After speaking, Yang Qianrui gave the two assistants a wink, and they immediately rushed towards the gate of the base with Yang Qianrui.

At this time, not only reporters from major media in various countries were crowded at the gate of the base, but also ordinary people from all over the United States of Meletta.

Seeing that the representatives of Green Academy students got off the shuttle bus and walked towards the base, all the reporters and onlookers immediately got excited and squeezed desperately.

However, under the blocking of the strong security guards outside the base, they could not get close at all.

Yang Qianrui was squeezed around in the crowd, and soon became extremely embarrassed. Not only was her hair messy, but even a button on her clothes was squeezed out.

After squeezing for a while and still unable to get close, she was a little discouraged.

It seems like it would be impossible to interview students at Green Academy in today's circumstances.

Thinking of this, she gave up the idea of continuing to squeeze through the densely packed crowd, and instead focused on letting the assistant photograph the surrounding situation.

Being able to record these frenetic scenes around is enough for news material.

At this moment, the students of Green Academy had reached the place closest to the crowd, and the crowd became even more frantic. Countless people shouted loudly at the students of Green Academy, and many people even shouted directly. Given their names, it is clear that these students are not small in the United States of Meletta.

A tall and handsome Green Academy student with golden hair suddenly left the student group and walked towards the location of the media reporters.

This action immediately aroused even greater madness in the crowd, and even the media reporters around Yang Qianrui were instantly excited several times.

Although Yang Qianrui couldn't see the student clearly through the crowd, she could still distinguish it from the names shouted by the surrounding crowd.

This student appears to be named Thiago.

The name Yang Qianrui has an impression. According to the information collected before, he is a fourth-grade student in Green Academy. Although he is only 21 years old this year, he already has the strength of fourth rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist. , is an extremely prominent genius in the entire United States of Meletta, and is very popular.

This time he represented the United States of Meletta in this tournament, and was considered by many media as a strong contender for the final victory of this tournament.

Now he suddenly came over, which naturally caused a sensation in the media.

But when the media reporters were shouting Thiago's name one after another, trying to get him to answer the question he asked, Thiago stood in front of the media reporters, but suddenly raised his voice and asked. Something went wrong.

"Excuse me, are there any reporters from the Earth Federation?"

The crowd fell silent instantly.

Everyone looked at Thiago suspiciously.

He suddenly asked what the Earth Federation reporters were doing?

The Earth Federation...isn't that the small remote country outside the spiral arm?

The huddled media reporters began to look left and right, trying to find their counterparts from the Earth Federation.

A moment later, a shout came from behind the crowd.

"Here! Here are the reporters from the Earth Federation!"

Everyone turned around immediately, looked towards the direction of the voice, and then automatically gave up a passage. Connect Thiago with the exclamation position.

Everyone's eyes turned to Yang Qianrui, who was inexplicably surprised.

Yang Qianrui looked at the passageway where the crowd was automatically separated in front of her, and was full of surprise when she saw the tall and handsome Thiago who was stopped by the base security outside.

After being stunned for a while, her professionalism as a reporter quickly made her recover, she quickly waved to the two assistants, and trotted out of the crowd.

Arriving in front of Thiago unimpeded, Yang Qianrui immediately asked excitedly: "You... hello, I'm Yang Qianrui, a reporter from the Earth Federation Federal Information Martial Arts Heaven and Earth Channel, the two of them. This is my colleague. Excuse me, are you Thiago who is representing Green Academy in this tournament?"

"Yes, I am Thiago." Thiago smiled nodded, then He raised his hand to stop Yang Qianrui's next question, and asked back: "Since you are a reporter from the Earth Federation, you should know a lot about the students sent by your Earth Federation to participate in this tournament?"

"This..." Yang Qianrui hesitated for a while.

Earth Federation has a total of 207 students from 26 academies participating in this tournament. In order to report on this tournament, she has a good grasp of the list of these students and some basic information, but it is necessary to Saying you know it well... that's really not worth talking about.

Seeing the hesitation on Yang Qianrui's face, Thiago laughed again, probably knowing what she was thinking, and asked, "You may not know the other students very well, but there is a student named Chu Nan. You should know better.”

Yang Qianrui and the two assistants around him were both startled, and other media reporters who heard Thiago’s question were also stunned.

Thiago not only took the initiative to ask the reporter from the Earth Federation, but also mentioned this student named Chu Nan from the Earth Federation, which is really strange.

Could it be that Thiago has anything to do with this Chu Nan?

Yang Qianrui looked towards Thiago in surprise. Seeing the sincere expression on his face, it didn't look like he was joking, so he nodded: "Yes, I know Chu Nan very well, why...why did you mention him?"

Tiago raised his head and glanced at the other media reporters, and suddenly extended the hand to Yang Qianrui in an inviting gesture.

"Miss Yang Qianrui, can I invite you to dinner? I have a lot of questions about Chu Nan. Of course, in return, I would also like to accept an interview with you."


Hearing this sentence, other media reporters and the crowd gathered around suddenly became commotion.

Yang Qianrui was stunned for a moment, then she was overjoyed and nodded hard.

"Very happy!"


Chu Nan sat quietly in the hotel room, the surrounding environment was extremely quiet, even he The sound of breathing can be clearly heard.

The students from the Earth Commonwealth are not like the students of the Green Academy, they can even have a training and rest base directly with the convenience of the host, so they arrive at Douglas City, the city where the tournament is held. After that, you can only find the hotel you have booked in advance and check in.

Fortunately this time, the Earth federal government attaches great importance to the tournament of the Orion Spiral Arm Martial Artist Academy Alliance, and has made a lot of publicity in advance, so it has been supported and sponsored by many large companies in the federal government, so it is finally in Douglas The city has directly contracted an entire top-level hotel, and the accommodation conditions are not bad, and each student can even be assigned a single room.

After moving in, the representative teams of each academy each organized a small meeting, roughly to explain the safety issues these days, and the teachers who led the team told the students not to run around and cause trouble, etc... …

The Nebula Academy is no exception. At the meeting, teacher Garrost emphasized the precautions that he had said countless times along the way. Fan.

After the meeting was over, Garrost simply stayed in the corridor outside the door of the room, closely monitoring the movements of the students.

Chu Nan was a little amused by his actions.

Which of the students who can be selected by Nebula Academy to participate in the competition is not strong?

Don't talk about those senior seniors, even in the first year, he and Rodikar are both powerful Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists. If you really want to go out, stay outside the door. It doesn't make any sense, they just jump out of the window and fly out.

Even though this is the Seventeenth Layer of the hotel, which is more than 50 meters above the ground, what difficulty is there for them, Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists?

Of course, Chu Nan didn't plan to sneak out like the seniors in the next room, he just sat quietly in the room and didn't go anywhere.

Because he has more important things to do, which is cultivation.

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