When I was in the Rands, Chu Nan once heard Zima High Priest say that the Rands used to have the kind of products that could Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth. The real expert, and there is an extremely powerful super powerhouse that is suspected to have reached the level of Star Level Martial Artist.

But after this powerhouse breakthrough, he flew into the starry sky, disappeared for several years, and finally came back, but died under the so-called "Heavenly God's wrath".

According to Chu Nan's guess, the Rand powerhouse was estimated to have offended other powerhouses while on an adventure in the Star Sea, and was eventually hunted to death, leading to his fall.

At that time, Chu Nan just listened to this as a story, but now he suddenly remembered the cultivation technique used by Sang Shan, which gave him more ideas.

The cultivation technique used by Sang Shan slapped her away with a palm at that time was obviously very similar to the cultivation technique of the hymn of life, and Chu Nan’s question caused such an obvious response from Sang Shan, it can be seen that she Must be aware of this cultivation technique.

Speaking of which...Sang Shan must be closely related to the cultivation technique of the hymn of life.

But the question is, how did Sang Shan have a close connection with this cultivation technique, which is supposed to be unique to the Rand people?

With this question in mind, Chu Nan immediately asked Sang Shan.

However, after some further questions, Chu Nan was not satisfied with the answers.

Sang Shan said that she did know the cultivation technique of the hymn of life, but she just heard her master mention this cultivation technique, and said that their current cultivation technique is derived from the cultivation technique of Goddess hymn , passed down from generation to generation in her sect.

Apart from this, Sang Shan doesn't know much.

She doesn't even know what Goddess's hymn cultivation technique is about, nor what the Rands are, let alone the legendary super powerhouse of the Rands.

After asking several times and still not getting a definite answer, Chu Nan could only look the head in disappointment.

Judging from this situation, it seems that the age is too old, causing a lot of information to be lost.

After thinking for a while, Chu Nan said to Sang Shan: "Sang Shan, I want to take you to a place, would you like it?"

Sang Shan looked at Chu in surprise Nan glanced at him with a look of fear, but he didn't directly shake his head to refuse, he seemed very hesitant.

"Hey, Chu Nan, are you inviting Sang Shan on a date?" Urquia said loudly exaggeratedly. "It turns out that you like a girl like Sang Shan. It's such a pity that I confessed to you before!"

Sang Shan's face suddenly turned red, while Chu Nan was angry. A look at Urquia.

"Don't make trouble, I'm helping some friends solve a very important problem and I need Sang Shan's help. As for you... when did you confess to me?"

" I already want to be your person, isn't that a confession?" Urquia's eyes widened, pretending to be surprised, but then she hooked the head and sighed. "However, these issues should be discussed after we all return to the Orion's spiral arm. Isn't it too early to say these?"

"You didn't say it first..." Chu Nan He could only stare at Urquia again, but he knew that this was not the time to say that.

Compared to these problems, getting out of trouble is what they should be most concerned about.

Chu Nan raised his personal terminal and looked at it, then turned his head to say resolutely to everyone: "Okay, now everyone has recovered, I want to tell you in detail about the next scheduled arrangements..."

Everyone was suddenly shocked, and even Urquia immediately stopped laughing. Sang Shan also didn't care about being shy, all of them stared at Chu Nan and listened to his description quietly.


The light of the stars spread all the way from the sea, re-illuminating the whole island.

A group of people got out of the cave where they were hiding, and when they saw the bright light outside and the blue sky, they suddenly felt a relaxed feeling of being reborn after a catastrophe.

Chu Nan looked up and down, left and right, and found that all the rare beasts that spread across the night sky and the surrounding Sea Territory last night had indeed disappeared thoroughly, and couldn't help but feel strange.

After thinking about it, he turned back to Thiago and asked, "Are you sure this group of rare beasts won't show up during the day?"

"Well, the past few days have always been That's it." Thiago nodded.

"Then... at least it's fine during the day?" Chu Nan asked again.

"Okay, Chu Nan, you can go." Urquia pushed Chu Nan. "Even if you're not here, we've been there for a few days. Hurry up and get in touch with that Eto'o Chamber of Commerce, and let them send the spaceship over as soon as possible. That's more important than anything else."

Last night, Chu Nan explained the next arrangement to everyone.

Although in order to make it easier for everyone to accept, he concealed many details such as his fleshy body passing through the star gate, but everyone is still very surprised that he can really find a suitable rescue in such a place .

Of course, not everyone doubts in their hearts, but in the current situation, they can only trust Chu Nan.

After all, Chu Nan has no reason to lie to them, and Chu Nan obviously has the ability to leave, but will eventually come back.

"Okay, then hold on for two more days, and I will come here with the rescue spaceship as soon as possible."

It is not too late, after Chu Nan said goodbye to everyone briefly, he stepped down again. One point, take to the sky.

However, this time he did not fly directly out of the atmosphere, but deliberately circled around and came to the back side of the planet at this time.

This side is in the middle of the night at this time, but no matter the night sky or the sea, it is the same as when Chu Nan explored before, there is no trace of monster at all, not to mention the densely like last night. packed .

"This planet is really weird..."

Chu Nan could only murmur, he didn't have time to think about the weirdness, turned around and flew out.

After leaving the atmosphere, Chu Nan immediately crossed the wall of space and entered the now-familiar alien space.

With the experience he had explored before, Chu Nan could fly in the different space the whole time this time, it only took less than two minutes, and after jumping out of the different space, he had already appeared in that quite space. For the starry sky near the dilapidated star gate.

Looking at the deep light inside the star gate that seemed to devour everything, Chu Nan suddenly thought of a question.

A special space energy fluctuation trajectory can be established between the stargates in the different space, so as to serve as the connection between the two stargates, guiding the spaceship flying in the different space will not get lost, then What about the Martial Artist flying in alien space?

If he can do this, doesn't it mean that he will be able to fly freely in different dimensions in the future, so he doesn't have to worry about getting lost at all?

After thinking for a while, Chu Nan shook his head with a wry smile.

Unless the Chamber of Commerce side of Norantham is willing to fully open up the Stargate technology to him, it will be difficult for him to understand it on his own.

Besides, I don't have much time to think about it now.

The thought flashed through his mind, and Chu Nan cast it aside. He calmed down and flew straight towards the star gate.

Seeing that Chu Nan was about to fly into the stargate, he suddenly found a ripple on the deep starry sky on the surface of the stargate, and immediately saw the front end of a spaceship protruding from the stargate.

Chu Nan was instantly startled.

Didn't Eto'o's Chamber of Commerce say it would take at least two days to be ready to send a ship? Why is it here now?

But at the next moment, Chu Nan's eyes shrank suddenly, and his expression instantly became gloomy. Without saying a word, he rushed up and punched the spaceship whose entire body had not completely escaped from the stargate. Boomed over.

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