Seeing the opponent in the second round match, Chu Nan was stunned for more than ten seconds, and then he carefully looked up and down at the opponent, and said with a strange face.

"Maluk, it's actually you..."

The equally young opponent on the opposite side cracked a smile, and the smile was full of chills.

"Hey, Chu Nan, we meet again."

This guy, who actually played against Chu Nan at the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist Tournament last year, made Chu Nan struggle. Heart and mind, Maluk, who was finally beaten by a serious injury!

Chu Nan never imagined that in this Martial Artist Academy alliance tournament, he would meet this old rival again.

He took a serious look at Maruk. From the aura naturally emitted by the other party and the abnormal flow of energy in the space around him, he could easily tell that Maruk had clearly broken through the Eternal Sky Pass now. Become a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist.

In last year's Western Cloud Star Martial Artist competition, Maluk was only a third rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, and now it's only a little over a year later, he actually All the way to breakthrough to become Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, the growth rate can be described as extremely amazing.

Of course, it's not enough compared to Chu Nan.

Malook looked at Chu Nan with far more complicated eyes than Chu Nan looked at him.

After being defeated by Chu Nan in the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist Tournament last year, Maluk returned to the Kingdom of Keshili and devoted himself to cultivation. For more than a year, he ignored everything and focused on improving himself. , is the idea of revenge.

With this belief, he has improved very fast, from third rank Inner Breath Grade to breakthrough Zhouyutianguan in just one year, becoming a powerful Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist .

There is absolutely no second young Martial Artist who can improve faster than him in the entire Xili Kingdom.

Malook originally thought that he had such strength, and when he saw Chu Nan again, he would definitely be able to defeat him easily. The video of a battle between Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist broke out, and Maluk immediately discovered that Chu Nan had improved faster than him in more than a year, even more than a little or two!

The revenge that was supposed to be easy to accomplish, now it seems... almost has become impossible.

But the more this happened, the more it aroused the burning fighting spirit in Maluk's heart.

He laughed at Chu Nan, and when he heard the hint that the game was officially started, he immediately unceremoniously exercised the Inner Breath all over his body, mobilizing all the spatial energy that could be mobilized, and a dark cyan breath appeared all over his body. , shrouded his body inside, and it became hazy from the outside, revealing a coldness.

This is the inheritance of the new cultivation technique he acquired from the Master during his stealth cultivation this year, called "Azure Wolf Glimpse", which is a very famous A-Rank in the Kingdom of Keshili Cultivation technique, his Master made a illustrious reputation in the country in Kexili with this cultivation technique.

He is convinced that as long as he uses this cultivation technique, even if Chu Nan's strength has been greatly improved compared to last year, it will be extremely difficult to deal with.

However, just as he had this idea in his mind, he suddenly felt that the space energy flowing with his core technique suddenly became extremely chaotic, and the next moment seemed to collapse completely and could no longer be controlled by him. .

Maluk was horrified and wanted to react, but found that the energy in the space around him was even more violent. The next moment already made him feel the pressure of terrifying, and then a silhouette appeared in front of him, without a trace. When he made any movement, he felt a heavy kick in the chest, his body flew into the air, and before he landed, his eyes were black and he passed out.

Watching Maluk fly dozens of meters away, fainted to the ground, and spits out blood, Chu Nan snorted gently.

This guy, don't you think you can catch up with him?

Last year at the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist Tournament, I can still remember the brutal things this guy did, and Chu Nan almost died because of him.

Although there was no major problem later, Chu Nan also got a blessing in disguise and obtained a major breakthrough, but to put down his hatred for this guy, Chu Nan can't do it.

However, seeing how easily he managed to get rid of the opponent that he tried so hard to defeat last year, Chu Nan felt a bit of emotion in his heart.

In just over a year, the strength of the two sides has completely reversed.

Although the current Maruk has a huge improvement, Chu Nan will not take him seriously as a trifling Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist.

Seriously, the cultivation technique he used just now can make Chu Nan pay more attention.

The Inner Breath cultivation technique that reveals the azure light is obviously a good cultivation technique, Chu Nan can clearly sense through his strong perception of space energy, the concentration of this cultivation technique The space energy structure is excellent and in no way inferior to the several A-Rank cultivation techniques known to Chu Nan.

From this point of view, Maruk's strength is actually quite good. If he didn't meet Chu Nan in the second round, he should be able to go further in this tournament.

But now... it's just an extra copy of the space energy structure reference material for Chu Nan to condense the nebula.

It was easily solved. Maluk asked Chu Nan to take some more rest time than the other participating students. This time he did not deal with the entanglement of those reporters and returned to the lounge directly. , and continue to study the space energy structure while taking advantage of the precious rest time.

Perhaps for others, there are countless people and things worth paying attention to on this tournament, but for Chu Nan, he doesn't think much about the tournament itself.

He came to the competition just to complete the contract with the Nebula Academy Martial Artist branch after winning the championship, and to get a place to participate in next year's garden hunting party from here. He didn't care much about other things.

The reason for this mentality is that his current strength has actually far exceeded other people's estimates.

Before the second round, an Earth Federation reporter told him that Chu Nan was regarded as the strongest and most powerful among the Earth Federation students in the analysis of the external strength of the students participating in this tournament. Students who hope to pass more rounds and rate his strength as around the third rank Voidbreak Grade are only slightly different from the star students who are famous students from the three major countries of the Orion spiral arm.

This evaluation is enough to make Chu Nan the glory of the Earth Federation and the most respected young Martial Artist in the Earth Federation over the years.

Seeing the proud and proud expression on the face of the Earth Federation reporter who said this, Chu Nan wanted to laugh very much.

third rank Voidbreak Grade? And those star students mention on equal terms?


Chu Nan has personally beaten Greg, the real Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, so how can he put the trifling Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist in his eyes.

These participating students are all hype, but their strengths are only limited to the Voidbreak Grade range, how can Chu Nan take it seriously.

So in his opinion, although participating in this competition is quite important, it is far less important than studying his own nebula condensation.

As long as he can find the most perfect solution for condensing the nebula, he will naturally break through to become the Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse.

At that time, don't say Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, even a normal Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, I'm afraid it won't be his opponent.

In this case, of course, he will not place great importance on participating in this competition like other participating students.

In his opinion, if there is time to worry about the game, it is better to hurry up and cultivate for a while.

Just as Chu Nan closed his eyes and seized the time, he summed up the special space energy structure used by the cultivation technique he had just come into contact with from Maluk into the data he had collected before for quick analysis and comparison. At that time, there was a sound of footsteps, and then the door of the lounge was pushed open. The footsteps kept coming, and they stopped directly in front of Chu Nan.

"Ah...can't you give people a little time for a peaceful cultivation?"

Chu Nan sighed deeply and opened his eyes helplessly.

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