What caught Chu Nan's attention were the six people lying on the ground.

When these guys flew out to meet him before, Chu Nan noticed that the people who came out were uneven, and didn't care at the time, after all, it was impossible for everyone to rush out in that situation.

Seeing this situation now, Chu Nan understands it.

It's not that the remaining people are unwilling to come out to meet them, but they simply can't come out.

Or rather, they couldn't even move.

Chu Nan frowned and squatted down beside a man who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed. He looked at him and found that his chest had rotted into a piece, and his left arm and left leg showed a strange curvature. It has been broken, and the breath from the nostrils is extremely weak, and there are not many breath fluctuations on the body, and it is not too much to call it dying.

Looking at the other five people lying on the ground, they found that although their condition was slightly better than the guy in front of him, they were all seriously injured. All are dead end.

And then turned around and glanced at Thiago, Urquia and the others, and found that they actually had some injuries on their bodies, but they were not so serious, and they did not affect their actions for the time being. That's it.

Seeing this situation, Chu Nan didn't ask too much, and after carefully checking the situation of the person in front of him, he first stretched out his hand to adjust his broken left arm and left leg back to their original positions. , and then pressed the palm of his hand on his shoulder. After a while, the white radiance of the palm lit up, and at the same time, the green aura around him was painful, completely covering the man.

Using the flame of life and Goddess's hymn cultivation technique to heal others' wounds, Chu Nan has long been familiar with it.

Now his nebula is condensed and his breakthrough has become a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, which is only stronger in this regard.

So the surrounding people only saw that surrounded by white radiance and green aura, the companion who was already in an extremely dangerous situation and who had already been sentenced to death in their hearts actually improved at an alarming rate. stand up.

In just one minute, the huge wound on his chest has completely healed, and other injuries have also recovered. !

The man was stunned for a while, then turned over and sat up, looked around dumbly, and found that everyone was looking at him with a strange look at this time, and he was even more dazed.

"Okay, no problem." Chu Nan patted him and turned to the other wounded.

It didn't take long for the remaining five seriously injured people to fully recover with the help of Chu Nan, and one by one became normal.

At first, the eyes of everyone looking towards Chu Nan were still in shock, but after the six seriously wounded were all recovered, the eyes of everyone looking towards Chu Nan had turned into incomparable shock.

"Chu...Chu Nan...you...how did you do this?" Urquia stared at Chu Nan with an expression like she was looking at Divine Vestige. "A few of them... is this all right?"

Seeing that Urquia still couldn't believe it, Chu Nan laughed, turned his head and looked towards the six recovered guys, only to find that they were now They are also stroking their bodies with an incredible expression, as if they can't be sure that they have really recovered if they don't.

"Well, it's all cured. By the way..." Chu Nan suddenly rushed to Urchia beckons with the hand again. "Come on, come here."

Erkia froze for a moment, then walked over in confusion.

Chu Nan grabbed her arm and pressed the other hand on the upper arm, a white light came out, and the terrifying wound on it that should have been caused by a monster quickly recovered.

Then Chu Nan slapped her on the back again, completely smoothing out another wound on her back that had even begun to show signs of decay.

"Okay, next one." After fixing Urquia's injury, Chu Nan patted her and waved to the others. "Come on, who is still injured? Come over and I'll help you heal. We're going home in a few days. You don't want to go back with a wound, right?"

Everyone said this At that time, I didn't have any doubts about Chu Nan, but I was still amazed in my heart. After suddenly looking at them, they came up one by one and asked Chu Nan to heal them.

In fact, since they found this hiding place, they haven't fought against those monsters outside, and the injuries they suffered are basically the first time the monster appeared, and then they went out to find new land. The injuries suffered at the time, apart from the previous six people, the rest are not serious.

But those monsters are not only powerful, many monsters also have special abilities, which make it difficult for them to recover from their injuries, which seriously affects their actions.

Now Chu Nan is helping them recover from their injuries, but that has helped them a lot.

These days, basically everyone has some injuries to some extent. When Chu Nan treated all of them, he found that only one of them had no injuries, and he was actually strong among the crowd.

Said the weakest Sang Shan.

Chu Nan took a look at the girl he had rescued from the monster's stomach before, and found that she really couldn't see a single wound on her body, so she couldn't help but feel a little strange.

It stands to reason that Sang Shan's strength is the weakest. If she fights with monsters, she should be the most dangerous one. Why is she in the best condition now?

"Hey, Sang Shan, have you been hiding here?" Chu Nan couldn't help asking.

Sang Shan had been looking at Chu Nan with curiosity and some admiration, but now Chu Nan suddenly turned her head and looked towards her, and asked her by name, she immediately started her, and took two steps back timidly , and then whispered: "No...I...I didn't...I didn't..."

"Hey, Chu Nan, don't doubt Sang Shan, she's not a coward. Tell you , if she wasn't there, we might have a few people dead." Urquia didn't seem to see Sanshan's hesitating and hesitating, and took over.

"oh?" Chu Nan looked towards Sang Shan's eyes even more curious. "Why do you say that?"

Urchia grabbed Sang Shan, who was about to retreat, and dragged her to Chu Nan.

"Come on, Sang Shan, show Chu Nan your magical cultivation technique."

"No...no...I...I'm better than... Worse than Chu Nan's...worse...far worse..." Sang Shan still shook her head.

Seeing that Sang Shan was still resisting, Chu Nan laughed, and didn't want to be hard on others.

Just as he was about to signal Urchia to let Sang Shan go, Chu Nan suddenly moved, and a scene flashed across his mind.

That's what happened after he rescued Sang Shan from monster's stomach.

At that time, because the clothes on both him and Sang Shan were eroded by the body fluids in the monster's stomach, both of them were naked, and after he helped Sang Shan recover, Sang Shan discovered this kind of behavior. In this situation, Chu Nan slapped Chu Nan out.

Chu Nan didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but when I think about it now, I realize that when Sang Shan slapped him, there was a clear light green aura on her body.

This light green scent...is very familiar...

"Hey, Sang Shan, isn't the name of your cultivation technique called Goddess's hymn cultivation technique? "Thinking of this, Chu Nan couldn't help asking.

Sang Shan had already lowered her head, but when she heard Chu Nan's question, she instantly lifted the head and looked at Chu Nan with a burning gaze, her face full of surprise.

Seeing her expression, Chu Nan grinned.

It won't be so coincidental...

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