Just one step, Chu Nan felt that the space energy in the space in front of him was driven by this step, and with Thiago's foot on the ground pressed down towards Chu Nan, imposing manner Amazing, and the implied force is extremely terrifying.

Chu Nan couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

From this point of view alone, Thiago's understanding and manipulation of space energy has reached a very high level, not inferior to some third rank or even fourth rank Voidbreak he has played against before Grade Martial Artist.

It is quite amazing to have such strength at his age.

However, Chu Nan can even face the Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse now, how can the strength of the trifling third rank and even the fourth rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist make him feel any pressure.

Feeling the crazy invasion of the space energy above, Chu Nan felt a little funny.

It seems that this Thiago is planning to learn how he dealt with that Eiffel just now, and press himself directly on the ground, so as to avenge Eiffel and lose himself greatly. A face, completely restored the face that Green Academy had just lost on Eiffel.


"You think you can do what even the Second Rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, Ahmed, can't do?"

Chu Nan raised the corners of his mouth, sneered, and he didn't see any movement, the terrifying space energy that invaded and fell from the top of his head had dissipated and re-mixed into the surrounding space.

It was just rising winds, scudding clouds, and the extremely dangerous overhead space was restored to the normal space in an instant, without any abnormality.

Most of the students from the Earth Federation are indeed limited in strength, and only a few of them can perceive the existence of space energy. They are completely unaware of the secret confrontation between Chu Nan and Thiago, so they do not respond. .

But among the student representatives sent by Green Academy, even Eiffel, who was the last in the ranking, was already a fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist. He had a certain sense of space energy, and now they clearly sensed Chu. The change of space energy in the space above Nan's head suddenly started in unison, and the eyes looking towards Chu Nan became even more astonished.

Just now Chu Nan casually restrained Eiffel and threw him out, which only surprised the students of Green Academy.

And now that Chu Nan has defused Thiago's attack so easily, they can't help but be truly surprised.

Is this kid from the Earth Federation strong enough to compete with Thiago Senior?

Thiago also looked at Chu Nan in surprise, frowning.

Only just now, he has already calculated that Chu Nan's true strength will never be too weak. If he wants to defeat Chu Nan, even if he makes a full shot, I'm afraid it will take a while. Fan kung fu.

But this is the space station. Just now, the team was blocked due to the conflict between the two groups of people. If they really fight with Chu Nan, with the strength of the two of them, it will inevitably cause extremely serious damage to the surrounding area. of destruction.

Thinking of the possible consequences of this commotion, Thiago took back the foot he stepped out of, gave Chu Nan a deep look, and said resolutely: "You surprised me. I I thought your students from the Earth Federation were impossible, but your strength is enough for me to face it."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at the other students from the Earth Federation behind Chu Nan. Sweep over the body, gently hook the head.

"No, impossible, I don't believe there is a second student in your Earth Commonwealth with the same strength as you."

The faces of the other Earth Commonwealth students were flushed Embarrassed.

They wanted to refute Thiago's words, but they also knew very well that no one in their group could mention Chu Nan's strength on equal terms.

Chu Nan opened his mouth and wanted to be humble, but on second thought, his current strength is indeed unique among the students from the Earth Federation.

If Angelina ends her cultivation I don't know where, or if the guy Feng Mingxi who disappeared for almost half a year suddenly pops up, then it is possible to compare with him, but now these participating students , Even the senior seniors of Nebula Academy are impossible to be his opponents.

So strictly speaking, Thiago's words are really true at all.

"Okay, I remember you, Chu Nan. I hope we can meet each other in the game and have a good fight."

After saying this, Ti Yago turned around and walked back to the group of students at Green Academy, no longer posing as if he wanted to lead the team forward.

Chu Nan shrugged didn't pay much attention to it. He also turned around and waited for the next tournament shuttle to the surface.

Other people who were watching the excitement around saw this situation and knew that this small disturbance was over, so they went back to their respective positions and went about their own business.

It's just that they kept the two terms Earth Federation and Chu Nan firmly in their minds.


"Hello everyone, my name is Qianrui Yang, a reporter from the federal information martial arts Heaven and Earth channel, and I'm currently working for you on Tomreller, United States of America. Bringing forward coverage of the upcoming Orion Arm Martial Artist Academy Alliance tournament. Today is August 21, Earth GMT, 38915 round 101 minutes GST, just 91 hours Earth time until the tournament opens, Tomley It's two full days local time on the planet. You can see that behind me now are students from the various academies in the various countries of the Orion Arm, and they will be on the tournament in two days..."

Will entrust After the introduction of the local situation in Mrelle Star, Yang Qianrui quickly turned the topic to tournament.

"A total of 7,191 academies from 198 countries on the Orion Arm participated in this tournament, and the most popular one is undoubtedly Mengsk, known as the three major Academy of Orion Arm. Academy, Lord Sages' Martial Skill Enlightenment Academy and Green Academy."

"As the host of this tournament, the students from the United States of Meletta have the largest number of participants and the most attention, among which the voices are the most popular. Of course, it is the Green Academy, known as the Pearl of Meletta. This Academy..."

When Yang Xirui was about to introduce the history and current situation of Green Academy in a few short words, she suddenly stopped. After a moment, the eyes looking towards the live camera shot involuntarily in the other direction.

After stunned, she suddenly became excited.

“very good, we see that the students who seem to be Green Academy in front have arrived at the residential training base officially prepared for them by the United States of Meletta, let’s get closer and try to have a close encounter with them. Direct interview."

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