"You are the Chu Nan from the Earth Federation?"

As soon as Chu Nan opened his eyes, he heard a coldly shouted hurling over with a condescending tone .

He frowned and looked over, and found that there were five youngsters who were about the same age standing in front of him.

Looking at their uniform uniforms, it can be seen that they wear uniform logos on their chests, which should be from the same Academy.

But Chu Nan doesn't care about these things, and naturally he doesn't have much research, so he can't recognize which country and which Academy they are from.

The person who asked aloud was a youngster who was slightly fat and not tall. Chu Nan glanced at him, thinking that these guys were looking for him. It seems that this rest time is different. When I wanted to live in peace, I also let go of the idea of continuing to study the energy structure of space, and drowsily asked, "I am. Do you have anything?"

"We are here to inform you. You brat is unlucky. , I'm going to meet my brother in the next round..." Little Fatty patted a guy next to him with a similar size and appearance, looking like the youngsters of the two brothers, and said proudly: "So this third You don't even think about passing the round."

"Hey, Chu Nan, I heard you boasted in front of a lot of reporters that you would make it to the finals?" Little Fatty's brother chuckled, The expression is more annoying than Little Fatty looks.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Chu Nan still had a lazily look, and casually replied weakly.

"You're dreaming!" Little Fatty's brother suddenly shouted furiously, and bent his arm at Chu Nan, making a gesture of strength. "You're about to meet me, which means you're done here! Humph, I heard you made a bet with those reporters that if you didn't make it to the finals, you would run naked in public?"

Little Fatty's brother was suddenly chucked again, and Little Fatty next to him and 3 other students who came with him were also chucked together. All 5 of them stared at Chu Nan's lower body with harboring malicious intentions.

"Boy, you have to think about it, when you are running naked in public, you should protect your bird, otherwise everyone will see your bird that is smaller than a sparrow, That's ridiculous! Haha..."

A group of people burst into laughter, the laughter was full of sarcasm, and attracted several other students in the lounge who were preparing to look at them.

Chu Nan looked at the five people in front of him blankly, thinking that these five jokers didn't tell him who they were after talking for a long time.

If they didn't say anything, Chu Nan didn't bother to ask. In his opinion, these guys were nothing more than a few dead-end guys. Even if they came over to make fun of them, he didn't have the interest to write them down. What are they called and what they look like.

After the five people laughed and saw that Chu Nan had been expressionless and unresponsive, he seemed to feel a little bored, and finally the Little Fatty left with a harsh word.

Looking in the direction in which they disappeared, Chu Nan touched his chin, and his eyes flashed a dangerous light.


Half an hour later, Little Fatty, who was still arrogant and proud in front of Chu Nan just now, stared at the virtual screen in front of him, dumbfounded. The three companions around him were also sluggish, and their faces were full of incredulity.

Just now, the third round started at the same time.

Just as they were looking forward to Little Fatty's brother knocking out Chu Nan and becoming famous in the game, they saw that there was only one person left in the field less than a second before the game was officially announced. Still standing.

Still standing is Chu Nan.

And his opponent, Little Fatty's brother, had already knelt down in front of Chu Nan at this moment, with thick blood oozing from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, looking extremely miserable.

Little Fatty stared blankly on the virtual screen at his brother, who seemed to be drained of all his strength. He couldn't accept what he saw in his heart.

He certainly knows the strength of his younger brother very well.

Although he is his biological brother, his younger brother's innate talent is much stronger than him. Although the cultivation martial skill is two years later than him, he is now a Second Rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist is much stronger than he has not even been able to break through Zhou Yutianguan, and has always been known as the most outstanding genius in the Academy where the two are together.

However, now, the name he has been proud of since he was a child, is considered by everyone to be able to shine in this tournament, the pro-younger brother who became famous in one fell swoop, but at the moment seems like a loser. The dog generally knelt down in front of Chu Nan, there's no resistance.

Little Fatty didn't even bother to worry about his younger brother's injury, he only had a single thought in his heart.

"This guy from Earth is really so powerful?"

He soon discovered that Chu Nan is really so powerful...

Pass After the third round, it was followed by five more rounds in a row, and Chu Nan won all of them.

And in these five rounds, Chu Nan won almost exactly the same way.

He always fights with the enemy at the very beginning. He seems to be indistinguishable from the opponent, but as long as five minutes pass, Chu Nan will burst out suddenly, and then in a very short time. Eliminate your opponents within and win.

In the eyes of spectators who are not so concerned about the game process, Chu Nan spends a lot of time in each round, proving that his strength is not strong.

However, as long as anyone who has really paid attention to the game process, it will be easy to find that although Chu Nan fought with his opponent in the first five minutes, his opponent never really threatened him at all.

Although Chu Nan has also been hit by the opponent's attacks, those attacks hit him without causing him any damage, just like a tickling.

On the contrary, as long as Chu Nan counterattacks at first, it is often the beginning of the opponent's nightmare, and then there is no way to make any effective resistance, and he will be defeated directly.

Even an ordinary person who is not proficient in martial skills can easily see that Chu Nan's strength is completely different from his opponent's, otherwise such a result would never occur.

But his opponent is not weak.

According to the statistical analysis after the game, Chu Nan's opponents in these five rounds cannot be considered weak at all.

One of the opponents who was rated as the weakest was the opponent he encountered in the fourth round and was rated as should be in the preliminary Voidbreak Grade stage.

And the strongest one is the opponent he just defeated in the eighth round, and it is also the strongest opponent he has encountered so far. The strength is rated as around the third rank Voidbreak Grade.

But whether the opponent is the first-rank Voidbreak Grade or the third-rank Voidbreak Grade, there seems to be no difference to Chu Nan, they are all the same battle method.

So after eight rounds, the voices of doubts about Chu Nan's strength all disappeared, replaced by the same question.

What kind of strength is this kid from the Earth Federation?

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