When the male student saw Chu Nan sigh, his expression seemed to be somewhat disdainful, and he was immediately furious.

"You brat really wants to court death!"

He was about to raise his hand to push Chu Nan away, but saw that Chu Nan also raised his hand, Grab it towards his neck.

Since he is qualified to represent Green Academy, his strength is naturally not weak. Seeing that Chu Nan actually dares to fight with him here, he is not surprised but delighted. Suddenly thoughts move, Inner Breath circulates, and a palm Shoot towards Chu Nan.

However, as soon as he hit the palm, he sensed a huge force coming from all directions, firmly fixing him in place, not to mention that his feet were unable to move, just Even the raised arm was forcibly fixed, unable to stretch forward even a little bit, and it was impossible to really shoot this palm towards Chu Nan.

He could only widen his eyes in horror, just watching Chu Nan's hand slowly approaching his neck, and then grabbed it.

Chu Nan grabbed the male student by the neck and lifted him off the ground with a little force on his hand, looking at him blankly.

"If no one has taught you the principle of first come, first come, then I will teach you now."

After saying that, Chu Nan raised hand, and the male student's body flew high. , flew out from the back of the students of Earth Federation and Green Academy.

Halfway through the flight, one of Green Academy's students flew up and seemed to want to stop the male student, but before he got close, he felt a terrifying force forcibly pressing him from the air. Going down, I can only watch the male student continue to fly backwards.

In fact, it just happened in an instant. The male student had already flown over the heads of the crowd, just landed at the back of the crowd, and then bang was lying on the ground on all fours in an extremely embarrassed manner.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

The students of the Earth Federation are better. After all, although few of them have seen Chu Nan take action, they have learned some of Chu Nan's strength from various previous rumors, and know that he is a A super genius who survived a battle with a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse.

Even in some rumors, Chu Nan killed the Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse alone to avenge himself.

Now seeing Chu Nan casually reaching out his hand to deal with this arrogant and extremely disgusting guy on the opposite side, everyone was just a little surprised, and more of them were very happy, just a little bit less. The boy is about to cheer.

Compared to these students in Earth Commonwealth, the reaction from the Green Academy's group was much stronger.

The strength of the male student is indeed not the strongest among the students represented by Green Academy in this competition, and he can only be ranked at the bottom, but he is a real fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist , for the young students who are still in the Academy, it can be regarded as a very good expert.

However, now he has no resistance. He didn't even react. He was caught and thrown by Chu Nan with no difficulty. It can be seen that Chu Nan's strength is definitely far away. far beyond.

He is already a fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, which can far exceed his, at least it should be a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist who has broken through Zhouyu Tianguan!

But this guy is clearly from the small and remote country of the Earth Federation, and it should be the students who participated in this competition. When did the participating students sent from a small country like the Earth Federation actually have the Voidbreak Grade? strength?

The students of Green Academy all looked at Chu Nan with shocked eyes, with a look of disbelief.

After a while, a tall, golden-haired young man stepped out of the crowd at the Green Academy and came to Chu Nan. He first looked at him seriously, and then asked. : "What's your name?"

Chu Nan noticed that when the young man wanted to ask his own question, the other Green Academy students behind him showed even more amazed expressions, as if the young man It was a very surprising thing for a man to ask his name.

He looked at the young man and found that his appearance was a bit of a combination of the characteristics of European, American and Asian in the Earth Federation. He looked extremely handsome, and with a tall stature, he was a real handsome guy .

"My name is Chu Nan, how about you?"

The young man nodded and then extended the hand to Chu Nan.

"My name is Thiago, nice to meet you. I hope to play against you in the competition."

Looking at the warm and sunny smile on Thiago's face, Chu Nan He couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the stubborn male student who had just climbed up behind the crowd, thinking to himself, why is there such a big gap between people?

"What's his name?" Chu Nan asked instead of shaking hands with Thiago, pointing to the male student.

Thiago glanced back and smiled and looked the head.

"I apologize to Junior Brother Eiffel for his poor manners."

"I don't accept it." Chu Nan unexpectedly also shook the head. "Apologizing can't be replaced by others. If he wants to apologize, he can do it himself. If he doesn't want to, then pray that he won't touch me in the game."

As soon as these words came out, the others All the students of Green Academy's face changed color, and even Thiago, who had always been handsome, became a little ugly.

He frowned, put his hand down, and the smile on his face faded.

"If that's the case, then we'll see you in the game."

After saying this, he waved to the other Green Academy students behind him.

"Let's all go."

Although the other Green Academy students glared at Chu Nan, they still followed him obediently when they heard Thiago say so. Behind them, Thiago's prestige can be seen in their minds.

However, the progress of the Green Academy students was once again blocked.

Chu Nan stood in front of Thiago and stretched his finger to the back.

"I said just now, come first, come first, and wait in line."

This time, the students of Green Academy couldn't bear it any longer, and all glared at Chu Nan, their eyes as if To spit out fire, several of them even scolded directly.

"Smelly brat, you still dare to block us, do you want to court death?"

"Damn it, Thiago Senior has come forward to talk to you well, you still Dare to do this, is it shameless?"

"Thiago Senior, don't be polite to this kid, just a country boy from the Earth Federation, teach him a good lesson and let him learn the rules !"


Listening to the voices of the classmates, Thiago's face turned gloomy for the first time.

He stared at Chu Nan standing in front of him and said solemnly: "Are you really not going to get out of the way?"

Chu Nan remained expressionless and didn't even bother to answer This question just seemed to be standing there casually, with no intention of moving at all.

Beside him, the other students from the Earth Federation have all gathered, all looking at him with worried eyes.

Although Chu Nan is rumored to have extremely powerful martial skills, but now they are on the planet of the United States of Meletta, is it really good to provoke the representative students of Green Academy?

Tiago looked at Chu Nan, his face getting darker and darker.

"Ask you again, are you really not going to get out of the way?"

Chu Nan laughed at him this time, but still didn't speak.

Thiago, coldly snorted, took a step forward.

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