped the star gate more than ten times by spaceship, and he is not particularly unfamiliar with the situation in the different space channel.

Compared to the splendid universe with starlight in positive space, it is much more tedious to single-handedly in different space. There is no starlight, only a scurrying, multi-colored strip of light.

But each light band represents an extremely powerful space energy turbulence. Except for the aerospace spaceship with powerful Energy Shield and the invincible physical body, the understanding and manipulation of space energy has reached an amazing level. Nothing but a Star Level Martial Artist can stay intact before these spatial energy turbulences.

Anything that enters the alien space channel will be crushed into the smallest elementary particles by the frantic space energy inside. Ordinary person enters here, not to mention the corpse, not even a single cell can survive.

Now Chu Nan suddenly broke in alone, as if he instantly angered the crazy space energy in the different space, he instantly felt that the space around him was extremely terrifying, extremely crazy, and must be powerful. Space energy rushed towards him like a stormy sea.

Everywhere on his body, he felt the endless space energy squeezing frantically into his body, as if to crush the foreign object that suddenly broke into him.

Under such terrifying pressure, Chu Nan's body, which was hit hard just now by the reckless fight with Greck, immediately suffered even heavier injuries.

He had to quickly adjust the Inner Breath, barely control the space energy in the body, forcibly use the flame of life to repair the flesh body, and at the same time use the space energy to spread a layer outside the flesh body. Energy Shield, try your best to resist the scouring of crazy space energy in different space.

However, supplementing life force requires space energy for transformation, and Energy Shield consumes a lot of space energy. Although Chu Nan's flesh body has already integrated a lot of space energy during the second tempering, But under such terrifying consumption, it can't last long at all.

Chu Nan is still trying his best to keep his head up.

He knows very well that now he is not the lucky one in 100,000. According to the current situation, the space energy stored in his body can only last for a short period of 30 times at most. Only seven seconds.

Thirty-seven seconds later, he could no longer maintain the Energy Shield, and his body would be easily crushed by the violent space energy in the other dimension, turning into the smallest elementary particles, unable to die any longer. die.

In other words, he only had thirty-seven seconds to live.

"Will I die if I don't change this situation?"

Chu Nan's mind raced wildly, but he finally faced a simple choice.

Are you continuing to maintain the current situation, waiting for a special space channel that may appear within thirty-seven seconds and sending him back to the positive space universe? Or take the initiative to seek change, looking for the same slim possibility?

Chu Nan made a quick decision.

He has never been a passive waiter. In the face of the choices that must be made, he always likes to actively seek changes and find more probability from changes.

And although the current situation is extremely dangerous, he is not completely unsure.

Although the space energy in the surrounding space is violent, in his opinion, no matter how violent the space energy is, he can still grasp some of the laws.

With the powerful data ability given him by a powerful brain equivalent to lightbrain, he has survived the most dangerous situations several times this year, and this time will never be an exception!

Twenty-five seconds left.

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