Chu Nan is well aware that the test he faces this time is definitely the most severe test he has ever faced in his life.

Because of this time, his life and death will be decided.

Fortunately, Chu Nan has walked on the edge of life and death several times over the past year, and has cultivated a big heart that remains calm enough in the face of life and death.

The more this time comes, the more lucid he is, the clearer his mind is, and the faster, more accurate, and more comprehensive he is in sensing the surrounding space and collecting data.

Chu Nan took all the data of the violent space energy raging around the body into his mind, and found that although these space energy is much more violent and chaotic than the space energy of the positive space universe, its essence In fact, it’s still the same, it’s all the same space energy.

Since the essence is the same, then he can control those space energies in the positive space, and he should not be completely unable to do it in the different space.

At the very least, it can affect a little bit.

Nineteen seconds left.

Chu Nan cautiously removed the Energy Shield covering his body surface with his own space energy, while paying close attention to the changes in the space energy around him.

Perhaps he sensed that he had withdrawn his defense, and the space energy that was already crazy enough to invade his fleshly body even more crazy.

Chu Nan had to improve the operation of Inner Breath, strengthen the flow of his own space energy on the body surface, and barely form a balance with the violent space energy outside.

This balance is extremely fragile. Chu Nan must accurately calculate the energy balance of every part of the body, and quickly adjust the control of his own space energy at the moment when the external space energy changes.

This adjustment may be extremely small, but as long as there is a little carelessness, the violent space energy of the outside world will open a gap in Chu Nan, and the next step will directly swallow him up.

Fourteen seconds left.

Chu Nan finally completely retracted the space energy of his body below the epidermis, allowing all his hair and skin to be exposed to the violent space energy.

In an instant, just an instant, all the hair and all skin of Chu Nan's body was completely destroyed by the rampant space energy.

If anyone sees it now, they will find that Chu Nan at this moment has turned into a terrifying blood man who has been completely stripped of his skin.

Chu Nan himself didn't feel terrified. He didn't even bother to pay attention to the pain that felt like countless needles pierced through his body. The moment the space energy destroyed all his hair and skin, he immediately launched The Inner Breath that had been prepared for a long time, greeted him.


Although there was no sound, Chu Nan felt a huge sound explode in his brain and exploded all over his body.

As soon as the Inner Breath came into contact with the violent space energy from the outside world, it immediately caused a terrifying reaction far beyond Chu Nan's imagination.

According to Chu Nan's vision, it should have been the Inner Breath that came into contact with these violent space energies, and would use the Inner Breath to affect these violent energies just like he had done countless times in the positive space universe. space energy and take it for your own use.

However, as soon as the Inner Breath came into contact with these violent space energies, it immediately seemed like dry wood encountered fire, and the already extremely violent space energy became even more violent, but the Inner Breath was driven by these space energies. It was equally chaotic, causing Chu Nan meridian's inner Qi to roll over, almost completely out of control.

With just one touch, Chu Nan's flesh and blood, which had lost all skin protection, was completely exploded, and the flesh and blood on the bloody body flew, which was even more terrible.

But Chu Nan is still not dead.

Twelve seconds left.

Chu Nan carefully adjusted his Inner Breath and went out again.

Although the contact just now caused him a heavy loss, under the direct contact between the Inner Breath and the outside violent space energy, he collected extremely valuable data from it.

This time, he has made corresponding adjustments after he probed the Inner Breath out again.

Sure enough, although the contact between Inner Breath and the violent space energy once again caused a violent conflict, the reaction caused by it was much more moderate than the first contact.

Chu Nan again gathered a lot of data from this encounter.

Eleven seconds left.

Chu Nan took a second to quickly analyze the data in his mind, adjusted the Inner Breath to a special frequency with all his strength, and once again met the violent space energy he had isolated near the flesh and blood.

This time, the contact between the Inner Breath and the violent space energy is very peaceful, and the Inner Breath with no difficulty is mixed with these violent space energy, although Chu Nan can still feel the violent space energy transmission. The rejection came, but it no longer caused a strong reaction as directly as before.

Ten seconds left.

Chu Nan took another three seconds to make subtle adjustments to the Inner Breath more than 100 times in a swift and continuous manner, and finally made the Inner Breath perfectly fuse with the outside violent space energy. feeling of exclusion.

Seven seconds left.

Just letting the Inner Breath blend into the violent space energy of the outside world just means that Chu Nan has completed the 1st Step work.

Next, he must control these violent space energies.

It only took one thousandth of a second for Chu Nan to judge that he wanted to rely on himself but the Inner Breath equivalent to Second Rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist to complete the control of the violent space energy in the surrounding space was impossible. completed tasks.

Then since the Impossible is completely controlled, it can only be the next best thing, so that these violent space energies are no longer repulsive to their own fleshly bodies.

This can only be done by further tempering the fleshy body.

Chu Nan's mind flashed involuntarily a hint of hesitation.

To further tempering the fleshy body in this situation, the pain it would endure is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and he can't guarantee whether he can hold it.

But this hesitation only made him stop thinking for less than a thousandth of a second, and was left behind by him.

He had no choice.

After thinking about this, Chu Nan began to fully mobilize the Inner Breath to exert a little influence on the violent space energy surrounding the body, trying to integrate them into the meridian, and then into the meridian. Flesh, skeleton...

Chu Nan immediately felt that the meridian in his whole body was like being trampled by 10,000 wild buffaloes.

He can be sure that the injuries and pains he has endured this year are probably not as good as in this brief moment.

If I hadn't been mentally prepared and calculated this result in advance through various accurate data calculations, Chu Nan would have completely lost consciousness immediately, and would have been destroyed by the violent space energy and turned into aliens. Another ray of dead souls in space.

And now, Chu Nan has been preparing for a long time, controlling his brain to continue to turn frantically, and manipulating Inner Breath to lead these violent space energies to continue to penetrate into the flesh.

Wherever he went, these violent space energies caused extremely terrifying damage to his fleshy body, but the deeper he went, the more these violent space energies merged with Chu Nan's Inner Breath. close.

Finally, the first ray of violent space energy merged into the Inner Breath and flowed into the dantian together.

"pu ——"

Chu Nan only felt that his lower abdomen was smashed hard by a huge hammer, and he opened his mouth to spurt a mouthful of blood, but was instantly struck by a different dimension. The violent space energy was destroyed into the tiniest elementary particles, disappeared as if they had evaporated all at once.

dantian was hit hard, almost giving Chu Nan the illusion that he was going to all split up and in pieces.

However, Chu Nan didn't feel any panic in his heart, but instead gave birth to a hint of joy.

As he expected, no matter how violent the space energy, as long as the essence is the same, it is still controllable space energy!

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